Chapter 372 Guess
Gorgeous flames continued to emerge on the surface of Kamigawa's universe star port, sparking bursts of splashing metal fragments, and the original clean and brand-new appearance became pitted in just a short moment.

The highest person in charge of Cosmic Starport is the Leiren Starman with relatively strong military strength under Shenhe. Facing the powerful enemy coming, his response method is very simple, that is, to fight back.

On one side is the Kamigawa Cosmic Starport, whose volume is based on kilometers, and on the other side is the titan cruise fleet, which is huge in size and famous for its firepower and defense.

It stands to reason that with the defensive capabilities and firepower of both sides, this should be a very fierce offensive and defensive battle, but the real situation is one-sided.

The universe star port built in a short period of time adopts a large number of modular construction methods, with a special alloy skeleton as the supporting structure in the middle, which may not be visible at ordinary times, but now the disadvantages of this construction mode have been exposed.

Most areas of the universe starport can't withstand the artillery fire from the Titan fleet, each cannon has a hole, and only armor and energy shields in some special areas can barely withstand the powerful artillery fire of the Titans.

Seeing this, the commander of the Titan Fleet was very excited, and ordered to increase the attack intensity. The Titan Fleet, which was originally only a long-range bombardment, began to press forward against the counterattack firepower of the Kamigawa Universe Starport.

But a few minutes later, the commander of the Titan Fleet was so regretful that his intestines were green, and he wished he could go back in time and space and slap himself hard to wake himself up.

Just as the Titan Fleet rushed forward against the firepower of Kamigawa, and excitedly bombarded the star port of Kamigawa, a huge space wormhole suddenly opened behind them, and the next moment, one ship after another Yu Yiren's powerful Skyblade battleship flew out of it.

Binghua has dealt with the animal body civilization for so long, and has already figured out the conventional war mode of the animal body civilization.

Unlike the male angels and eternal sublimators who were the enemies of the angels, the fighting style of the animal body civilization is relatively simple and rough. If you can beat it, you will blow you up frontally. The war between river civilizations is so winding.

In this operation to go deep into the star field of the Titan Kingdom, Binghua did not ask Kaisha to increase his combat power, because the rear of Angel and Kamigawa needed a strong enough warrior to guard, just in case.

If the back of Angel and Kamigawa is in chaos, Angel is fine, as long as there is no chaos in Angel Nebula.

But Kamigawa is different. As a multi-civilization joint force, coupled with the fact that there are more interstellar infantry and logistics personnel coming this time, if the supply line at the rear is cut off, Kamigawa's troops are likely to collapse in a short period of time.

As the commander of Kamigawa, Texas is naturally aware of this. The defense of Starport has always been the top priority in his heart. Before deciding to carry out this battle, Texas reached an agreement with Angel. Consensus, when Kamigawa's newly established star port is attacked, the angels are obliged to come to the scene to provide support.

As for what price Shenhe paid for this, Binghua has no interest in knowing.

With the spread of the Skyblade battleship, the Titan fleet fell into a situation where it was attacked from both sides. The subsequent war process was very simple. With the cooperation of Kamigawa and Angel, most of the incoming enemies were successfully retained.

With Keisha, the owner of the second-generation divine body of the angelic civilization, and the king of angels sitting in the rear, any attack that does not have overwhelming strength against the rear of the angels and Kamigawa is just to deliver food.

While the universe starport was being attacked, the United Fleet located in the star field southeast of Titan was also in trouble.

The scouting angel found the silent Titan fleet in the front star field, and now it has started its engine and rushed towards the combined fleet.

The two sides had an encounter in a star field, but the winner was quickly decided. The Titan Fleet was completely wiped out, and the United Fleet lost very little.

Almost immediately after the battle ended, Binghua and Texas received the news that the universe star port was attacked. Fortunately, the angel's support was relatively timely, and the loss of the star port was not large, and it could continue to play a role.

Binghua stared at the screen played back in the projection. The fleet in the screen was not large, and the Titan warships rushed towards the coalition regardless of the disparity in strength between the enemy and us. Based on the news of the attack on Shenhe Xingport, a guess gradually emerged in his mind. .

'The Titan Protoss should secretly plan to destroy Kamigawa's logistics base and slow down Kamikawa's attack.

That's why a fleet was sent to die to attract the attention of the United Fleet, and the other team took the opportunity to attack the space star port, but due to the existence of Kaisha, the battle goal of the Titan Protoss undoubtedly failed.

This made Binghua feel a little doubtful. In her impression, the Titan Protoss is a very powerful beast civilization, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are the leaders of the beast civilization.

But now the other party is playing tricks, which are generally privileges that are only used by the weaker side. It stands to reason that with the strength of the Titan Protoss, they should have jumped out to fight the coalition forces long ago.

Some time ago, in the contest between the Angel and the Titan Cruise Fleet, although the Angel did not suffer, it did not take advantage of it.

Therefore, the Titan Protoss has always given Binghua a relatively strong impression, and they like to crush their enemies to death with their superior combat power.

But now Binghua's intuition told her that the Titans seemed to be afraid and began to retreat, as if they didn't dare to fight the coalition forces head-on.

Thinking of this place, Binghua's heart slowly emerged an immature guess, that is, the Titan Protoss is not as powerful as he imagined, and under the pressure of the combination of Angel and Kamikawa, he had to make a stealing home. the behavior of

Binghua did not say this guess, because the United Fleet will use facts to prove this point.


Since the failure of the Titans to sneak attack on the Shenhe universe star port, there has been no other action. The United Fleet's voyage after the Titan Kingdom has been smooth and has not encountered any resistance.

It wasn't until they entered the north-central star field of the Titan God Kingdom that Angel and Shenhe saw the organized Titan Protoss fleet again.

There are more than one hundred pitch-black giant warships lined up neatly in a starry sky, as if they are waiting for soldiers. Looking at the number, Binghua even suspects that the Titans have assembled all their cruise fleets.

As soon as the United Fleet entered their attack range, the Titan Fleet launched an attack directly. Neither side issued a pre-war announcement, and they fought to the death as soon as they came up.

As the military commander of Angel's side, Binghua decisively issued an attack order, Tianren propped up the shield, and used his enhanced firepower to mercilessly lower his own judgment on the opposite Titan battleship.

As a friendly army, the Kamigawa side did not hold back. The dense firepower network formed by the large number of warships under its banner, even the Titan warships with starry sky mobile fortresses, were a bit unbearable. The heavy armor was forcibly bombed in the continuous bombing. Open, the Titan warrior on the inside died aggrieved by the bombing of the battleship before rushing in front of the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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