Chapter 379

Seeing this, Carmen was no longer urging the heavy fire force led by the deputy on the other end of the communication. With a bah, he continued to pour firepower on the golden armored Titan.

Under the action of the non-stop moving thick mechanical legs, the S13 small mobile fortress quickly approached the battlefield, and the muzzle of the two-mounted turret above the head spewed out a dazzling blue beam of light, bombarding the Titan warriors rushing out of the temple.

Booming explosions sounded one after another, and among the dozens of Silver Armored Titans rushing forward, several of them rose up with eye-catching blue energy clusters in an instant.

The slightly injured Titan warriors roared in pain and continued to charge, while the wounded silver-armored Titans fell to the ground, and there was a hideous huge wound where they were hit by the S13 main gun.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of the Kamigawa warriors present were lifted, and the morale that had been lowered by the encounter with the giant Titan protoss began to pick up.

An invincible enemy is hopeless and frightening, but as long as it is found that this enemy can be injured and has the possibility of killing, then the hope of victory will arise in the heart.


The golden-armored titan clutching his chest roared and stood up, the giant soldiers supporting his body lifted up, and the golden thunder began to stir, sending out bursts of dull thunder.

As the giant soldier in the Titan's hand slashed down, the golden thunder rushed towards the mobile fortress a hundred meters away like a roaring brontosaurus.

In the eyes of the Titan Protoss, the golden thunder that can only be called an arc is actually a real lightning thunder in the eyes of the Kamigawa warriors.

The huge size of the S13 mobile fortress of more than ten meters brought it powerful firepower, but it also limited its moving speed. It was impossible to avoid the incoming golden thunder. The arc was directly paralyzed in place.

The driver inside uttered a swear word, and immediately started to restart the engine without slow movements, to perform system self-check and repair. It took a few seconds for the S13 to complete the restart.

In order to fight against the unique means of using the thunder of the Titans, Kamigawa's weapon developers have already carried out special treatment on various large vehicles and equipment. The coating that isolates the thunder is only secondary, and the internal structure is also installed. The structure to prevent short circuit can be replaced with a backup system to continue operations after part of the system is damaged.

Therefore, as long as it is not a super-standard thunder attack, S13 is enough to say loudly to the Titans that you are all rubbish.

With several S13 mobile fortresses and the heavy weapons troops led by the deputy of the battle group joined the battlefield, the ground troops of the Kamigawa side actually slightly suppressed the Titan Protoss side on the battlefield. 1200 to fifteen.

Outside the atmosphere of Titan's parent star, the flagship of Tianren.

Binghua looked at the dozens of projected light screens that appeared in the void in front of him, and her eyebrows were tightly frowned, because the landing operation was not going smoothly.

Among the more than 300 landing points spread across the Titan's home planet, only nearly half of the landing points, Shenhe, successfully landed, and the orbital airdrop troops and reconnaissance angel troops of the remaining landing points, Shenhe, were completely annihilated.

The chief culprit of all this has already been reported by Ran, who is in charge of fleet dispatch and command, that it is a special force composed of high-ranking Titans riding giant flying beasts, whose identification code is tentatively designated as Titan Air Cavalry.

As the battle progressed, Binghua gradually discovered the intentions of the Titans. They seemed to plan to use the inert energy field on the outer layer of the planet under their feet to engage in a war of attrition with Kamikawa and Angel.

Although I don't know what the purpose of the king of the Titan Protoss is, but now Binghua really can't think of any other solution except for fueling tactics.

But a meaningless war of attrition is not what Binghua wants. As far as individual combat capabilities are concerned, Angel and Kamigawa are not dominant. If this fight continues, even if the Titans are eventually wiped out, Kamigawa and Angel will suffer heavy casualties.

Not to mention the large number of Kamigawa, the angelic civilization absolutely cannot engage in a war of attrition, so that a large number of angelic fighters will be buried in the battlefield meat grinder.

If the angels lose their vitality in this battle, then the angels will lose the ability to resist other enemies in the universe, not to mention the triangular creatures that are gradually expanding towards the direction of the angel nebula, and the chaos virus that has recently begun to appear again and came from nowhere The Eternal Sublimator is enough to cause headaches for Angel civilization.

Just when Binghua was thinking about how to break the situation, Shenhe suddenly sent a communication request.

After seeing clearly the image displayed on the other end of the communication, Binghua said in surprise:
"Texas, what are you going to do?"

Texas at the other end was fully armed at the moment, his body was protected by the black heavy armor, and a single-edged battle ax was behind his back, and the armor parts rubbed against each other as he walked, making crisp sounds.

"Your Excellency Binghua, as you can see, our intention of landing operations has already been known to the enemy, and they have ambushed heavy troops at the position where we may land.

As the god of war of Kamigawa, I can't just watch my soldiers jump into the trap, so I plan to lead the team to destroy the temple. "

Binghua felt that Texas was too reckless and said: "Texas, the Titan Lord Gods haven't appeared yet, it's too dangerous for you to step into the Titan mother planet alone."

Texas returned a confident smile to Binghua, "As a soldier of Kamigawa, if I shrink back because of danger, what kind of God of War is I?

Your Excellency Binghua, after I leave, I would like to ask you angels to take care of the fleet. "

Seeing that Texas was so persistent, Binghua did not try to persuade him, and then the communication was hung up by Kamigawa.

Binghua felt that Kamigawa had put the God of War into the battlefield so quickly, but suddenly he thought about it, this is not all a bad thing, so he called Jingnan Binghua and said:
"Jingnan, go tell Liang Bing that you can enter the battlefield."


Kamigawa didn't send all the gods of war this time, only Texas, Dileon, and Linyuan were dispatched, and they were all gods of war who were good at melee attacks.

Under the attack of the super soldier troops led by the three battle gods, the Titan Protoss defenders who were still in the upper hand began to gradually fall into a disadvantage.

In the sixth hour from the start of the landing war, the first Titan Temple was captured by the legion led by Texas, and the upper Titan who was in charge of guarding the temple died under his battle axe.

Later, good news came from Di Lieang and Linyuan, each of them attacked two Titan temples, and the enemy's high-ranking Titans who were in charge of guarding the temples were not their opponents at all.

Compared with the battle results achieved by the God of War, ordinary Kamigawa troops attacked extremely difficult.

As a veteran battle group leader, the battle group led by Carmen finally wiped out a high-ranking Titan and a dozen Titan warriors after paying more than 200 casualties, and led the soldiers into the giant temple.

(End of this chapter)

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