Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 341 The Bow of the Sky

Chapter 341 The Bow of the Sky
This combat method of Lance civilization is undoubtedly reducing the number of life planets that are already scarce in the universe.

We must know that the cost of transforming a planet's ecological environment is dozens of times greater than directly developing a living planet with a livable ecological environment.

So in the end, the high-level officials of the new Kamigawa civilization transferred the main fleet and interstellar infantry of the Lance civilization to the southern star field to deal with the triangular creatures.

Because most of the wars with triangular creatures do not require the participation of interstellar infantry, so the task of slowly resisting the invasion of triangular creatures falls on the civilization of Lance and Thunderblade.

As for the more powerful Tiandaoshenhe Starmen on the ground, apart from leaving some small flying warships for reconnaissance on this front, the main force has all gone to support the beast front of the physical war.

As the Lance Starman's battleship entered the atmosphere, the small and medium-sized turrets that hadn't fired because of the range finally began to emit their own flames that symbolized destruction.

This has not been played yet, I saw that the hull armor on both sides of the Lance star's battleship was turned down, and silver-gray flying fighters flew out of it, joining the action of encircling the triangle.

With the non-stop bombardment of the near-defense guns, main guns, and auxiliary guns on the Lance battleship, the microwave position composed of more than 50 triangular creatures combined to dissipate energy at a speed that gradually couldn't keep up with Lance. The speed of the attack was finally declared broken after a few seconds.

The thick beam passed through the gathered triangular creatures, and killed several triangular creatures on the beam track, while the rest scattered like wild animals, avoiding the artillery fire in an arc from all directions and heading towards Lance The human battleship flew away.

At this time, the small fighter planes launched by the Lance people began to play a role, and their tails sprayed light blue flames, traveling through the air and attacking the triangles.

As triangular creatures that can make the Kamigawa civilization fearful, they will naturally not be so defeated. Although their bodies are larger than those fighter planes, they can fly extremely fast and are extremely flexible, just like flying in the sea. Like a fish swimming through.

Fighting in the air for a while, the Lance fighters did not dare to get too close to the triangular creature, so they could only use the beam weapons on the fighters to shoot tens of meters away, and at the same time avoid other attacks from the side. Triangular creatures.

When fighting the triangular creatures, both the Lance people and other civilizations on this front have figured out one thing, that is, they cannot approach them within a range of 30 meters.

As long as it enters this range around the triangle, the pilot of the fighter will have a series of adverse reactions such as dizziness, confusion, and hallucinations.

If you are lucky enough, maybe after entering this dangerous area, you may be able to drive a fighter plane out of this area, so that you can survive fortunately.

If the back of luck directly loses consciousness, it will hit the ground together with the fighter plane it is driving, and become a burst of bright fireworks and fireballs.

A silver-gray heavy fighter spewed light blue high-temperature flames from its tail, hanging tightly behind a triangular body that was speeding through the air at a distance of tens of meters.

The four-door particle weapon mounted on the fuselage non-stop splashes the emitted beam barrage to the triangle in front.

But that triangular body avoided most of the light beam attacks like a fish swimming in the sea, and a few of them were also disturbed by the microwaves around it to its own stable energy structure, thus escaping into the air.

"Call wingman No. 1, you will expel its flight path from the flanks, and the wingman will continue to drive in the original formation, and find an opportunity to break through its defense in a while!"

As soon as the driver's voice fell, the voice of a young man was heard in the communication.

"Captain, wingman No. 1 received it."

Originally in an L formation, the Lance fighter plane chasing the triangle in front of it in the air, the one on the right began to speed up and cross the flight formation, and at the same time launched continuous attacks to cut down the flight trajectory of the triangle.

The other two fighters also opened fire almost at the same time. For a while, most of the triangle creature's evasion space was blocked, and it was about to be concentrated fire.

The triangle in front swooped down, followed by the three fighters behind.

At this moment, the alarm in the fighter plane representing the conflict with the friendly flight track suddenly sounded. The pilot of the fighter plane was startled, and immediately shouted in the communication channel, "Be careful to avoid the friendly flight track!" Change the track by driving a fighter plane.

But at this moment, a huge black creature flashed in the cockpit's field of vision, and then his eyes were sore, something seemed to be stirring in his brain at a high speed, red blood flowed out of his nostrils, and then his eyes went dark and he lost consciousness.

Just now, a triangular creature jumped out from the side of the formation of fighter planes, but it didn't see any attack, it just passed between the two fighter planes.

Then the two fighters rushed straight to the ground, plunged into the ground, rolled backwards a few times before stopping, and faint black smoke had already started to rise from the tail of the fuselage.

This scene happened from time to time on the battlefield. Although occasionally a triangular creature was smashed into a sieve by the intensive firepower, generally speaking, the Lance people were still at a slight disadvantage.

At this moment, the dense turrets on the Lance warships kept shooting at the triangular creatures flying around. Compared with fighter planes, the huge size of space battleships can minimize the damage of triangular creatures.

When the battle was extremely fierce, a figure wearing silver light armor and holding a short bow full of technological sense jumped from the open hatch of the battleship to the top of the hull.

The long silver hair hangs down behind him, and the handsome facial features matched with the gorgeous armor on his body give this Lanceman an extremely noble aura.

With the help of Kamigawa, the Lance people spent a lot of manpower and material resources to build the god-making project. The first-generation bearer of the Vault of Heaven is the prince of the Lance people, Lamocca Edmin Lance. He and the Vault of Sky Zhibow's super gene fusion rate reached 60.00%, and he was the one with the highest matching degree among the gene carriers selected by the Lance people.

La Moka quickly drew the short bow in his hand, and with the help of the gene engine, the dark energy in his body was woven into several arrows of light emitting white light and shot out.

A triangular creature was flying forward at a very high speed, when suddenly three light spots came from the side, and the effect of the microwave interference energy stabilization immediately came into play.

The structure of the light arrow that originally maintained the shape of the arrow became unstable, but it did not escape directly, but turned into three streamers of light that penetrated the body of the triangle.

Red blood poured out from the football-sized hole on the side of the triangle, opened its mouth and let out a soft whine, the triangle could no longer maintain the ability to swim in the air, and fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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