Chapter 358 Lurking
Seeing Liang Bing leaving while humming an unknown tune, Binghua didn't feel bad at all. From the very beginning, Binghua knew that Liang Bing would not directly agree.

Most of the impressions Liang Bing gave to other angels were lively, active, and unassuming, but there was one thing that only Binghua and Hexi knew, that is, they would never suffer.

Liang Bing may not care about some small things with you, but if you want to ask her for any troublesome things, you have to pay something, and promises are one of them.

In the entire angel civilization, only Kaisha can let Liangbing do something unconditionally, and this time being a lobbyist is very troublesome for Binghua, so he gave Liangbing two promises, Let her do her best.

"Jingnan, come to the Heavenly Blade Hall."

After seeing Liangbing leave, Binghua immediately called Jingnan over.

"Queen, are you looking for me?" Jing Nan looked puzzled, but still stood quietly waiting for Binghua's order.

"Jingnan, I give you a task, you go and calculate all the available troops of our angels in the scarlet star ring.

Then send me the data I need to use as a reference. "

After Jingnan also left, Binghua called Angel Ran, He Zhui and several other angels to the meeting hall. The task given to them was very simple, which was to formulate a set of effective combat methods against Titan Warriors and Titan Gods .

A few days after Liang Bing went to the Tianding galaxy, Binghua divided the Angel Expeditionary Army into two, stationed 29 Heavenly Blades on the outskirts of the Tianding and Sabota star fields, and only a few ships were left in the Shima star field. The sky blade battleship used to maintain the most basic protection.

This was made by Binghua to show the Tianding people and the Sabota Zhanmeng. Of course, whether these two troops need to do it or not depends entirely on whether Liangbing can successfully persuade the leaders of the two civilizations to give up the war against the Kamikawa civilization. war.

If Liang Bing's action fails, the two garrisoned Heavenly Blade Fleets will destroy the home planets of these two powerful animal civilizations just like destroying the capital of the Shima Empire, and then spend time suppressing them to weaken the power of the Titan Protoss the goal of.

In the central part of the Tianding star field, in the streets of a large city on the Tianding star, there was an extremely slight distortion of the light in one of the tall Tianding people coming and going.

"Wow! This is the home planet of these big guys, isn't the environment as bad as imagined?"

At this moment, Liang Bing is surrounded by a layer of optical refraction camouflage, and with certain trace elimination processing, she is completely out of the sight of Tianding people passing by at the moment. The children of Dingxing people are about the same height.

Although the impression of the Tianding star people has changed, they still cannot hide the fact that they are animal body civilization.

Liang Bing has been in the Tianding star field for more than half a month. After covert investigation and intelligence collection, and even learned the uncommon Tianding star language, Liang Bing found the Tianding star's home planet, and then ran to the palace lurked down.

'When I go back, I have to pour bitterness to that guy Binghua, and if there is such a thing in the future, I will go to whomever I love. '

While thinking to himself, Liang Bing deftly walked around the two tall Tianding guards, looked at the magnificent Yellowstone Palace in front of him, and smacked his lips in distaste.

Liang Bing is now very familiar with the palace of the Tianding star, even the Tianding king knows where he usually sleeps.

However, Liang Bing did not kill Tianding King Tedarel, nor did he contact him, because judging from the orders and behavior style issued by Tianding King, persuading Tianding King to let him withdraw his troops is no better than the Titans surrendering immediately simple.

But Liangbing is not reconciled to the failure of this mission, because Binghua's two promises are too tempting, let alone other things.I am very greedy for the cool ice with the chain of God in Binghua's arsenal.

Liang Bing also tried to make a chain-type weapon with a wide range of uses, but no matter how he made it, he couldn't make it as easy to control as the Binghua Shushen Lock, and it also came with a lot of auxiliary functions.

Liangbing has already planned to find Binghua after the mission is over, and ask her to modify her weapon and add a few special functions, so this mission must not fail.

After thinking hard for a long time, Liang Bing came up with a feasible solution, but before doing so, he had to conduct some experiments.

Liangbing first captured two Tianding stars, killed them, and scanned and studied their bodies.

As a result, even Liang Bing was amazed, that is, the physical strength of the Tianding star was extremely abnormal. Even ordinary civilians who had not experienced exercise, their physical strength slightly surpassed that of angel civilians.

The few Heavenly Cauldrons who have experienced hell-style training, their physical fitness has even surpassed the second-generation angel fighters, and has almost reached the level of the third-generation fighters.

Without the aid of any technological means, these Tianding Stars, who are backward in technology and even inferior to pre-nuclear civilization, have broken the physical limit of carbon-based intelligent life under the god-making civilization, and can survive for a short time in the vacuum of the universe.

This should also prove the history of the Tianding stars that Liangbing has consulted in the recent period.

The Tianding Star people were originally a cold-weapon beast civilization living on the Tianding Star, because of the tyrannical nature of the Tianding people, wars continued.

But one day a giant metal ship from outside the sky came to this planet, and the Shenhe civilization on the giant ship wanted to conquer the Tianding people on this living planet.So a war was launched against this planet, which was still in the cold weapon civilization.

However, the result was surprising. The Shenhe civilization was defeated, and was captured by the Tianding Stars, who used their interstellar navigation technology to invade the Shenhe civilization.

Since then, the Tianding stars who have obtained the interstellar navigation technology no longer fight internally, and under the leadership of a powerful Tianding star, they began to fight in the starry sky, and gradually formed the current Tianding star field, until the Titans descended, The Heavenly Cauldron Stars stopped their foreign conquest wars.


After Liang Bing entered the Tianding people's palace, she walked into a remote bedroom in the palace, and walked straight to a woman from Tianding people who was sitting on the bed.

"who is it?"

This woman from the Heavenly Cauldron Star noticed something, and as soon as she yelled, she found that she couldn't move at all, only her eyes could turn to look around, and before she could recover from the shock, the void in front of her suddenly became turbulent , a small Kamikawa-style woman wearing gorgeous armor walked out of the air.

Liang Bing coughed a little nervously, her originally frivolous face became extremely serious, she slowly opened her arms and ignored the reaction of the Tianding woman in front of her, because she was doing a very sacred thing.

As Liang Bing opened her eyes, the Tianding woman who was confined by the space suddenly felt smaller and smaller, while Liang Bing's figure became taller and taller, just like the Titan God she believed in, no, even Taller than the Titans.

"I am your goddess! The goddess you have always believed in!
You have given everything of yourself to me, and the order I give is the will you must obey!


(End of this chapter)

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