Chapter 387 Hard work
In just one minute, the titan warriors in the hallway of the temple were almost strangled by the rushing angel warriors, only the two leading titans were still struggling.

The interface representing communication in Binghua's line of sight was projected out, and he began to contact his assistant officer Jingnan with a thought.

"Jingnan, is there a detailed scan of the temple by Tianren, if it comes out, send it to me immediately, I need to find the core area of ​​this temple."

Jingnan on the other side is also busy at the moment. Since he participated in the battle mission of Shenhe last time and was injured, Jingnan has never been on a mission again. The main reason is that his combat effectiveness can only be regarded as average among angels of the same rank. As time went by, Binghua never assigned any combat tasks to her.

Therefore, Jingnan's work is completely biased towards the clerical side, and is developing towards the direction of intelligence compilation.

"Queen, there is an unknown unknown energy in the temple complex of the Titan Protoss that interferes with the scanning of the Sky Blade. Now we can only rely on the position of the warriors to draw the map step by step."

Binghua couldn't help raising her eyebrows when she heard the words. Before the Tianren couldn't scan the map of the temples here, it could be explained by the interference of the inertial energy force field, but now the inertial force field covering Titan has been destroyed by a large number of temples It's almost dissipated, how can such a situation still occur.

"Then send me the drawn map first.

By the way, how is the situation on Kamigawa? "

Jingnan began to contact Tsurugi, who was supporting the Kamigawa ground troops, and asked her to briefly describe the situation on the battlefield. Afterwards, Jingnan told the Queen the important part after a brief summary.

"Queen, Texas, Dileon, Linyuan, Xuepu, and Estrid have arrived at the Titan Temple on the surface, and they are currently leading Kamigawa's super warrior legion to quickly strangle the Titans around the landing point. .

According to the news from Chasing Sister, Shenhe is preparing to airborne large ground combat units to make up for the lack of firepower of the orbital airborne battle group. "

Binghua raised her eyebrows gradually when she heard the words, said hello and disconnected from Jingnan, took a few steps forward with her legs and then flew up, over the The top Titan in gold armor on the ground continued to move forward.

Judging from the recent performance of Kamigawa's side, Kamigawa's willingness to eliminate the Titans is extremely strong, almost to the extent that it will do whatever it takes.

Especially now that Kamigawa has sent all the battle gods to the ground. If the Titans had saved their hands in advance and took the opportunity to raid the fleet, they would definitely have caught the United Fleet by surprise.

Of course, this is only the situation faced by the Kamigawa side. The angel side Binghua will stay in the fleet, and Liangbing is wandering outside the temple waiting for an opportunity to kill the enemy. If something really happens, Liangbing can use himself Space technology, create a temporary star gate, and return to the sky blade.

As for why Binghua, the military commander of the Angels, ended up in person, the first is because of her relatively strong combat effectiveness.

The second is that as long as Binghua, the Heavenly Sword King, appears on the battlefield, the morale of the soldiers of the Angel Legion will be greatly improved, and they will be able to exert [-]% of their strength.

The third reason is Binghua's personal reason, that is to see the demeanor of the king of the Titan Protoss. As the initiator of the physical war, what purpose does he have in launching this war that has swept across several large galaxies.

During the time of frequent wars in Titan God's Domain, the angel-affiliated civilization of Scarlet Star Ring and some of Shenhe's regular troops were not idle.

Because of the influence of hundreds of years of body wars, the Kamigawa civilization and the animal body civilization have become deadly enemies to each other. Now that they finally hit the home of the animal body civilization, how can the ordinary soldiers of Kamigawa resist retaliation.

The angel-affiliated civilization that obeyed Binghua's orders was already carrying out the task of destroying the vitality of the animal body civilization. The two sides hit it off and launched a clean-up operation against the animal body civilization in the Scarlet Star Ring.

For a while, the Shima Empire, whose strength had been greatly reduced due to the division, further weakened. Under the pressure of the Shenhe civilization and the angel's affiliated civilization, a large number of Shima orcs began to evacuate their living planets and wander towards the remote cosmic border , trying to leave the place where the scarlet star ring is burning.

The relatively powerful Sabota Zhanmeng and Tianding Starmen withstood the pressure of the regular troops of Shenhe civilization, but they only resisted and could not carry out an effective large-scale counterattack at all.

The reason for the Sabota Alliance was that a large number of elites were buried in the evacuation battle of the Kamigawa galaxy and the battle where Binghua stole the house. At present, there is no elite troops that can counterattack Kamigawa.

The Tianding Stars are able to protect themselves because of the average strength of the race, but Tianding King Tedarel's frequent tricks recently caused a lot of chaos inside the Tianding Stars, and he was assassinated by his subordinates and almost lost his life. Now busy clearing up internal problems, there is no intention of sending troops to counterattack.


The booming explosions have been going on for several days. Since the attack on the giant temple complex, the orbital bombing has never stopped supporting the ground troops.

Even with a large number of high-level Titans defending, the Titan Protoss is a bit too much. From the continuous increase in troops at the beginning, to now being defeated by Kamigawa and Angel, they are constantly retreating to the center of the temple group. Too many sad stories to describe carefully.

On the charred ruins of the temple, wisps of gunpowder smoke rose to the sky, and among the rubble and debris were scattered the huge mutilated corpses of the Titans, and angels could be found from time to time in the pool of blood that was already red and black.

The pure white wings that originally symbolized the noble status of an angel were no longer as eye-catching as they were in life. As the owner was weakly attached to the ground, the dirty wings were stained with patches of dust and blackened blood.

As the line of sight is drawn forward, beyond the hell-like scene on the ground, what comes into view is the battlefield that is constantly bursting out with loud noises, and the shouts and roars of a soldier who is extremely small compared to the big guys on the battlefield.

A mobile fortress moved forward with its thick mechanical legs, like the undefeated steel torrent of the pre-nuclear civilization.

But even the unstoppable torrent of steel can only move forward in the constant lightning and thunder, not to mention the Kamigawa warriors on the ground who have been reduced to consumables.

After a long and arduous struggle, Kamikawa and Angel finally advanced to the periphery of the core area of ​​the temple complex.

When the troops of both sides advanced to this area, the high-ranking Titans of the Titan Protoss continued to emerge like ordinary miscellaneous soldiers, and even a dozen of Titan Gods, who were rarely seen before, also appeared.

The Qisha sword in Binghua's hand suddenly extended nearly double its length, easily cutting through the calf of a Titan God.

Taking advantage of the moment the Titan fell to the ground due to a leg injury, Binghua quickly crossed the distance between the two and arrived at his neck. The extended Seven Kills sword was more than 1.5 meters long. With Hua's swing, he quickly slashed several times.

With the sharp dark silver weapon and the built-in energy-driven formula that can increase the sharpness of the blade, Binghua cut the neck of this titan god effortlessly.

After this period of dealing with the Titan Protoss, it is not just ordinary angel warriors who are familiar with the Titan Protoss, Binghua himself has also found out how to kill these giant Titans more efficiently.

 Thanks to Wanshang, who has too much salt content, and all the book friends who gave rewards before, the author of this book will not be a eunuch, and it will be fine in a few days after this month.

(End of this chapter)

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