Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 359 Chapter 58 Dark Information Implantation

Chapter 359 Chapter 58 Dark Information Implantation

Leng Bing's index finger rested lightly on her chin, looking at the stupid Tianding woman who was kneeling in front of her, constantly chanting "Queen, my queen", thinking about the technique she just used.

Using its own powerful computing power to implant pre-compiled dark information into the target's mind and memory, it is similar to the forced and controllable hypnosis of some civilizations, but it is more brutal and costly than hypnosis. The time is also shorter.

The prototype of this technology is Shenhe's dark information storage technology, but Liang Bing accidentally discovered that this technology can not only store technological data, but also the memory of angels.

At that time, Liang Bing's space gene project was stuck in a bottleneck, and he began to delve into this technology when he had nothing to do.

In the end, I accidentally came up with a dark information implantation technology. Simply put, it is to implant a piece of information into an object. This object can be a living thing or a machine.

Of course, this process is irreversible, just like drilling a hole in a piece of wood, even if this piece of dark information is erased, it will leave certain traces.

Later, through experiments, Liangbing found that this technology is very weak, and it cannot be used for other purposes except for burning information.

Because angels generally have genetic computers built by the subconscious, the information implanted by dark information will be intercepted immediately, and it is impossible to implant a false memory into the brain of a super soldier. As for the consequences of forced implantation, cool Bing is not so crazy.

But in Tiandingxing, after scanning and analyzing the brains of Tianding people, Liangbing tried the forced implantation for the first time, and the result made her happy, because this technology can really change the memory and personality of an intelligent creature , but it's just that the speed is hard to grasp, no, the first experimental subject is no different from being stupid.

In the next few days, Liangbing experimented with her dark information implantation technology on this Tianding woman. As the number of times increased, Liangbing became more and more familiar with the process.

"Great Queen, please grant me pleasure! I am willing to give my all.

I only beg you, Queen, to give me the supreme joy before..."

Looking at this Tianding woman who has become like a fanatic, Liang Bing touched her clean chin and sighed: "This is so addictive."

"Okay, the experiment is over here, and the time has dragged on for a long time. It's time to carry out the task assigned to me by Binghua."

A face of a Tianding star appeared in Liang Bing's mind, and it was the Tianding king Tedarel, the supreme ruler of today's tripod star.

A few months later………………

Binghua, who was sitting in the office on Tianlan Star reviewing the information of the Angel Legion and the affiliated civilization, heard the sound of the door being opened, and then a familiar voice came to his ears.

"Queen, Queen, there is a serious situation in the Tianding Starfield, and the Tianding people have begun to withdraw their troops!"

Jingnan's voice was very excited, because she had been staring at this matter for several months, and now there was a change, she ran to tell Binghua immediately.

Binghua paused while reviewing the information, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"It seems that Liang Bing has succeeded. Now that the Tianding Stars have withdrawn their troops, our angel's strategy should be changed."


Relying on its own dark information implantation technology, Liangbing lurks in the palace of the Tianding Stars, and implants a certain amount of dark information into the Tianding King every day. Without anyone finding out, Liangbing successfully implants the Tianding King Tedarel became the shape he wanted.

The Tianding King, who had abandoned the Titan God King and believed in Liangbing as a true god, informed his subordinates of the decision of the Tianding Stars to withdraw from the physical war in a royal court meeting.

Then the Tianding people began to retreat from the Shenhe galaxy secretly, abandoning Sabota and the Titans on the battlefield.

Of course, as an animal civilization that believes in the Titan Protoss, this order was of course met with opposition, but the opponents were soon ordered to be executed by Tianding King Tedarel, and the few escaped did not cause any waves, and died mysteriously. .

Without waiting for Binghua to make the next move, the Kamigawa civilization won a big victory. Texas took advantage of the sudden retreat of the Tianding stars and the god of war Ted Mons had no time to adjust the defense line. The attack was directly crushed by Kamigawa's superior force, and no matter how Ted Mons tried to remedy it, it would not help.

Although the triangular creatures have been threatening the rear of the New Kamigawa galaxy, the space has reached a consensus with the high-level civilizations that make up the New Kamigawa civilization, and give priority to solving the beast-body civilization coalition forces.

The new generation of god-making projects, the Bow of the Vault of Heaven, God of War, and the Light of Kamigawa have also been transferred to the battlefield in Texas.

As for the triangular body, only one battle god of Kamigawa was left to watch the situation to prevent the situation from getting out of control.

With the addition of the three battle gods, the Kamigawa civilization had the confidence to completely drive the beast civilization out of its territory for the first time, so the general attack on Ted Mons's troops began under such circumstances.

Just when Kamigawa launched a general attack on the troops of Ted Mons, the God of War of the Titan Protoss, an order from Kaisha suddenly came to the Scarlet Star Ring.

This order surprised Binghua, because Keisha asked her to send the entire fleet to the edge of the Titan God Kingdom in the Scarlet Star Ring, and prevent the Titan Protoss from reinforcing Ted Mons at all costs.

But later on, Binghua figured out Kaisha's plan, and the reason why she was eager to let Angel be the first bird, because the star field around Angel Nebula found traces of chaotic body activity again.

And the appearance of the chaotic body will often attract the eternal sublimator, the two are like a pair of brothers, after one appears, the other will not be far away.

As the king of angels, Keisha will naturally not allow the good situation of the physical war to be ruined, so she is eager to end the war between angels and beast civilizations.

And whether Kamigawa can drive out the animal body civilization in its own territory is the key. As long as Shenhe can successfully complete its tactical goal this time, it will not be far from the defeat of the animal body civilization.

The reason why Kaisha arranged for Binghua to lead all the fleets under her command to Titan God's Domain was to express an attitude.

As long as the Titan Protoss has the idea of ​​reinforcing Ted Mons and takes action, the angels will attack the Titan Protoss the next moment they send reinforcements.

There is no doubt that Angel has the ability to threaten the Titan Protoss, because Angel has a powerful Skyblade fleet and high-end combat power comparable to the Titan God.

Now there are four main Titan Gods in Titan God’s country. Among them, the God of Casting is not good at fighting. The God of Light and Darkness are responsible for guarding Titan God’s Domain. One of the two gods, but this will make the defense of Titan God's Domain insufficient.

The Titan God King sitting on the throne opened his eyes, looked at the dozens of Titan Gods and several Titan Lord Gods below, and sighed helplessly:
"Let Ted Mons come back, we have lost the chance to suppress the Kamigawa civilization."

(End of this chapter)

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