Chapter 624, Styx Galaxy

Lie Yang chose to recuperate and restrain his minions, silently licking the wound left by his final revenge blow after the destruction of Indeno.

As a result, the Eslans and the Thunder Blades became the new overlords of the Shenhe Tiandao galaxy, and began to rapidly expand their power.

The civilization that was originally affiliated to the Lieyang civilization saw that its boss did nothing, but had no choice but to throw itself into the arms of the former enemy. In this way, Shenhe Tiandao entered the era of Eslan, Thunder Blade, and Lieyang.

The destruction of Deno not only caused the known universe to lose two god-making civilizations that could serve as pillars, but also caused extremely bad consequences.

Deno's technology began to flow out, and the legendary god-killing weapons that were only in the hands of angels and other advanced god-making civilizations were now being mastered by some aerospace-grade civilizations.

However, due to the limitations of technology and processing level, the imitation of these space-level civilizations can only be said to be unsatisfactory and not very powerful.They are also disposable.

Its cost is extremely expensive, which makes these space-level civilizations mass-produce god-killing weapons, and the idea of ​​​​checking and balancing god-making civilizations is aborted.

However, none of this prevents the angel civilization from expanding its own justice order. Rather, it is better to say that there are two less influential god-making civilizations in the known universe, which will help the development of angels.

Similarly, the new Holy Left Wing of Angel Civilization also gradually gained fame, known as the Thunder God of War, and was very popular for a while.

However, Ran could feel that with the retirement of Binghua Queen, some of the old angel fighters he was familiar with also had the idea of ​​retiring.

Because in the Heavenly Court of Melo, they patrolled the star field day after day, and often went to an unknown number of light-years to help the existence of angels to fight against evil. They traveled back and forth for thousands of years. These old angels were a little tired of this. life.

In addition, there are no enemies in Melo Heaven now, so when the No.1 high-level angel applied for retirement, there will be high-level angels or old angels applying for retirement from the Angel Legion every year after that.

These retired old angels did not look for their former Ice Queen, but chose a certain planet with a good environment that they passed through during their justice journey, and lived in seclusion on it.

For a while, the number of serving angel fighters in Melo Heaven was gradually decreasing, and Keisha was a little worried. If this continues, the angel civilization may weaken to an unprecedented level.

In order to solve this problem, Keisha can only increase the resources invested in transforming angels, and a large number of new-generation angels have begun to flood the Merlot Heavenly Court.

But this not only did not alleviate the decline in the overall strength of the angel civilization, but also led to a new problem, that is, the gap between the old and new angels.

Some old angel fighters did not regard these angels transformed from ordinary Kamigawa women as beings equal to themselves from the bottom of their hearts. Although they did not look down on them, there was always a layer of identity barrier.

Except on the way to perform missions, I seldom communicate with these new-generation angels.
And the new generation of angels will also have a certain inferiority complex when facing the old angels because they are transformed angels, so the new generation of angels only report to the new generation of angels.

Although it will not evolve into two opposing groups, but if it continues to develop like this, I am afraid that in the future, one party will withdraw from the main battle sequence of Melo's Heavenly Court and declare the end.

Thinking of this, Kesha couldn't help but feel even more headaches. If the general civilization can still rely on the government or the guidance of the leader, it can alleviate or solve this problem through the alternation of time from old to new.

But angels can't do it. The old angel fighters who survived from that era are all spiritually determined people, although they will respect themselves because of their status as the king of angels.Follow your own orders.

But it is impossible to change their thoughts and attitudes. If Binghua is still there, he can use his huge influence among those old angel fighters to slightly change these old angels' views on the new generation of angels.

Although the second generation of Sacred Left Wing Ran has abilities, it does not have the same influence as the first generation of Sacred Left Wing Binghua. It is almost impossible to change the status quo, so we can only try our best to stabilize the situation.

Thinking of this, Keisha couldn't help but miss the era when Melo's heaven was first established and the four kings had a clear division of labor. Any problem could be solved quickly as long as the four sisters got together to communicate.

While Keisha was thinking about all kinds of miscellaneous things in the angel civilization, Alan entered the hall and reported after saluting.

"Queen Keisha, Karl has established a force called the Styx Galaxy in the Scarlet Star Ring, and is still recruiting some beast civilizations as his own subsidiary forces."

Keisha regained her spirits when she heard this, and was a little surprised.

"This is really a strange thing. The Super Seminary used to be at odds with the animal body civilization, and even organized a physical war to drive out the animal body.

Now that his students go to Xinghuan to accept the animal body civilization as their juniors, aren't they afraid that the old space guy will jump out and say that he deceived the master and wiped out the ancestors? "

Keisha's tone was teasing, but that was the end of it, and her expression became serious the next moment.

"Go and tell the Holy Left, send angels to keep a close eye on that guy Karl, and let me know if there is any change."

The headmaster of the space mysteriously disappeared, and the authority to control the big clock fell into Karl's hands. In addition, Karl suddenly started to build power recently, recruiting beast civilization as his younger brother.

Undoubtedly, they are all expressing to her, the king of the gods, that I, Carl, am going to make trouble.

At this moment, in the newly-built Styx Galaxy, Karl stood on the square of the Dead Song Academy he built, pulled down his blue hood, looked at the starry sky, and stretched out his hand as if trying to grab something, but after a while Carl withdrew his hand.

At this time, footsteps came from behind, and a man wearing a silver-gray metal mask with sharp edges and corners, and a man in a strange costume came to stand not far behind Karl, raised his hand and saluted.

"My god, the animal body civilization within the Styx galaxy is willing to believe in you, your god, and become your subordinate civilization, and let you be your god in the future.

But they also have a condition. "

A faint smile appeared on Karl's young face.

"I didn't expect these animal body civilizations to put forward so-called conditions for believing in a main god, which really surprised me.

Snow, tell me, what is the condition? "

The masked man named Snow hesitated for a moment before speaking cautiously.

"My god, their condition is that you have to protect them from being attacked by the subsidiary civilization of the angel civilization."

Carl looked a little weird, but he nodded and spoke in a very calm tone.

"Tell them that from now on, as long as they don't leave the range of the Styx galaxy, no one will trouble them."

(End of this chapter)

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