Chapter 386 Yingge
The first to react was the squad leader, who immediately shouted in the communication:
"Everyone has it, immediately cover the angel allies!"

The gunshots that had been silent for a while reappeared, accompanied by energy bombs fired from the small accumulator mounted on the gun.

Seeing this, Yingge didn't hesitate too much. With a thought, the several Judgment Guns that were projected just now arced through the air and flew towards the Judgment Gun Case on her back waist.

Yingge himself swooped down, dodging the sword slashed by the Golden Armored Titan, and arrived at the Golden Armored Titan's calf within a few flaps of his wings, and swept the Judgment Spear in his hand.

Huge metal impact sounds spread out, the Golden Armored Titan's calf was hit hard suddenly, and a huge body that couldn't stand still fell backwards.

But the golden-armored titan also reacted very quickly. He pushed his left arm backwards, preventing his body from falling to the ground.

Seeing this, Yingge was not depressed either. As the upper class of the Titan Protoss, the Golden Armored Titans had rich combat experience, so it was normal to make such a response.

Flapping the wings to quickly retreat, and then rushing forward again holding the gun of judgment. Although the statistics of the super fighters of the angelic civilization are relatively mediocre, they can use the inertia of high-speed flight with the help of wings, so as long as the space is not too small, Angel's attacks generally have huge kinetic energy generated during flight.

By retreating a short distance before charging, Yingge fully utilized the advantage of the angel. Every time the Judgment Spear held in his hand stabbed or drew on the upper Titan, it would make the opponent's body unstable for a while, and attack. Also full of loopholes.

With an angel thigh holding back the most difficult high-ranking titan, the remaining silver-armored titans were held back by the Kamigawa warriors present.

In order to target such large targets as the Titan Protoss, the Kamigawa warriors participating in the Titan Star Battle were equipped with special high-energy booster bullets.

This principle is reincarnated from pre-nuclear civilization rocket-boosted bullets, which have the characteristics of high initial velocity and strong penetrating power. At the same time, the built-in compression energy of the bullet will explode, further improving the armor-piercing and lethal capabilities.

However, the composition of the Titan Protoss is very similar to the group of super warriors of the Kamigawa civilization. The stronger the Titan warriors, the stronger their armor will be.

As a result, the special bullet equipped by Kamigawa could only polish the armor of the upper titan, and could not penetrate the abnormally thick golden full body armor on its body surface in a short period of time.

But ordinary Silver Armor Titans are different. Although their armor thickness is equally astonishing, they will be damaged to a degree visible to the naked eye under the continuous fire of the conventional firepower equipped by Kamigawa.

As long as the armor on the Silver Armored Titans is destroyed, their bodies will not be able to resist this special bullet shooting all the time. Simply put, they rely on life stacks and use sacrifices in exchange for time to achieve the goal of killing the Titan Protoss as mortals. Albert.

Just when Kamigawa's super fighters relied on the mobility of the power armor and the Silver Armor Titans present were barely fighting guerrillas, the support they had called before finally arrived.

The scarlet laser light penetrated the wall on one side of the temple, leaving several cross marks on the wall like two cutting knives. With a sound of impact, the wall shattered, and in the hole It is a metal giant more than ten meters high.

"Pray to me, lads! Your god has come!"

Accompanied by the slightly cheerful vicissitudes of the uncle sounded on the Kamigawa public channel, the S13 mobile fortress that passed through the hole in the wall turned the turret on the top, and the gunner inside could have a panoramic view of the situation.

After a moment of hesitation, the muzzle of S13 passed the golden armored titan who was fighting with Yingge, and aimed at the several silver armored titans who were chasing the Kamigawa warriors.

There was only the sound of muffled gunfire, and one of the silver-armored titans chasing the Kamigawa warriors was hit in the chest by the lasing blue light bullets. The terrifying high heat and energy turbulence melted his armor, leaving scars on his body. The next several meters of ferocious wound.

Seeing this, the golden-armored titan who was fighting with Yingge raised his giant soldiers to destroy the S13, which was posing a great threat to his subordinates, regardless of Yingge's scurrying around.

Seeing this, Yingge, who had been looking for the golden-armored Titan's flaws, fixed her eyes, immediately changed her flight trajectory, and at the same time charged the Judgment Gun behind her.

"Ants! Go to hell!"

The golden thunder surged on the giant soldier, and the moment the golden armored titan was about to unleash the thunder attack, he felt a sharp pain in his elbow, as if someone had driven a nail into his elbow joint alive.

The surging thunder slanted, brushed against S13, scorched the wall beside it, and dropped a little bit of ashes.

It turned out that just now, Yingge took advantage of the gold-armored Titan's focus on Shenhe's S13, and quickly came to his elbow, and shot a deployed Judgment Spear along the gap in his armor.

When the golden-armored titan retracted his arm with a scream, Yingge had already left the spot and arrived at the knee joint below him. He pulled out a burning red Judgment Spear from the gun case, flapped his wings and charged forward. , pierced the golden armor with the spear in his hand.

Faced with resistance, Yingge used the other gun in her hand as a hammer, slammed the end of the gun, and drove the gun of judgment into it.

The next moment, a scorching red light shone from the Golden Armored Titan's knee, and the terrifying heat and dark energy crippled his leg on the spot.

Losing a leg, the Golden Armored Titan's mobility suffered a major blow, and the Kamigawa warriors and S13 who were freed up were beaten to death on the spot with barrage.

Encounters like Yingge and the Shenhe team are happening at any time in the vast battlefield of the temple group, but the endings are often different.

There are many Kamigawa teams that were wiped out by the Titans before the reinforcements arrived, and even the support teams were completely wiped out.

In a wide corridor leading to the core of the temple group, a team of more than 20 titan warriors ran towards the other end led by two golden armored titans.

But suddenly the wall above their heads was cut by a slender red sword energy, and cut towards them.

The originally neat formation instantly became chaotic, but they managed to avoid the sword energy falling from the top of their heads.

But at the next moment, four streaks of scorching red sword aura several meters long cut through the top of the corridor one after another and fell down.
This time, the Titan warriors below could not completely evade it, and three silver-armored Titans were affected by the sword energy, leaving a hole in their bodies.

But it didn't end there. The wall at the top of the corridor flashed with a few scorching red sword lights, and suddenly turned into pieces of rubble with smooth edges and fell down.

And among them, there was a figure with a silver cloak rolled up behind him, and it was Binghua who came to the surface of Titan with the Angel Legion.

Binghua straightened up slowly, seeing that the Titan warriors on the road ahead did not make any movements, and the Seven Kill King Sword in his hand was also hanging by his side without any intention of raising it.

But the warriors on the Titan side were not as hypocritical as Binghua. Under the command of the leading golden-armored Titan, they let out a deep roar like a wild beast, and charged forward with weapons in their hands.

But the next moment, from the several-meter-wide hole above Binghua's head, angels leaving elongated afterimages in the air rushed into the corridor, heading towards the Titan warriors like arrows.

(End of this chapter)

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