Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 396 Titan God King - Meteor

Chapter 396 Titan God King - Meteor
No wonder the Titan God King had never used the sword and spear in his hand to launch an attack. It turned out that his body could not support him in high-intensity battles.

The slow attack launched by the auxiliary power inside the armor can't attack any enemies at all. Therefore, whether it was the last battle against Texas or this time against Angel, the Titan God King stood still like a target, using that Special energy waves and force field energy to attack.

Although he sighed at the will of the Titan God King to fight to the death with their angels even so, Binghua did not show any mercy when he struck.

In this physical war, no matter what reason the initiator, the Titan God King, could not erase the fact that he was an enemy.

Facing a slow-moving target, among all Binghua's weapons and attack methods, there is one that is just right for the current situation.

The parts of the shattered star blade were quickly carried out by Binghua, combining with each other to increase its size.

The Titan God King on the ground did not give up resisting either. A majestic energy spread all over his body with his right hand. With his movements, the ground around him began to shatter and float into the air, and was compressed into several meters to [-] meters under the huge pressure. The huge earth-rock aggregate of more than ten meters was shot into the air like a cannonball under the wrap of the energy wave.

Seeing countless horrifying earth and rocks coming at him, Binghua flipped the Seven Kill King Sword in his hand, while maintaining the calculation of carrying the Shattering Star Blade, he slashed forward with a series of slender flame slashes.

As soon as the slender flame slash touched the smashed earth and rocks, it reacted violently with the force field energy wrapped on it, and exploded directly.

Even though Binghua tried very hard to intercept it with a blazing slash, many earth and rocks wrapped in force field energy still smashed on the unformed Destruction Star Blade in the air, seriously interfering with Binghua's transportation.

A cold silver light emerged, and dozens of silver blades, controlled by Kaisha, had quietly arrived at the left arm of the Titan God King at some point, following the continuous cutting of the silver blades.

Originally subjected to the bombardment of the Skyblade main cannon, the damaged armor could no longer withstand the sharpness of the dark silver weapon. In the gorgeous sparks, the left arm of the Titan God King holding the sword and gun was separated from his body.

Affected by the pain of the broken arm, the Titan God King swayed weakly for a while, but in the end he still held on and did not fall down. He opened his right hand and grabbed the sword and spear that fell aside.

But at this time a black chain was wrapped around the right calf of the Titan God King, and there was only a dull loud noise, and the huge body of the Titan God King fell to the ground.

Even so, the Titan God King did not give up grabbing the sword and gun, because that was the basis of his survival, but soon he found that he had no chance to get his weapon back.

The only weapon that Liang Bing has put on the table is the chain strengthened by Binghua, and the skill of using this weapon is naturally not low.

Folding the space where the chain itself is located creates a force of dragging backwards. Liang Bing can boast arrogantly that as long as the chain is strong enough, she can pull a Skyblade down from the space.

"Sister, cut this big guy into pieces!"

Keisha didn't make a sound, but her actions were the best answer. Her expression was abnormally focused at the moment, and the fingers controlling the silver blade were close together and turned to the Titan God King.

The combined silver blade, which is two sizes smaller than the large silver blade, pierced through the damaged part of the Titan King's armor when he fell down.

For a moment, the exposed part of the Titan King's body pierced into dozens of silver blades like a hedgehog, and dark red blood with no vitality flowed out from the wound.

The struggle of the Titan God King was also much smaller, and Liang Bing felt this most clearly. She flapped her wings and flew backwards in mid-air until she reached the central area where she arranged the force field nodes.

During this period, the Titan God King was also dragged for hundreds of meters. This distance is not short, but for the Titan God King who is [-] meters tall, it is only a short distance.

But he had no chance to stand up and resist again. Binghua had already carried out the Destroyer Star Blade, and the Destroyer Star Blade was aimed at him like a sword of judgment hanging in the air.

Numerous criss-crossing scorching red lines lit up on the silver sword of Shattering Star Blade, and the scorching red energy boiling inside filled the sword with dangerous dark energy flows.

Binghua didn't say a word, she raised her left hand above her head in a floating figure, and then immediately pressed it down.

At the same time, the floating Destroyer Star Blade also began to fall at the same time. With the addition of its own huge mass, the falling speed became faster and faster, and there was even a faint wave of fire that separated from the blade to the two sides.

After a loud roar of ground cracking came out, accompanied by a tremor of the ground, most of the sword body of the broken star blade with a length of more than one thousand meters sank into the ground, and countless cracks spread around the center of its landing point. The burning fire.

As all this ceased, the world also became silent. Binghua exhaled heavily and landed towards the ground.

In the end, Binghua was the remains of the Titan God King found on the side of the sword body of the broken star blade, in the area where the lava was surging. Half of his body had disappeared, and the flesh and internal organs at the wound had all been burnt into coke. With a faint blue smoke.

The annihilation battle against the Titan God King ended so plainly. Kaisha just went through a cutscene and used the silver wings to divert the attention of some Titan God Kings, which made Kaisa a little disappointed with the process of this battle.

Afterwards, the angels began to clean the battlefield, recovering the remains of the Titan God King, and most importantly his weapon inlaid with special crystals.

The Kamigawa Fleet, which was already ready to retreat, made a return request to Angel after learning the result of the battle.

Keisha could hear the urgency in Kamigawa's tone, and as an ally, Angel didn't need to deliberately delay, so she agreed to return.

The United Fleet left the broken Titan star behind, preparing to leave this star system, and the target was tentatively set at the large star port of Shenhe outside the Titan God's Domain.


One month has passed since the battle of Titan God's Domain, and the expeditionary force of Shenhe has completed the assembly, and is preparing to return to the new Shenhe galaxy quickly to deal with the triangular creatures that are gradually gnawing at their rear.

It is naturally impossible for the angel side as an ally to stay out of the matter. This is something that has been negotiated when Shenhe and the angel established the covenant.

But before the large army of angels left, Binghua would burn in the scarlet star ring to clear out the remaining Tianding stars and the Sabota alliance.

After careful consideration, Keisha finally agreed to Binghua's proposal, although she didn't want to lose a powerful force in the next war against the triangular creatures.

However, according to part of the dark information scanned by the angel, quite a few warriors of the Titan Protoss left the Titan star before the angel and Shenhe approached the Titan star, and they did not know where they went.

Although Keisha didn't take the Tianding star people that still existed in the red star ring, the Sabota war alliance and the split Shima empire to heart, she still attached great importance to the beast civilization of the Titan Protoss, which called itself a god.

(End of this chapter)

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