Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 625, historical issues

Chapter 625, historical issues

Snow immediately retreated after hearing the words, and slowly disappeared into the darkness. Karl's eyes were always on the stars in the sky, and he didn't even look away when he was talking with Snow.

After looking at the starry sky for an unknown amount of time, Karl lowered his head again, and a light curtain appeared in his sight, and he began to connect with a friend he hadn't contacted for a long time.

A few seconds later, a female voice familiar to Karl came from the other side of the communication.

"Carl, why did you suddenly contact me today?

I heard that you established the Death Song Academy, and even created a Styx galaxy. I would like to congratulate you here.

Karl, you've finally got rid of your teacher's influence and started your own business. "

There was a hint of ridicule in Liang Bing's tone, and Karl just replied with a light smile.

"The wisdom of the teacher is beyond my comparability. In my heart, the teacher will always be the greatest wise man in the known universe.

Although I have some small achievements now, after all, everything I get is the legacy left by the teacher. "

Liang Bing on the other side of the communication was taken aback when he heard the words, and caught the key word "inheritance" in Carl's words.

"Carl, you said you have acquired the legacy of the principal of space? Has space fallen?"

"No, teacher, he just went after the so-called ultimate fear, and I don't know where he is now, teacher.

But I firmly believe that the teacher, sooner or later, will return to the known universe with the great cause of cracking the ultimate fear. "

Liang Bing could only chuckle inwardly about this, and already had certain guesses in his heart, guessing that the old guy must have made a mistake in his research, otherwise he wouldn't have been in the known universe for thousands of years.

Carl obviously didn't want to talk too much about his teacher, so he changed the subject.

"Liang Bing, I don't know how you have been these years."

The other side is located at the edge of the Yizhi universe. Standing on the bridge of his new flagship Demon King, Liang Bing glanced at the demons who were fighting with the beast bodies in the projected light curtain.

"What else can I do, fight every day, fight every day.

There are too many beast civilizations here, and they can't be killed no matter what.

Seeing the old woman, she showed a look of bitterness and hatred, and dared to reject the Queen's idea of ​​degenerate freedom. They deserved to be driven here by Kesha to fend for themselves. "

Liang Bing's words were full of inexplicable irritability, and it was obvious that her current situation was not as easy as her words said.

Karl is very clear about this, where the edge of the known universe is, and he who has the authority to control the big clock is very clear.

He once persuaded Liangbing, but Liangbing insisted on going his own way. As a result, it has developed for nearly a thousand years, but has not yet gained a firm foothold there, and even the demon civilization has not been able to rebuild.

Because all the animal body civilizations that existed there were defeated in the body war, they were extremely hostile to the creatures of the Kamigawa body, especially those with wings on their backs.

This makes Liang Bing crazily deflate the tried-and-tested concept of degenerate freedom in the known universe. The animal body civilization does not accept her at all, they only believe in strength.

However, because of the lack of people there, the lack of resources, and the high pressure of competition, Liangbing has been unable to recover the strength of demons after her reincarnation. She can only live and save while playing with those beast civilizations. play house.

"Leng Bing, there seems to be a small situation in the angel civilization recently.

The new Holy Left Wing seems to lack a little prestige. Recently, the efficiency of justice in the angelic civilization has been significantly reduced. "

Liang Bing immediately burst out laughing when she heard the words, seeing that her sister encountered a problem, she was very happy as she was pressed and rubbed by angels on the ground several times, even the animal warriors on the screen that raised her blood pressure just now were also very happy. Can't help but feel a little more pleasing to the eye.

"It seems that my own sister is finally ushering in the end of her so-called justice and order.

I knew that without Binghua, it would be difficult for me to rely on her alone, and now it seems that it is really the case.

Didn't my leaving make her realize her mistake at all?

There has never been a real so-called unity within the Angels. Now that Binghua has left, if the Holy Left Wing was not served by Binghua's former guard, the Heavenly Court of Melo would have already fallen apart.

But now it seems that our little Angel Ran failed to fulfill her due responsibilities.

I seem to have seen the future of Merlot's heavenly court splitting up! "

In fact, the internal problems of angels are very clear to the four kings in the past, but there is no good solution. Angel's long lifespan and strong power are certainly an advantage, but it is also a disadvantage.

The long life and strong power will make the angel's concept of certain things not easily changed due to external objects and environmental stimuli.

More than 1 years ago, the conflict between the angel factions, although because of the unification of Melo's heaven and the concessions of the other three kings, Kaisha, the king of angels, was greatly eased.

However, Liang Bing's departure brought this historical issue back to the table of Melo Heaven, and finally ended with the retirement of most of the angels from the Apocalypse King's faction.

However, this has once again created a gap between the several archangel factions that have begun to merge.

Ruoning, who was quite influential in the original Tianren faction, made no secret of her distrust of other factions. After being warned by Kesha, she has restrained her thoughts over the years.

The recent retirement of Millennium Binghua made the high-ranking angels of the former Heavenly Sword faction form a group centered on Ran, in order to prevent being marginalized by the intentional angels of Melo Heaven.

Obviously, Keisha would not allow such a thing to happen, and treated them equally, so that no serious consequences of overt cooperation and secret separation were caused.

Therefore, this problem will not be exposed until now, but at least it has not developed towards the worst situation, which is the only thing to be thankful for.

Seeing that Liang Bing's interest had obviously increased, Karl made a suggestion at the right time.

"Ling Bing, it is now known that the cosmic angels are weakening, and your development in the marginal star field is so slow.

Why not go back to the known universe to rebuild the demon civilization, and you also got the information of Nuoxing's god-killing weapon, it should not be difficult to deal with the angel's attack. "

Liang Bing on the opposite side of the communication pondered, obviously a little moved, but it was obvious that the two failed blows made her a little bit cautious, and she hesitated for a while, which was very unsatisfactory.

Even Karl was a little surprised by Liang Bing's reaction, this was not the decisive and free-spirited her in her memory.

But soon Karl realized what he was thinking about. Fortunately, he knew Liang Bing's character well, otherwise he would never be able to guess the reason.

(End of this chapter)

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