Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 388 Core Temple Area

Chapter 388 Core Temple Area
The dull explosion was isolated by the thick walls of the temple, and when it reached the ears of the Titan God King sitting on the throne, it was already much smaller, as if the battlefield outside the temple in the core area was extremely far away.

With the continuation of the war, all the high-ranking Titan warriors who were originally used for the daily guard of the temple have been transferred to the front line. At this moment, there is only the Titan God King himself.

After an unknown amount of time, a golden-armored titan walked quickly into the hall of the temple, knelt down on one knee and saluted the god king, while saying shamefully.

"The troops of the King of God, Yiren and Shenhe have already broken through the outer defenses of the Palace of the King of God, and are now advancing rapidly here.

I'm sorry, God King, my subordinates are incompetent, and I don't have the ability to continue to block their footsteps. "

Sitting on the throne all the time, giving people a lifeless feeling, like a corpse, the Titan God King suddenly opened the golden eyes behind the helmet visor, and the slightly luminous vertical pupils naturally exuded an inexplicable sense of oppression .

"It's okay, it has nothing to do with your ability, it's expected that they can get here.

Cutting off the star-destroying means of the Kamigawa technology system, if they want to wipe out our Titans, they can only go hand in hand with us. "

Following these words of the Titan God King, he seemed to come back to life. The thin silver full-body armor he was wearing on his body began to slowly prop up as he opened his eyes, just like the Titan God King His body began to swell.

A few minutes later, with the sound of armor parts colliding, the Titan God King stood up from the throne under the shocked gaze of the upper Titan below.

This is something that has never happened before. Since his birth, the Titan God King has been sitting in that position and never left.

The special pitch-black pipes connected to the back of the Titan God King began to disconnect automatically, making bursts of pneumatic sounds.

The Titan God King was exposed, his back full of holes, covered by pieces of silver armor that moved down along with the sound of mechanical brakes.

Maybe it was because he hadn't walked on the ground for too long, the Titan God King took a step forward, his body shook slightly as if he would fall down in the next moment.

Seeing this, the Titan below subconsciously wanted to get up and support the God King Titan, but he stopped him by raising his hand.

As the Titan God King took a few steps forward again, his movements became more and more proficient, and soon he was almost the same as an ordinary Titan God Clan.

The shoulders were lifted up slightly and then lowered again. The Titan King slowly let out a breath, but because of the visor, the gas he spit out was like steam from both sides of the visor.

After getting acquainted with this decayed body, the Titan God King turned around and raised his hand at this moment, and the air with the palm facing up suddenly twisted.

In contrast, the huge metal throne suddenly began to tremble, making bursts of metal twisting sounds. A few seconds later, as the throne deformed, it was torn apart by an inexplicable force. An irregular sky-blue crystal was inlaid in the center of the handle. Weapons like swords and guns appeared on the original seat of the gods.


"Sister Ran! Titan's inert energy force field has completely disappeared, and we can already carry out powerful orbital bombing of the planet!"

Angel Ran, who was standing in front of several projection light screens and observing the battlefield, was taken aback when he heard the words, and then reacted immediately.

"Is what you said true?"

After confirming the authenticity of the news, Ran was overjoyed and immediately issued an order:
"All the sky blades began to descend into the atmosphere of Titan star."

The inert energy force field has always been a hurdle that the United Fleet cannot overcome. This force field can produce a special particle neutralization energy reaction. Whether it is a star radiation energy or an atomic energy reactor, it will become lazy because of this. stand up.

If one ventured into such a force field suddenly, the engine of the battleship would likely crash due to the sudden change in energy output.

This kind of energy inert force field defense, before the sorting of some energy particles, made Binghua think of the Eternal Sublimator Destroyer sequence, the defensive wall of the planetary fortress Seves, but the gap between the two is quite large, a It is a strong refraction, and one is to reduce and neutralize without too much association.

Binghua, who had just killed an ordinary Titan God and was recovering the energy of each part of the Sword of the Seven Killers, noticed this change the moment the inert energy field covering the Titan star and the temple group in front of him disappeared, and he was determined to burn more is to confirm this feeling.

"Ran, order in my name to let the high-ranking angels perform the trial of the sky blade, and let the ordinary angel fighters pay attention to cover.

At the same time, let the sky blade also provide fire support, covering the area in front of us!
No matter what price you pay today, you must break into this core area! "

The war dragged on for so long, and even Binghua, who was more patient in the past, became impatient.

The same is true for the Kamigawa troops in other directions. They also discovered the disappearance of the inertial energy field, and immediately called for fleet support.

A terrifying light beam with a diameter of more than [-] meters fell from the sky, drawing terrifying ravines in the Titan temple complex like a silver lightsaber.

On the angel's side, there was a spear-shaped incandescent light beam, which shook the ground in the Titan temple complex, and the roar of the ground cracked endlessly. Buildings with a height of several hundred meters were directly blown to pieces, which greatly boosted the morale of the coalition forces present.

The Titan Protoss were caught off guard by this sudden attack from the sky. Although they had been ordered to evade, they did not expect the enemy's attack to be so violent that they would blow up the entire continent to pieces. .

After the orbital bombing that lasted for a few minutes stopped, the original magnificent buildings of Titan temples turned into ruins, with burning flames and gunpowder smoke rising everywhere, and huge circular craters embellished like scars. above the earth.

Different from those cheering Kamigawa soldiers and happy ordinary angel fighters, all the high-ranking angels and high-ranking super fighters on Kamigawa's side are looking solemnly at the gradually dissipating gunpowder smoke.

Because the temple standing in the core area of ​​the Titan Temple did not collapse during the large-scale orbital bombardment, and was surrounded by a faint light blue energy.

And as the orbital bombing stopped, the energy was rapidly shrinking toward the center, and at the same time, a Titan was half a body taller than all the Titan warriors Binghua had seen so far, and the whole body was covered with layers of silver armor. The protoss walked out of the temple step by step with a sword and gun in hand.

When this figure completely walked out of the standing temple, those Titan warriors who had just crawled out of the ruins and were seriously injured immediately burst into cheers with unknown meaning. Binghua also carefully noticed that their expressions were abnormal fanaticism.

(End of this chapter)

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