Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 340 Triangular Front

Chapter 340 Triangle Front

The outer star field in the southern part of the Shenhe galaxy, the war zone of the physical war against the triangular creature.

More than 50 creatures with black body surfaces, like marine fishes, are flying in mid-air. Their bodies and tails are in a strange triangular shape. In the records of the New Kamikawa Civilization, they are called triangular creatures.

At this moment, these existences ranging in length from more than ten meters to more than 20 meters are chasing four golden flying warships with patterns of unknown birds and beasts engraved on their armor.

A triangular creature raised its head slightly, and then circles of transparent ripples attacked the escaping flying warships ahead.

A flying warship hit by transparent ripples, many of the crew members wearing ancient armor suddenly covered their ears and began to scream. After a while, they fell limply to the ground and gradually lost their voices.

Standing at the bow of the flying warship, a man wearing a brown crown, long hair and silver medieval armor resisted the dizziness and stinging pain in his head, drew out the long sword at his waist and slammed loudly towards the ship. The survivors shouted:
"Since we can't leave, let these damn Triangles show the courage of our Heavenly Dao Stars, and turn the battleship around and fight them to the death!"

Some soldiers who survived the attack just got up from the ground and began to control the battleship, ignoring their aching heads, following the general's instructions, turning backwards to face the triangles.

The next moment, orange-red light bullets with their tails flew towards the triangle, but they all exploded in the air tens of meters away from them.

At this moment, another inexplicable sound that made everyone's head buzzing came into the brain. Some ordinary soldiers couldn't hold on, their eyes turned white and they fell to the ground, and their breathing gradually became weak.

Those triangular bodies didn't do anything superfluous, they just opened their mouths under the black eyes and kept making slight calls.

The flying warship that turned around moved slower and slower, and finally stopped attacking, just like that slowly drifting towards the flying triangles.

The general who gave the order before was clutching his chest tightly at this moment, his face was blue like an ordinary person who had been suffocated, and finally couldn't hold himself back and fell to the ground with a muffled sound.

And when those triangular creatures flew around the flying warship, they made inexplicable low-pitched sounds. Cracks appeared in some areas of the flying warship at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the entire hull trembled with a slight amplitude.

Finally, with the creaking sound of metal shattering and twisting, the flying warship suddenly shot up a puff of black smoke, and fell towards the ground below.

The commanders of the flying warships who were still fleeing in front could only clenched their fists in resentment.

The attack method of the triangular body is very mysterious, similar to an invisible microwave, which can disturb the stability of energy, and at the same time, their mental power is extremely strong. Generally speaking, it is the brain wave magnetic field emitted by the brain.

However, no matter how strong the brain waves of ordinary creatures are, they cannot affect the physical universe. At most, they will only make other creatures feel a certain degree of discomfort.

But the triangular creatures are different, their brains have undergone a high degree of evolution, especially in the use of brain wave mental power, which is powerful enough to interfere with the physical rules of the physical universe to a certain extent.

At this moment, the flying warships belonging to the Tiandao Stars became like this because they received a request for help from a pre-nuclear civilization under the rule of Kamigawa, so they were used by the headquarters as the vanguard of the scouting force to come to this galaxy to find out the situation.

Unexpectedly, when they entered the atmosphere, they were ambushed by triangular creatures. After a fierce battle, more than half of the fleet was lost. As a last resort, they could only flee in one direction and apply for support from the star port fortress guarding this star field.
But Triangle followed them like tarsal maggots, revealing that they would not give up until they were wiped out.

Just now, a battleship where a colleague was on was destroyed by those terrifying creatures again. Melee combat is not advisable to deal with such mysterious creatures. Only by using powerful firepower to break through the invisible microwave barrier around them can they attack their bodies.

But now they only have three small warships for reconnaissance, but there are more than 50 enemies. Even if they turn around, they have no chance of winning. If they escape like this, they can delay a little time for reinforcements to arrive.

Just after these flying warships and triangular creatures circled the planet for more than an hour, the clouds in the sky suddenly rolled up, and then dozens of thick light beams pierced through the clouds and bombarded down.

Seeing this, the triangular creatures below twisted their bodies together in one place, and opened their mouths below their eyes as if they were singing.

At the same time, the air within hundreds of meters around this group of triangular creatures showed a slight sense of dislocation and distortion, as if it had become solid.

The light beams shot down from the sky bombarded the triangular creatures below, but they began to dissipate to the surroundings a hundred meters away, just like the energy dissipation effect produced when the energy weapon reached beyond the range.

However, the existence of emitting light beams in the sky did not give up because of this, thick energy beams fell one after another, bombarding the invisible invisible force field around the triangle.

As time passed, the attacking thing in the sky gradually revealed its own figure.

It was a battleship with a triangular front end and a bloated middle and rear part. Its length exceeded 1000 meters. The surface of its hull was covered with miniature turrets and large beam turrets. The badge made the warships belonging to the Tiandao Stars cheer.

The comer is the battle flagship belonging to the Lance star, and looking at the badge under the battleship, it should be the product of the Lance star's man-made divine project, the vehicle of the Celestial Bow.

Different from the front of the animal body in the northern galaxy of the new Shenhe galaxy, the front of the star field and the triangle in the southern part of the Shenhe galaxy has always been in charge of the primary god-making civilization and top-level aerospace civilization that joined the new Shenhe civilization.

Among them, the Shenhe Tiandao Stars, the Lance Stars, and the Thunder Blade Stars are the outstanding ones.

Due to the social system and cultural reasons of the Kamigawa Tiandao Stars, the battleship style determines that their fleet combat effectiveness is only at the second-rate level among the many joining civilizations of the New Kamihe Civilization.

The Lance Stars are different. Their interstellar infantry are mediocre and frequently fail in the planetary offensive and defensive battles with beast bodies. In the end, they can only use warships to bomb the planets in orbit to change the battle situation.

Often, when the Lance civilization finally repelled the attacking troops of the beast civilization, they would find that there was only a life planet riddled with holes.

Although the life planet is of average value to the angel civilization with a small population, it is an extremely precious survival resource for most of the densely populated Shenhe civilization.

(End of this chapter)

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