Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 349 Sparks Flickering in the Starry Sky

Chapter 349 Sparks Flickering in the Starry Sky
When thinking of this, Tedara turned over his right palm with lingering fear and took a look, only to see the flesh and blood in his palm was scorched black.

This was when he snatched the Winged Man's weapon, and was accidentally burned by the high temperature on the opponent's weapon.

In fact, what Tedara didn't know was that his luck was really good, if he hadn't taken away the flame sword in Rosa's hand, pierced Rosa's chest in turn, and left the sword in Rosa's In the wound, with the self-healing ability of the three generations of Rosa fighters, he would not die at all.

For high-ranking angels, the Flaming Sword is a weapon to increase their combat power, and it is also a weapon that can kill them.

Tedara talked with the Chapter Masters under his command for a long time, but he still couldn't make the blade glow like the Winged Man.

However, one of the chapter leaders suddenly proposed a feasible plan, that is, to bring the captured Wingman prisoners over for questioning.

Tedara thought about it for a while, and felt that the proposal of the Chapter Leader was feasible. The people present were all the strongest fighters among the Tianding people, and they were not afraid of any waves that a winged man could cause.

Soon, several Heavenly Cauldron warriors in heavy armor escorted a Winged Man to the hall.

The brown eyes of this Winged Man hidden under the blond hair exuded a strong aura of hatred. If it weren't for the heavy unknown metal shackles on her hands and feet, the Tianding Star people present had no doubt that she would explode and hurt people. .

Tedara didn't care about the gaze of the Yiren below, because he was used to seeing the appearance of the defeated. What he cared about at the moment was how to use the red-edged epee in his hand. You must know that the Tiandingren had captured it in the previous battle. Quite a few of these weapons.

Holding the Flaming Sword, Tedara walked up to the Winged Man who was being pressed hard by two elite fighters.

Stretching out a big hand wearing a gauntlet and lifting his chin, a white and delicate face suddenly came into view.

However, Tedara, who is a Tianding star, said that he doesn't like this type of female, and he prefers those tall and strong female Tianding stars.

"Hey, Yiren, as long as you tell me how to use this thing, I can decide to let you go."

Tedara spoke his own unfluent Kamigawa language, and he could clearly understand the reaction of the Winged Man in front of him.

However, the Winged Man didn't speak, he just looked at Tedara with eyes that wished to kill all the orcs present.

But when the angel noticed the flaming sword in Tedara's hand, her eyes moved slightly, she turned her head and broke away from Tedara's big hand that raised her chin, she stared sideways at the ground, and said something in a low voice.

"I told you that you didn't understand..."

Tedara didn't care, and directly stabbed the flame sword into the metal floor in front of the Winged Man, signaling the Heavenly Cauldron warrior holding him to release her.

"Then you can demonstrate it to me. As long as I learn how to use this weapon, I will let you go."

The force exerted on her body disappeared, making the female angel feel light all over, and she slowly stood up from the ground. She looked extremely harmless as her height only reached Tedara's chest.

Stretching out her hands restricted by the heavy metal shackles, she grasped the handle of the flaming sword that pierced the floor in front of her. The next moment, the female angel's consciousness sank into her own dark plane.

Through her own second-generation angel authority, she successfully activated the flame sword weapon engine that did not belong to her, and imported most of the dark energy in her body into it, and at the same time compiled a simple algorithm to suppress energy output, so that The weapon engine of the Flaming Sword keeps running at the lowest output until the energy is exhausted.

Tedara witnessed with his own eyes the mediocre flame sword in his hand before, and the blade of the winged man in front of him began to glow faintly.

But what happened in the next moment shocked the battle leaders sitting on both sides, because the Winged Man's movements were very slow before, so the thinking of the surrounding Tianding Stars also slowed down.

But when the blade began to emit a faint glow, the wingman suddenly moved dozens of times faster, and the blade slashed inward to easily cut the shackles on her feet.

The female angel warrior who freed her hands immediately turned around on the spot, and the upside-down flame sword slashed across a 360-degree range around her body, forcing back the two Heavenly Cauldron warriors who were watching over her.

The next moment, the female angel raised her hands bound by the shackles, and changed the upside-down holding of the Flame Sword into a straight-handed one. She gritted her teeth and rushed towards Taidala with red eyes, trying to pull a high-ranking member of the Tianding Star on her back.

Seeing that the general was in danger, the surrounding regiment leaders got up almost at the same time and wanted to rush to rescue him, but what happened the next moment made them stop.

Tedara looked at the blade that was stabbing at him, raised his right arm, and the gauntlet easily pushed aside the blade, then grabbed the female angel's arm with his left hand and pulled it towards her bosom, and then a jab right in the middle The face of a female angel.

The female angel who originally wanted to pull the back of a high-ranking Tianding people was directly stunned by this punch, and her body fell back uncontrollably.

But Tedara wouldn't just stop like this, he didn't intend to let go of the arm holding the Winged Man, and several quick jabs in a row all landed on the female angel's face.

In the end, Tedara ended with an uppercut, knocking the female angel into the air, and the flame sword in her hand also came out and fell to the ground with a bang.

Taidara straightened his waist. Because of his height, he always bowed his waist when attacking before. Now he stood up straight again, feeling extremely oppressive in the slightly blurred vision of the fallen female angel.

"I hate people who resist me the most, it's a pity that your freedom is gone from you.

Take her down and offer it to Lord Leodes as a sacrifice. "

The two Heavenly Cauldrons who retreated to the side immediately stepped forward to hold down the fallen female angel, nodded to Tedara, and then dragged the female angel away on the ground.

The female angel watched Tedara pick up the flaming sword she was holding just now, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, her cherry lips stained with a little dirt opened and closed, without making any sound, she just mouthed and said:
'The queen will catch up, definitely will, and then you will all die under the queen's sword! ! '

Tedara didn't pay too much attention to the Winged Man who was dragged away, but picked up the flame sword that fell to the ground, and swiped lightly towards the ground, a faint red mark appeared on the ground.

Tedara was a little happy seeing this, this weapon finally showed a little of his original power, but it was too small and too light.

Seeing this, the Chapter Leader below hurriedly congratulated Tedara for getting a treasure. Tedara didn't disappoint everyone, and directly announced the start of the banquet to celebrate their successful completion of the tactical goal and destroy the Wingman's star gate.

While the Heavenly Cauldron Stars were enjoying the food and drinks at the banquet, no one noticed the Fierce Sun Sword next to Tedala's seat, and the prismatic crystal with faint light on the sword grid.

(End of this chapter)

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