Chapter 378 Landing ([-])

The other Titan Air Cavalry saw that their colleagues were separated by the Wingmen and were seriously injured by a powerful individual among the Wingmen. They hurriedly drove the giant beast that could breathe thunder and rushed towards the direction of their colleagues, but they soon encountered obstacles. .

The other angel warriors who were in charge of restraining the Titan air cavalry immediately caught up, and the flame sword energy was thrown on these Titans as if they didn't want money.

Even wearing extremely thick armor, it could not last long under the erosion of the dense flame sword energy, and there were many erosion sword marks of different depths on the armor.

Yingge has no intention of paying attention to the Titan Air Cavalry in other positions for the time being. Her current target is only the seriously injured Titan Air Cavalry in front of her.

A faint halo representing dark energy appeared on the judgment gun case at the back waist. Several silver judgment guns were stored in it, and the pattern on the handle of the gun was shining brightly, as if it was about to burst in the next moment.

As time passed, the energy of the Judgment Gun was fully charged, and Yingge immediately ordered the angels who harassed the injured Titan air cavalry to retreat.

Seeing that the Wingmen who had been harassing him all scattered back, the Titan Air Cavalry immediately raised the giant soldiers in their hands and took the opportunity to gather strength to accumulate golden thunder.When I plan to wait for the Yiren to rush over again, give the Yiren a lightning bath to let them know the power of the Titan Protoss.

But this Titan Protoss had no chance. In his line of sight, several tiny red lights shot from behind the powerful Winged Man who had severely injured him before, towards his position, followed by severe pain and surges. The flames hit at the same time.

Four violent explosions appeared almost at the same time, and the dense orange-red flame cloud that rose from it engulfed the Titan air cavalry within.

Afterwards, a huge figure burning with flames fell towards the ground, and the giant beast it was riding was no exception, wailing and falling to the ground together with its owner.

The Kamigawa warriors, who were heading towards the Temple of Titans below, were no strangers to the Titans falling from their heads from time to time. At this moment, they only had their own targets in their eyes.

With the help of the powerful exoskeleton power armor, it took less than half an hour for the battle group led by Carmen to cross the complex terrain of several kilometers to the periphery of the huge gray-black temple with a height of nearly one kilometer.

Just when they were still about to move on, a vague black shadow covered an area of ​​the team at some point, and the next moment they heard a huge muffled bang, and a huge figure tens of meters high descended from the sky, setting off a huge The air wave shook several Kamigawa warriors around them off the ground, and fell to the ground on their backs.

Carmen put down the arm that subconsciously raised to block his face just now, and immediately saw clearly the culprit who attacked his regiment through the goggles.

Wearing a full-coverage golden armor, only part of the face was exposed, a high-ranking Titan with a height of more than 50 meters appeared in the advancing Kamigawa team.

Carmen immediately yelled in the communication: "Get out! Get out of here for me!"

The high-ranking titan who jumped into the Kamigawa army looked contemptuously at the ant-like Kamigawa warrior at his feet, raised his right palm and the golden thunder danced on it, and then swung it in front of him.

The thunder that was still throbbing in the titan's palm before now swept across a large area in front of him like a long whip.

Several Kamigawa warriors who had just got up from the ground were immediately swept away, and were instantly enveloped by jumping golden thunder. Their bodies shook violently, and bursts of sparks burst out from their armor, and finally fell to the ground covered in scorched black. There was a faint blue smoke.

Looking at this scene, Carmen uttered a swear word, raised the huge gun in his hand, and pulled the trigger forcefully towards the huge figure with golden thunder dancing around him from time to time.

Following the deafening gunshots, orange chains of fire shot towards the high rank Titan from the surrounding ground.

All over the armor of the golden armored titan, who was preparing for the next attack, bursts of miniature explosions suddenly erupted, and countless dense small holes immediately appeared on the originally smooth golden armor.

"Damn! It's really tough! Keep the fire output! Boys who want to die, back off, stay away from that big guy!"

Carmen roared and pulled the trigger, pouring bullets at the masked golden armored titan.

If you slow down the time at this moment, you can find that the bullets fired by the guns in the hands of the Kamigawa warriors present are different from the bullets in the general sense.

Each of these bullets is as thick as a thumb, and the tail is like a miniature rocket emitting orange-red flames. The moment the bullet hits the surface of the Titan's armor and is deformed by the impact, it will explode on the spot, and the blooming blue energy will be nearly A dent the size of a washbasin was eroded out of the Titan armor not far away.

But because of the huge size of the Titan Protoss and the astonishing thickness of the armor it wears, it seems to have no effect, but this is much stronger than the previous weapons that could only polish the Titan Protoss armor.

The high-ranking titan who broke into the Kamigawa battle group alone felt a little regretful at the moment. He covered his face with his left hand, and the golden thunder on the giant soldier held in his right hand began to stir, and he raised it and swept towards the ground in front of him.

Under the tremendous power of the exploding thunder and the Titan Protoss, the ground was cut open by the tip of the blade in an instant, setting off a wave of earth made of huge stones and mud.

After doing all this, the golden armored titan raised the weapon in his hand and shouted in a language that the Kamigawa warriors present couldn't understand!

A few seconds later, a dozen or so Titan warriors in silver armor, between 50 and [-] meters tall and armed with long spears, rushed out of the temple and strode towards the battlefield.

Seeing this, Carmen cursed angrily, turned on the communication and yelled at her deputy:
"Are you all turtles! I've already gotten into trouble with those big guys, why haven't you arrived yet!"

Another deputy of the battle group who received the communication did not speak, and waited until Carmen finished yelling before explaining:
"Head, we have arrived! Right behind you!"

Listening to the words in the communication, Carmen looked back, and saw several machines over ten meters in height, supported by thick mechanical legs, rushing towards the battlefield. It was the small mobile fortress S13.

In the rushing S13, the twin forts above one of them began to flash bright blue light, and the next moment, two thick blue beams shot out from the raised muzzle, spanning a distance of hundreds of meters It hit the Golden Armored Titan.

The armor of the gold-armored titan who was showing off his power before was blown out a hole of several meters, and a huge burnt wound appeared on the chest inside.

Under the sudden heavy blow, even with the body strength of a higher titan, he couldn't help being knocked back a few steps and knelt on the ground, spitting out a large puddle of hot blood.

(End of this chapter)

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