350 The Bird in the Cage
Binghua closed her eyes and rested her forehead on her folded index fingers, and her elbows rested on the table to support the weight of her entire head. Her long black hair hung down on her chest.

Binghua just sat in his office room quietly waiting for the news of the detective angel.

Looking at the Queen's appearance, Jing Nan wanted to persuade the Queen to take a rest, but when she thought of the many angels and sisters who had died on Jumen, it felt like a stone was stuck in her throat, and she couldn't open her mouth.

Just when the atmosphere of silence was about to last forever, the arrival of an angel warrior broke the deadlock and freed Jingnan from the low pressure emitted by Binghua.

"Queen, a Skyblade has detected the activation signal of the Flaming Sword in the No. [-] galaxy."

Binghua's closed eyes instantly opened a pair of black eyes to look at the person who came, and asked in a very flat tone:
"Galaxy No. [-]... Sure enough, they didn't go far. Have you found out that they are heading in that direction?"

"Queen, based on the forward path, their goal should be the star field in the northwest of Shima."

Binghua nodded slightly, "Continue to pay attention to their whereabouts." Then Binghua let the female angel who came to report go down.

At this moment, Jing Nan asked aloud, "Does the queen immediately gather the Skyblade Fleet to intercept them?"

"No, there is only one thing we have to do now, and that is to wait."

Binghua shook her head slightly, although she really wanted to lead the army to wipe out those Tianding people who raided the Giant Gate star in the No. [-] galaxy, but she still needs to endure for a while for future strategies.

'The lives of more than 3 angels cannot be repaid by a fleet of Tianding stars'


One month later, the Tianding people's main fleet led by Tidal finally returned to the gathering point of the beast bodies for the annihilation of the angels, the Oya galaxy in the south of the Sabota battle alliance.

The Oya galaxy is the star field where the Oya orcs live, one of the branches of the Sabota War League. However, it was requisitioned by the Thunder God Leodes not long ago, and it was established as his temporary domain. the combat center.

As soon as he arrived at Auya Planet, Tedara immediately returned to the Thunder God Leodes.

"Master Leodes, fortunately, his subordinates managed to infiltrate the Wingman's base on the Giant Gate, destroying their only channel to communicate with other nebulas."

Leodes, who was sitting on the huge throne, nodded, and he just sat there quietly in the blue armor, which put great pressure on Tedara's heart.

"Tedara, you did a good job, Yiren is not a simple opponent, we can't be careless.

This time you destroyed the base behind the Wingmen and cut off their connection with other nebulae. The Wingmen in the red star ring have become a lone army.

Next, you and the people of the Sabota War League will wipe out the ants of the Shenhe body that have engulfed the star field under the Shima orcs. "

In Leodes' words, he was very disdainful of the subordinate civilization of angels, and he only used the term winged people when referring to angels.

This shows that Leodes, the god of thunder, who was the commander-in-chief of the war against the Winged Men, did not despise the angelic civilization.

After listening to Leodes' instructions, Tedara saluted and said, "I will obey the oracle of Lord Leodes."

After a while, Leodes saw Tedara's hesitant face and seemed to have something to say, so he said:
"Do you have anything else to say?"

Tedara quickly lowered his head and asked cautiously:
"That's right, Lord Leodes, we captured several Wingmen prisoners of war during the destruction of the Wingman base.

On behalf of all members of the Heavenly Cauldron Fleet, I would like to present them as sacrifices to you, Lord Leodes. "

Hearing this, Leodes became a little interested. He had only seen the appearance of the Winged Man in the video materials. Now that there is a ready-made one, he naturally wanted to see how powerful the Winged Man was that could kill gods.

"Then bring it on."

A few minutes later, ten female angels in simple white dresses were escorted into the palace by the Tianding people.

Before being escorted here, all the traces left by the battle on the ten female angels were forcibly washed away by the Tianding people.

At this moment, the performances of the ten female angels are different. Some are trembling slightly because of fear, some are observing the surrounding environment, and some have indifferent eyes like walking dead.

The moment they were captured by the Heavenly Cauldrons, these female angels had already made some mental preparations for their next fate. As for why they didn't choose to commit suicide, it was because they still had one hope in their hearts, which was theirs. Queen, the current sacred left-wing Binghua will definitely come to save them.

Leodes looked at the female Winged Figures standing in a row below, got up curiously from the throne and walked towards them.

The dull footsteps came to the ears of the Tianding people and the female angel present with the tremor of the ground, accompanied by a huge sense of oppression.

Leogood squatted down to observe the Wingmen who were about the size of his fingers, and after a while he got up and returned to his seat.

"Tedara, I accept your sacrifice."

There was a hint of joy on Tedara's face and he said:
"It's a great honor, Lord Leodes, and then the subordinates will send someone to bring the special cage where the wingman is held to the Lord to install it."

Leodes just nodded lightly, Tedara didn't say much when he saw this, and said, "The subordinate will leave first." and left the palace.

Half an hour later, in the corner of the hall where Leogood was, five huge golden birdcages appeared

It is made of an extremely strong alloy from the Tianding Stars. The alloy railing, which is thicker than an arm, can withstand tremendous pressure. Anyway, with the strength of the second-generation angels, it cannot be bent with bare hands.

In this way, the ten female angels captured by the Tianding people became rare animals that were locked in a birdcage for the titan gods and beast warriors who came in and out.


Because the star gate of the giant door star was destroyed, the logistics of the angel's affiliated civilization suddenly became a problem.

Unlike angels who can survive and fight simply by relying on the radiation energy of stars, most affiliated civilizations need to eat, drink, and scatter, and replenish their weapons.

Food can be solved on the spot, but the supply of weapons is not a small problem. As a last resort, the angel can only guide the affiliated civilization to re-establish a heavy industry base on the Jumen star to ensure the battery life of some affiliated civilization's fleet weapons.

At the same time, the momentum of the animal body civilization's counterattack has become more and more obvious recently. Every day, unknown animal body fleets attack the planets occupied by the affiliated civilizations. Fortunately, the affiliated civilizations did not immigrate to it, so the losses are still within the acceptable range.

Another special event is that the angels began to summon a small number of advanced, top-level space-level civilizations among the affiliated civilizations.

Then these civilizations summoned by the angels disappeared mysteriously together with the Heavenly Sword King Binghua, and it is unknown where they went.

(End of this chapter)

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