Chapter 371
After all, this period of time that made Binghua extremely unpleasant has passed. Shenhe completed the construction of the star port logistics base in a very short period of time, put it into use, and began to collect nearby resources to maintain daily consumption.

As Kamigawa's logistics work gradually improved, the battle against the Titan Protoss was quickly put on the agenda.

After careful study and negotiation, Kamikawa and Angel finally decided to attack from the southeast star field of the Titan God Kingdom, because this star field was the area where Angel had a firefight with the Titan Protoss before, and he was familiar with that galaxy.

It took several days for Angel and Kamikawa to complete all the preparations needed before the battle. All the serving Angel fighters participating in this war were on the Heavenly Blade, and all their weapons were the latest generation of equipment. At present, Angel war supplies are extremely sufficient.

Compared with the angels, the movement of Kamigawa is much greater, because the Kamigawa civilization is a multi-civilization alliance, so the command system is relatively complicated.

Fortunately, as the battle god of Kamigawa, Texas's prestige is enough to hold down the captains of the various civilizations under his command and make the huge fleet operate.

After the operation started, the joint fleet of Angel and Kamigawa marched to the southeast star field of the Titan God Kingdom. The road was unimpeded, and there was no resistance at all. The Titan fleet that was originally cruising in the star field also disappeared.

Seeing such a strange situation, two guesses emerged in Binghua's mind. The first one was that the Titans were cheating, and they might be hiding in the dark and preparing to ambush their large fleet.

The second possibility is that the opponent knows that he and others are coming with a large amount of military force, and knows that it is not the opponent who retreats in advance, so as to retain his own vitality.

No matter which one it is, it is not good news, after discussing with Texas.The warrior with the word "God of War" in his title explained his thoughts.

"Miss Binghua, we should continue to move forward! The opponent is obviously afraid of us, as long as we continue to attack, we are very likely to encounter the fleet of the Titan Protoss.

And even if we can't touch it, we have such a big target running around in the Titan's lair, I don't believe they can hold back and don't jump out, when the time comes, we will be waiting for work. "

Compared with Texas' offensive words, Binghua's opinion is much calmer.

"Now the enemy is in the dark, we are in the light, we don't know what the goal of the Titans is, so we have to be careful.

Let's find out the situation in this star field first, and we are deciding whether to move forward, so that the risk can be minimized. "

Liang Bing, who was on the sidelines, didn't have the slightest intention of intervening, she just looked like she had nothing to do with herself.

In the end, Binghua and Texas made a compromise, and the fleet continued to move forward, but will send out scout warships to find out the situation ahead.

Following the report from the scouting warships ahead, the stopped huge fleet began to move forward again, but it was obviously much more cautious, because the current situation confused Binghua and Texas.

But confusion is confusion, this is not enough to dispel the fleet's idea of ​​continuing to move forward, but whether it is the battleship of Tianren or Kamigawa, they are quietly adjusting their formation during the voyage to prevent encounters that may come at any time.

"Miss Binghua, I wonder if Your Excellency the Queen of Angels has participated in this operation?"

During the online communication, Dexas asked abruptly, and the reason for this question is that from the time of departure to the present, Dexa and other Kamigawa parties have not been in the online communication. Hear the voice of the Queen of Angels.

"Queen Keisha did not participate in this combat operation. As the Holy Left Wing, I am also the military commander of the Angel. I am fully responsible for this operation, so you don't have to worry about the situation on our Angel's side in Texas."

The meaning of Binghua's words is obvious. The Queen of Angels is not in the fleet now. She is the supreme commander of this battle. You can ask her for any request, and she is completely in charge.

"Then Miss Binghua, I won't talk nonsense. I have heard for a long time that the angel's individual scouting ability is very good. The poor scouting of the battleship alone may miss some, so I hope that the angel can send a scouting team to check the stars ahead. Domain has no ambush of the Titans.

If we don't have us, speed up and reach the galaxy around Titan's home star as soon as possible, forcing the opponent to engage in a frontal engagement with us.

Personally, I don't like the current kind of fearful passive navigation. "

Binghua thought about it for a while and thought it was feasible, so she nodded and replied: "I don't like to be passive either, I will arrange it later."

Temporarily cutting off the connection with Texas, Binghua looked at Liang Bing, who seemed to be doing nothing in the hall, and said:
"Liang Bing, you have something to do."

Liang Bing was refreshed when he heard the words, and his expression became a little excited, and he hurriedly asked: "What's the matter? What needs me to do?"

The most unbearable thing for Liang Bing, who has a lively personality, is to sit there and wait for an unknown order without any news.

But now it's all right, Binghua finally has a task to hand over to her, and she can take advantage of this opportunity to exercise her body.

Liangbing readily agreed to Binghua's order, and soon the captain of Kamigawa discovered that the angel was dropping angel warriors into the void.

As soon as these angel warriors left the sky blade, they exploded at great speed, flew out of the fleet, and soon disappeared into the universe.


On the outskirts of the Titan Kingdom, the cosmic star port base established by the New Kamikawa civilization, because most of the military forces left the star port with Texas and participated in this operation against the Titan Protoss, so the port, which was densely covered with ships and shadows in the past, It was unusually empty at the moment.

But suddenly several huge light beams came from the depths of the starry sky, and bombarded the part of the universe starport that was not protected by the outer shell armor, and several fire clouds rose in the starport in an instant.

"Quickly activate the defense facilities!"

Chaos and shouting were intertwined, and the logistics personnel fleeing in a panic and the soldiers rushing to the defense facilities became the main theme of Starport now.

From the depths of the starry sky, the ferocious pitch-black giant fleet slowly approached the space starport of Shenhe, emitting thick beams of light continuously along the way.

The people of Kamigawa reacted extremely quickly, opening up the defense facilities of the star port before the next wave of attack came, and withstood the ensuing bombing.


The news of the attack in the rear quickly spread to the United Fleet, which is currently located in the southeast star field of the Titan God Kingdom, through a special line.

Texas patted his command table angrily, and swears a few words into the air.

After getting the news, Binghua raised her eyebrows slightly, and she relaxed a little from her nervous mood, because the Titans finally showed their fangs, and she could finally attack boldly with confidence.

As for the attack in the rear, Binghua was not worried, because Kaisha and her high-ranking angel battle group were sitting in the rear.

(End of this chapter)

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