Chapter 351
The southeastern star field of the Sabota Alliance, the Aoya galaxy, and the Aoya star.

The huge black warships are like starry sky behemoths sleeping soundly in the cosmic starry sky, with faint orange light flowing through the gaps in the armor.

The crude star port floats outside the atmosphere of Aoya star, and small and medium warships go back and forth between the surface and it from time to time.

At this moment, there are three styles of space battleships moored in this star field, the most eye-catching ones are the two Titan fleets, and some of the Tianding people's warships. The Sabota Alliance battleship.

Originally, it was only on the surface of Oya, one of the many ordinary planets under the Sabota Alliance. During this time, a huge and magnificent temple appeared. The carvings and patterns of unknown styles on it made the temple exude a sense of aura. A strange sense of oppression would make any ordinary intelligent life standing in front of this temple feel their own insignificance.

As in the past few days, Leodes sat on the throne in the temple, quietly listening to the reports of the representatives of the Sabota Alliance and the Tianding Stars below.

Since the general of the Tianding Stars, Tidal, raided the Jumen star behind the Yiren, the Yiren and the ants of the Shenhe body under his command stopped attacking the west of the Shima Star Territory, and instead moved towards them. The star field shrank back.

Although the hunting of the Tianding people and the Sabota people still achieved good results, Leodes felt that the commander of the winged people should know his purpose.

This behavior of staying still is really not like the style of the Winged Commander who was able to quickly wipe out the capital star of the Shima Empire before.

After dismissing the Tiandingren and Sabota's beast bodies who came to report from below, Leodes began to think about what the commander of the Winged Man was thinking now.

At the same time, in the outer space of Auya, the alarm in the Titan mothership suddenly sounded.

But before the Titan in the Titan mothership found out what the alarm was, more than twenty huge orange-red energy clusters shot from outside the Auya galaxy.

Unprepared, some Titan warships were directly hit by these large orange-red energy clusters. The thick armor was directly melted by this extremely huge energy, and then the hull was torn apart by the huge energy turbulence that followed.

In particular, the two Titan motherships were given special attention, and at least eight large orange-red energy clusters were heading towards them.

Several orange-red mushroom clouds rose from the huge hull with a unit of kilometers. Under the terrifying energy explosion, even the Titan mothership could not be safe and sound, and there was a burnt area of ​​nearly ten kilometers in the attacked place. melting pit.

For a while, the star port outside Aoya star fell into chaos due to the sudden attack.

But this is not the end, with the appearance of a blue halo like a vortex, large space wormholes opened outside the atmosphere of Auya star.

Afterwards, the Skyblade warships, together with various warships of the affiliated civilizations, filed out of it, and landed directly on the Titan, Tianding, and the Sabota orc fleet.

As soon as the angels and affiliated civilizations who had been prepared for a long time appeared on the battlefield, they fired wildly at the surrounding enemies without hesitation.

Some weapons that were originally considered taboo in the Angel Nebula have been taken out by the affiliated civilizations such as Kaiburi and McGrath. Because of the order of the Heavenly Sword King Binghua, this time the action is mainly about destruction. No matter what side effects there are, As long as the power is strong enough, just greet the enemy vigorously.

As a result, powerful explosive bombs of various strategic levels, nuclear bombs, proton bombs, and dark matter missiles flew all over the sky, causing huge damage to the animal civilization fleet parked in this star field.

And the aftermath of those strategic level weapons was completely blocked by the light energy barrier of the sky blade, preventing it from causing damage to friendly warships.

As for the Aoya planet on the side, no one cares so much now. As early as the beginning, several holes were opened in the atmosphere. big mushrooms.

In this battle, Binghua let go of the suppression of the blasting lunatics in the affiliated civilization, and specially allowed them to show their strengths. In fact, they did not disappoint Binghua. The beast fleet was directly blown away by various powerful explosions. , Even a decent counterattack cannot be organized.

There are not no intelligent people in the animal body fleet. Some battleships are not avoiding the huge explosions that rise from time to time. After turning the battleships back and forth, they rush towards Tianren and its surrounding affiliated warships at full speed.

After a period of time, the fleets of the two sides merged into one, and it became me in you and you in me.

Among them, the Skyblade and the Titan battleship, relying on their huge size, rampaged through the fused fleets of both parties.

But this situation disappeared soon, as if the two parties had agreed, the Sky Blade and the Titan battleship then confronted each other.

According to Binghua's order, some sky blades gave up their shields and used the hull to fight the Titan's artillery fire. While the hull was brewing a star destroyer strike that could destroy the Titan warship, it kept firing spears of light to deal with the surrounding Sabota orc Hetian. Ding people's battleship.

A nearly kilometer-long Tiandingren warship had several huge holes burning with flames blasted out of its hull.

At the same time, a warship belonging to the Sarkaz had no time to turn due to the problem of its flight trajectory, and it was about to collide with this warship with the damaged Tianding people on its surface.

After discovering this situation, the captains of both sides roared at the bridge operator in unison:
: "Give me the right (left) turn to hit him! Let these bastards (ants) with beast bodies (Shenhe) show our devotion and strength to God!"

The two warships poured firepower on the approaching enemy ship with the close-in firepower of their hulls, while getting closer to each other.

Accompanied by the tremors of the two large warships, the two warships belonging to different camps fit tightly together.

At this moment, heavy and rhythmic footsteps sounded at the place where the battleships of the two sides joined together. A metal knight about three meters tall and wearing heavy armor approached the broken hatch.

"Knights of the Guardian Knights! In order to spread the glory of our God, destroy any heretics that are not of our kind!"

What responded to the leading guardian knight was the sound of a heavy shield hitting the ground at the same time behind him.

At this moment, the metal bulkhead in front of the guard knights made a harsh metal twisting sound.

The next moment, the wall of the battleship's warehouse was broken open, and a number of Tiandingxing soldiers wearing metal armor and metal visor came in through the hole holding a large cold weapon.

However, what greeted these Tianding stars who broke into the enemy ship was not the cold weapon fight that made their blood surging, but a dense rain of large-caliber bullets.

A guard knight wearing knight-like armor and a long red cloak behind his back.But each of them is holding a large gun, which is currently being placed on the heavy shield held in the left hand, forming a dense metal barrage covering the Tianding stars who rushed in.

(End of this chapter)

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