Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 630, World War Preparedness

Chapter 630, World War Preparedness

Compared with the Airos army with high morale of revenge and other self-confident original world armies, the defense forces drawn from the nearby worlds are slightly stretched, so the logistical preparations of each legion fall on them body.

And they were so happy, because they didn't have to fight the terrifying unknown enemy head-on, so they worked extra hard, for fear that they would be transferred away because of their foreign work.

Under the embarrassing gaze of the representatives of these worlds, Binghua spit out the sentence "I did it very seriously", and then Binghua turned and left.


Milo is an ordinary Ladold, but a series of recent events have made Milo somewhat confused about the future.

Stationed in the world of Ryderd, the Divine Guard from the world of God Throne suddenly marched into the city together with the local guards to let everyone leave their residences, go to the star port to board the ship, leave the world of Ryderd, and take refuge in other worlds.

For those who do not want to leave their residences, the attitude of the guards has become more determined than ever, and they look like different people when they are procrastinating in peacetime.

But soon the guards from the world of the gods used the radio to broadcast to the whole city the reason for the evacuation of the citizens.

After learning that the world of Airos retreated after fighting the enemies who were about to invade the world of Lederd, the invaders will arrive in the world of Lederd in the near future.

Those who were unwilling to cooperate immediately packed up their bags and joined the retreating team very cooperatively.

No one believed that this was fake news. If it was just a unilateral announcement by the Laideld government, the public would still have doubts.

But when this message was released by the Divine Guard, all doubts disappeared immediately.

After the world of Ryderd joined the world of justice, these well-groomed and strictly disciplined troops from the world of the gods settled in their world.

At the beginning, the arrival of these garrisons felt very uncomfortable to the Lederids, because the Lederid world also has its own army, which can protect itself.

But these guards, which rotate every five years, have never harassed the Lederids, and sometimes even spontaneously helped the surrounding Lederids.

Gradually, the Lederids got used to the existence of this guard, and they were even more willing to trust these guards than the slightly sloppy defenders.

Some young Laidelders once wanted to join the Divine Guard, but very few succeeded, because the criteria for joining the Divine Guard were too strict.

However, there are still young Layderds who tirelessly apply to join every year, because as long as they become the Divine Guard, they may be favored by the Demigod Legion, and thus join the Demigod Legion to see the honor of the legendary goddess.

And being able to become a demigod army is not only in Ryderd, but even in the original seven worlds is an extremely glorious thing.

If that family produces an elite legionnaire or demigod warrior, then their family will become the envy of the people around them, and even their social status will be greatly improved.

This is all because of Binghua's policy. Since these fighters have dedicated their allegiance to him and sacrificed everything, he is obliged to give them the status and honor they deserve.

Binghua has always existed like this, and therefore after Binghua left the Heavenly Court of Merlot, the angels under her command will still miss the time when she served under her, the Heavenly Sword King.

Time passed quickly in the preparations for the world of Ryderd, and the fleet of the Eternal Ascendants finally found the target they were looking for.

In an instant, the fleet speed of the Eternal Ascendant began to increase, and it was getting closer and closer to the world of Ryderd.

"Discover the planet of intelligent life, follow the purification agreement formulated by Sameiello, in order to eliminate the threat of the chaotic virus to the universe, the sublimation ceremony is now performed on the intelligent life."

As soon as the Purifier fleet entered the planetary system where the world of Laideld was located, the United Fleet, which had been ambushing for a long time, immediately attacked.

However, the Purifier fleet is obviously not a vegetarian. It seems that the United Expeditionary Fleet has discovered the ambush ahead of time. A long-planned ambush has been turned into a head-on confrontation.

Originally, this ambush was a feint attack to attract the Eternal Ascendant. Although the final loss was a little bigger than expected, it was considered to have achieved its purpose.

The Purifier fleet was in full swing all the way, and drove the United Fleet all the way to the vicinity of the world of Ryderd, after the combined fleet gave up Ryderd's orbital air supremacy.

As expected, the Eternal Ascendants began to routinely launch mechanized troops on the ground, intending to capture the intelligent life in the world of Ryderd and perform the so-called ascension ceremony.

A mechanical eliminator soldier holding a human-shaped beam rapid-fire gun, walking on four legs, with a height of nearly four meters, with several miniature purification beam cannons behind him, which can vaporize all substances within a range of more than ten meters with one blow, and can eject and incinerate all energy flames to shatter Heavy Eliminator for Cannon.

Although the establishment and composition are extremely simple, they are equipped with both light and heavy firepower, which can cope with conventional operations, and the Purifier flagship located on the planetary orbit is equipped with an automated production line, which can change the equipment configuration of the Eliminator at any time and manufacture new Eliminator models. To cope with the ever-changing combat environment.

As the Purifier flagship continued to send delivery pods to the ground to increase the number of ground eliminators, this area was gradually occupied by an army of eliminators exuding metallic luster.

At the same time, fighter-style Eliminator fighter planes began to appear in the sky, and they began to spread out to investigate the surrounding situation.

And the Purifier Fleet Group located in the outer space orbit of Layderd World also began to scan the surface of Laydird World, but was interfered by a powerful energy field, resulting in extremely limited detection information.

Therefore, the Purifier flagship can only create some air combat Eliminators to scout the surface of the planet to obtain accurate information on the surface, so as to command the army of Eliminators on the surface.


Badalga was sitting behind the bunker, chewing on energy blocks, and several Eliminator fighter planes with white tails flew by in the sky. Badalga didn't react at all to this, and he was not at all worried that the enemy would find him.

At this moment, there was a sound of dull footsteps, and a Badar warrior wearing Badar's armor and just over two meters tall trotted over.

"Legion Commander, the Eternal Ascendant is about to arrive at the ambush circle!"

Hearing the words, Badalga spit out the unfinished energy block, put on the helmet, and then stood up abruptly, his height was one-third higher than the Badal warrior beside him.

Picking up the Blast Gun II Kai equipped with a high-energy crystal warhead penetrating warhead, and a Conqueror Tomahawk with dense and subtle energy flickering on the one-handed blade, he roared excitedly in the Legion channel. Voice.

"All Badar Legion brothers, the Holy War is about to begin!
For the goddess!For the justice of the world, crush all the enemy forces in front of us! "

(End of this chapter)

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