Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 395 Chapter 64 Standing on the Earth

Chapter 395 Chapter 64 Standing on the Earth
The Titan God King looked up at Kaisha's direction, arched his right arm and shot out fiercely, but during this time, several silver chains flew from the side and wrapped around his forearm.

With the pulling force from the other end of the chain, the huge figure of the Titan God King was actually dragged to the right area.

Binghua maintains the initial state of the micro-wormhole, and at the same time uses the super computing power connected to the sky blade to drive the other end of the chain to strengthen the dragging force.

At this moment, in Binghua's arsenal, the special winch connected to the Shushen Lock is rotating clockwise, and through the complex internal occlusal structure, a powerful force is erupted. The body slid towards Bing Hua's direction.

And this is not the most dangerous situation, the angel Ran and the angel He Zhui who were in Luezhen didn't watch from the sidelines, they raised their weapons and rushed towards the Titan God King in two directions.

A red fire cloud rose from the back of the God King Titan, and was cut in half by a silver cold light, leaving an indelible mark on the back of the God King Titan.

Kesha sat on the cross throne, her fingers sliding in the void, and the silver metal wings with a width of nearly five meters hundreds of meters away also flew up and down in the air, shuttling around the Titan God King.

"This guy is quite tenacious! But I don't have the advantage of size in front of me."

While speaking, Kaisha raised her hand that had been placed on the left side suddenly, and stretched out two fingers together. The next moment, the silver blades that had protruded from behind Kaisha flew out of the micro-wormhole and joined each other in the air. It became four giant silver blades over eight meters in length.

At this moment, Liang Bing also came to the surroundings of the Titan God King, and carried out a slender triangular metal pillar with complex sacred language written on it, and then immediately changed directions to the other side to continue the arrangement.

After fighting against the enemy with her sister Keisha after a long absence, Liang Bing completely lost her previous activity.

Facing the constant flame bombardment and harassment, the Titan God King finally stopped holding back, and the blue light flashed on the sword and gun held in his left hand.

Whether it was Kaisha, Binghua, Liangbing, Hezhui, and Ran present, they all felt that their drive for dark energy had been disturbed to a certain extent.

The result of this was that the four large silver blades originally aimed at the God King Titan lost their aim and pierced into the ground beside the target.

The flame bombing that Crane Zhui and Ran were preparing for had a problem with the dark energy drive, causing the energy gathered on the flame sword to dissipate into the surrounding air.

As for Binghua, because of the long distance and the link to the Skyblade Battleship, the Shushen Lock that was controlled just stopped for a while.

It was this move that gave Titan the God King a chance. His right hand, which was entangled in the chain, clenched his fist and punched forward, then opened his hand and turned around with a wave of his arm.

Binghua subconsciously carried out the silver feather to form a shield in front of him, and then was engulfed by the energy wave and smashed into the ground behind.

And the vertical energy wave of the Titan God King covered Angel Ran and a large space around him, and Angel Ran flew out without any resistance.

With a bang, He Zhui took the opportunity to hit the back of the Titan God King with a blast of flames, causing his huge figure to stagger a step forward. Although he didn't pay much attention to the battle, Kesha followed it up quickly. Silver cut.

There was a harsh metal cutting sound, and several cutting marks were added to the armor on the back of the Titan God King.

Before Keisha could continue to expand the results of the battle, the force field of the Titan God King was crushing around him with himself as the center.

The large silver blade flying in mid-air suddenly couldn't move any further, and tremblingly stopped tens of meters away from the Titan God King's body.

Keisha frowned slightly, a pair kept sliding in the air, and the fingers controlling the silver blade froze in mid-air.

The situation was stalemate for a while, but it was quickly broken by the attack from the sky. A sword of fire with a length of more than [-] meters and a diameter of more than ten meters, glowing orange red, fell from the sky. The air for several kilometers was dyed with a faint orange light.

Seeing this, Liang Bing, who was deploying the energy field nodes, immediately cursed, "Binghua, you madman, I'm still here!"

The next moment, the shape of the giant sword of fire, whose tip had sunk into the ground, began to deform, and then the dazzling fire engulfed the surrounding area of ​​nearly a kilometer.

When the flames subsided, the two pairs of silver wings surrounding the Throne of the Cross slowly opened, revealing Kaisa who was frowning inside.

Because of the long distance before, Angel Ran didn't suffer any damage except for being disgraced by the shock wave.

Only Liang Bing and He Zhui suffered some minor injuries. Binghua flew out of the soil at some point, his dark eyes scanned around, and directly skipped Liang Bing who was jumping and cursing on the ground, looking for the king of Titans. stature.

That shot just now was the main gun of the new generation of Tianren. Of course, the power is definitely not the limit of the energy output of Tianren, it is just a conventional equivalent, but even so, a large piece of the ground in the center of the explosion disappeared, as if being forced by an iron pick. The ground that had been gouged was average, and the area with a radius of one kilometer was turned into scorched earth.

Keisha didn't care whether the Titan God King was dead or alive, but recovered all the silver blades she controlled into the arsenal, and asked aloud through the communication channel.

"That moment just now was really sudden, Binghua, you didn't remind us.

If this throne is blown up by you, I will be nagged by Hexi again for a long time. "

Binghua searched for the position of the God King Titan while replying: "The opportunity just now is great. Besides, I believe you will be fine."

Seeing that she had been making a fuss for so long and no one was paying attention to her, Liang Bing snorted unhappily and continued with her work.

Those who participated in the siege of the Titan God King, whether it was Kaisha, Liangbing, Ran, and Hezhui, were veterans of many battles. In addition, as long as they were not directly hit by the main cannon of the Heavenly Blade, their physical strength would not be enough. It's hard to die.

Soon Binghua discovered the traces of the Titan God King. In the ruins at the center of the explosion, the Titan God King slowly struggled to get up.

The silver armor, which was originally clean and clean as new, was in a mess at the moment, and because of the bombardment of the Skyblade main cannon just now, a few armor parts were missing, revealing the internal structure and some shrunken body tissues.

And when Kaisha and Binghua saw clearly the structure of the gap in the armor of the Titan God King.The two women fell silent.

In Binghua's gene engine control interface located in the dark plane, with the help of the powerful computing power blessed by the Heavenly Blade, the scanned image of the Titan King suddenly appeared here.

According to the scanning result of Tianren from the gap in the Titan God King's armor, Binghua obtained the following information.

The Titan God King's body has aged and shrunk so badly that it can hardly provide him with any power anymore. The black mechanical structure inside his body and under his armor is a device to assist him in his actions.

At this moment, the internal structure of the armor was damaged, and the movement of the Titan God King was extremely inconvenient. After climbing out of the ruins with great difficulty, he stood on the ground again.

(End of this chapter)

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