Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 631, Fearless Charge

Chapter 631, Fearless Charge

The Eliminator army kept advancing, and no matter whether it was hills or depressions, they could not stop their advance, like a rolling torrent of metal crushing everything into powder.

But when advancing to a hilly area, suddenly deafening gunshots resounded throughout the sky, and dense bullets rained down on these icy mechanical creations.

The humanoid eliminators walking ahead were hit in the chest by a penetrating implosion bomb, and then the violent high-temperature energy explosion melted the outer armor on their body surface, exposing the relatively fragile internal skeleton and structure behind them.

When the first layer of outer armor protection is lost, in the face of the huge power of the penetrating implosion bomb, these mass-produced Eliminator humanoid fighters will easily be blown off the important structure of the limbs or chest, and thus become paralyzed .

This is not the coverage area of ​​the Badal Army's heavy firepower. The land super-heavy storm tank covered by special camouflage also demonstrated its important mission as the most important fire support and long-range strike platform of the Badal Army at this moment.

Several large-caliber penetrating implosion cannons continuously ejected penetrating bullets that were as thick as the forearm of an ordinary person, and sent them into the array of eliminators, constantly stirring up explosions of fire clouds, and one piece after another Block Eliminator wreckage.

Only the heavy eliminators with a height of several meters in the eliminator array can resist this powerful bombardment, and at the same time, these heavy eliminators also counterattacked back with the miniature purification light cannons on their bodies.

Facing the blazing white purification light bullets that came from the lasing, the super-heavy storm chariot, which has been tested in battle, activated the interception system at the rear, and the rapid-fire interception bullets used to annihilate and resist the enemy's attack shoot out.

The purifying light bomb that was originally launched was suddenly attacked, and its energy balance was broken, and it exploded into a cloud of fire in the air in an instant.

In this way, the heavy-duty vehicles of the two sides, while providing fire support to the battlefield in front of them, started a firepower confrontation in the air. For a while, there were bursting light balls and fire balls everywhere in the air, which was very lively.

However, this kind of confrontation also came to an end with the skirmish raid of Badal fighters.

Badalga rushed forward at his maximum speed, like a gust of wind, a burst of flying sand and rocks were brought up, and the light jetpack on his back also sprayed out a faint blue flame at the same time, boosting his charging speed even faster.

Although the other Badar fighters were not as fast as Badarga's charge, they were not thrown too far away, relying on the assistance of armor and powerful reaction thinking ability.

These superhuman fighters can avoid the beams fired by the rapid-fire beam guns in the hands of most Eliminators, so this is why Badalga led the legion fighters to charge.

At the same time, this charge is also to destroy the heavy Eliminators hidden behind the Eliminators and weaken their firepower, so that the large-scale Nudarga Defense Force can enter the battlefield, relying on their own numerical advantages to defeat those who have not yet fully established themselves. Heel's Eliminator mechanical army annihilates.

Otherwise, if the Heavy Eliminators choose to turn their guns around and use the purification light cannon to deal with the defense forces that rely on group operations, the defense forces will suffer heavy losses.

Although the Badal Legion can block the attack of the Eliminator army head-on, their duty has never been to fight any annihilation or defensive battles, but to use their powerful combat power and sharp knife-like assault force to pierce the enemy's weak points. Deals heavy damage to the enemy.

Defense and annihilation battles have always been the responsibility of the defense army, which is why the Nudarga defense army has always been a group battle, and this is also the most suitable tactic for their world that the Nudarga world has explored.

Badalga was the first to rush into the middle of the Eliminators. The blaster Kai-[-] in his left hand moved left and right with his arm, and the muzzle of the gun continuously spewed out blue flames.

A terrifying explosion will also erupt from the body of the Eliminator who is swept by the gun muzzle with blue flames in front. The high-energy material produced at the moment of the explosion of the high-energy crystal warhead will emit extremely terrifying instant high heat, which will destroy the body surface of the Eliminator. The outer armor melted.

At this time, as long as another penetrating bomb implodes, the Eliminator fighter can be blown into a pile of scrapped parts. Fortunately, Badalga, including the fighters under his command, has already discovered this weakness.

So the soldiers of the Badal Legion who rushed into the Eliminators started an efficient massacre, and countless Eliminators were blasted to pieces by the penetrating implosion bombs fired by the blaster.

Among them, Badalga, who took the lead, was even more brave. The blaster in his left hand kept spewing deadly bullets, and the reaper battle ax in his right was not idle.

This experimental Reaper battleaxe manufactured by the scientific research world is equipped with a molecular strike force field imitated by Markola based on the technology of the World Eater civilization recorded in the angel database.

After activating the molecular strike force field, it can strike at the molecular level on the substance touched by the ax blade, thereby destroying the tight combination of the substance molecules, thereby achieving the effect of destroying the target substance.

Therefore, in the face of these Eliminators who were not equipped with energy shields and protected by miniature force fields, the Reaper battle ax in Badal's hands was like the legendary blade of a magic weapon, which could easily split the enemies blocking him in half.

Under the leadership of his prototype, the Badal Legion rushed all the way to the heavy eliminator at the rear.

At the same time, the Eternal Guard on the other side of the battlefield did not stand in place to defend, but compared to the fearless frontal charge of the Badal Legion, the tactical planning of the Eternal Legion was much more complicated.

First of all, the male heavy-armored warrior in the Eternal Guard greeted the incoming Eliminator fiercely with the heavy weapon in his hand, while the female warrior equipped with floating wings walked around to the side of the Eliminator and made a detour interspersed.

It's like a bayonet piercing the Eliminator's heart from the side, making the Eliminator's offensive momentum stagnate, and making the Annihilator battleship in charge of commanding these Eliminators very uncomfortable.

As an Airosian who had dealt with the Eliminator for a period of time, the Eternal Guard was very familiar with the Eliminator's fighting style.

So just now, a ruthless Eternal Guard came to the Eliminator army, and immediately shifted its target to the heavy Eliminator troops following behind.

Because most of Airos's military technology is reversed from the Eternal Ascendant, the Eternal Guard is professional in how to deal with these big guys.

Directly use the special energy-breaking bomb to overload the shield of the heavy eliminator, and then either directly destroy its hidden control core, or attack its joint joints to paralyze it.

This made the Annihilator battleship, which was the base command of the Eliminator, feel very strange. He didn't understand why the planet in front of him had such a powerful ground military force.

(End of this chapter)

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