Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 330 Titan Mothership

Chapter 330 Titan Mothership
Ridanila sat on the main seat and looked at the humble appearance of Emperor Shima in the projection below, feeling very happy.

"My God already knows that this time you reported it in a timely manner. Since it is a fleet of advanced Kamikawa civilization, it is normal for you to be unable to compete.

Then they will be handed over to us Titan Gods, and you will find that the gods you believe in are invincible. "

After saying these words, Redanila raised his hand and turned off the projection, and asked a golden armored titan below.

"How long will it take for the mothership to jump over?"

"Report Your Excellency, it will take another 5 minutes."

Hearing this, Danila waved her hands impatiently: "Forget it, don't wait, just line up and prepare to attack. Since it has been confirmed that they are Kamigawa people, then destroy them all to prove the strength of our Titans." .”

After receiving the order, the golden armored titan saluted Redanila before turning around and leaving, ready to convey Redanila's order.

Emperor Shima Mogus in the Shi Palace looked at the closed communication, and the humility on his face immediately turned into anger.

In his conversation with the Titan Fleet executives just now, the other party didn't take him seriously at all, and he didn't care about the survival of the Shima Empire in his words. You must know that the Shima orcs helped the Titans fight the war for thousands of years.

Now that the capital of the Shima Empire is in danger of being attacked by the Shenhe civilization, the high-level officials from the Titan Protoss still have an indifferent attitude, which undoubtedly makes Shima Emperor Morgus very upset.

But even if his heart is not wrong, Morgus can't show it, as a civilized emperor, he still has to be the grandson of the Titan Protoss, not to mention how uncomfortable it is.

But one thing to be happy about is that those Wingmen with wings behind their backs have all begun to retreat from the surface of the planet. (Because the birdman wrote it and felt bad, so I changed it to the wingman)
In the sky above the Gram atmosphere, two fleets composed of giant warships confronted each other across a star field, and an inexplicable sense of oppression was transmitted to the surrounding Shima orc captains watching the battle.

But at the same time, they also comforted themselves in their hearts. This is the legendary existence called the God's Fleet by countless beast civilizations, and it must be able to easily destroy the winged warship with wings on its back.

Binghua is carefully observing the formation of the Titan fleet at this moment. She knows that the two sides will definitely fight, but it can be delayed for a while, because at this moment, the sky blade is charging the light energy barrier, replenishing its strength to the maximum, and at the same time, some Tianren is also quietly brewing a star destroying attack.

Suddenly the titan warships in the projection began to change their formation, and the smaller assault ships began to turn to face the sky blade.

Binghua's pupils shrank, the Titan Fleet was ready to attack, and with the principle of attacking first, he blurted out the command to 'attack' without hesitation, even though there are still two Heavenly Blades converging here.

The formation of the 21 sky blades that have been assembled is like a prismatic shield erected on one side. When the order of Binghua's attack is transmitted to each of the sky blades, the dense spear rays of light are dragged for a long time. tails of the Titan fleet.

Although there is no sound in the universe, the light and color reaction produced by the energy explosion may be as beautiful as a blooming red lotus flower.

The Light Spear can be regarded as a regular attack method of the Heavenly Blade, and its power can easily penetrate the shields of ordinary space-level civilizations, which is extremely useful.

But this time the Spear of Light was slapped in the face. In the dense fire cloud that exploded, the Titan Assault Ship broke through the fire cloud and rushed out. The rear of its battleship sprayed out a light blue magnificent flame, and it hit the front of the hull like a knife. The sharp angle of impact rushed towards the direction of the sky blade.

At this time, the Titan frigate at the rear also completed its turn, and the dense turrets on its hull began to turn in the direction of the sky blade.

The next moment, a series of thick orange light beams shot towards the sky blade, hitting the light energy barrier of the sky blade with ripples.

Tianren's counterattack was also decisive, a spear of light with extreme penetrating power continuously bombarded the hull of the Titan battleship.

Although the Titan battleship had no shields, the spear of light hit its hull, leaving only a shallow pit of tens of meters, and the thickness of its armor had reached an insane level.

As for the light energy barrier of the sky blade, because it is relatively close to the stars, the energy conversion efficiency of the stars of the sky blade is extremely high, so the speed at which the energy of the shield decays is not too fast.

In addition, the Titan warship did not launch star-killing weapons, so there were no warship casualties on both sides for the time being.

But soon the battle situation changed. As the captain of the Titan destroyer, Redanila originally thought it was a very simple battle, but he didn't expect that the enemy battleship was not only big but also extremely durable.

Annoyed, the Titan Assault Ship rushed forward at full speed, and the Titan Destroyer and the frigate all pressed forward to concentrate their firepower, intending to take advantage of the rough skin and thick flesh of one's own battleship to destroy some of the opponent's warships first.

Suddenly, the space behind the Titan Fleet seemed to be distorted in time and space, and dense blue light spots and particles began to emerge, and slowly condensed into a super-giant battleship, a ferocious battleship made of several rectangles melted together. Rather than a battleship, I prefer to call it a mobile planetary fortress.

And that should be the mothership of the Titan, and it is also the most powerful battleship of the Titan civilization recorded in the angel's deciphered Tianding star warship database.

As soon as the mothership entered the battlefield, Redanila, who originally commanded the fleet, was immediately deprived of command, and was taken over by the higher-level Titan God Tigrila.

Looking at the displeased Redanila in the projection, a smile appeared on the old face of the Titan God Tiger:
"Little Danila, what's the matter, are you unhappy that you have been deprived of command? If it's because of this, you can rest assured.

In the future, you will have your own Titan fleet, but for now, let's deal with the Kamigawa people who invaded the Titan domain first. "

Although Redanila is proud and defiant, he does not dare to challenge the authority of Tigrila, because this is a contender for the throne of the god of war. Although he failed in the end, he can only pretend to be a Titan god, but he can beat him to the ground. Down is still very simple.

When Tegrila took over the command of the battlefield, his eyebrows immediately frowned. These Wingman warships are not simple, and they can withstand the indiscriminate bombing of the Titan warships.

Although the Titan Protoss is not famous for fleet battles, and the technical content of their battleships is not high, their battleships are large enough, their armor is thick enough, and they are famous for their powerful shelling.

Not to mention the general civilization, it can be taken away by just shooting at each other. Only the warships of the ancient Shenhe civilization that did not die out thousands of years ago can suppress them.

But this Winged Man, who came out of nowhere, has the ability to resist the firepower of the Titan battleship. This news must be reported to the God King. This will definitely be a great deal for the war dedicated to suppressing the Shenhe body. variable.

However, this is not enough to make Tigrila feel jealous. Since conventional firepower cannot break through the defenses of those Winged Men, then use the Star Destroyer level.

(End of this chapter)

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