Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 650 Alternate old and new

Chapter 650 Alternate old and new

Melo Heavenly Court, formerly the Hall of Sacred Expedition, is now renamed the Hall of the Angel Army. In an office deep in the palace, intelligence information gathered by various subordinate departments is read.

More than 3000 years have passed since Queen Binghua left the Merlot Heavenly Court. Ran has been working diligently, for fear of destroying the good situation left by the queen.

Adhering to her queen's philosophy, Ran warns civilizations that violate the order of justice, and those who violate the order of justice use thunderous means to bring down judgments.

Therefore, justice and order have been steadily expanding their sphere of influence without any major mistakes.

However, recently, some sisters have been reacting to Xiang Ran. The new generation's concept of angels is quite at odds with them. They are too kind, and they often only look at things on the surface.

At the same time, Queen Keisha interfered in the mortal world that did not believe in angels and wiped out the enemies for them, which most of the old angel fighters could not understand.

Even some sisters became bored with performing tasks because they didn't know what benefit it would be to the angelic civilization.

They don't feel the need to help those mortals who don't have any spirit of resistance and only know how to kneel down and ask them for help.

Because often after they help these mortals, those mortals will make the same mistakes in a short period of time, just like continuous reincarnation.

Those mortals can understand this ignition, but for angels, hundreds of years are often the time for one rotation or several civilization observation missions.

But for those mortals, it was extremely long, so long that they had forgotten the teachings of the angels and the mistakes they had made.

In addition, due to various reasons, due to the departure of the Binghua Queen in the past 3000 years, a large number of angel fighters from the former Heavenly Sword Legion have continuously applied for retirement. .

Most of the people who burn the command line today are the faces of the new generation of angel warriors, almost all of whom are less than five thousand years old. Their combat experience is extremely lacking, because the angel civilization is now a pole of the known universe, and no civilization dares to provoke the angel civilization. .

But the more peaceful it is, the more internal problems will erupt. This is the case in the Merlot Heavenly Court. Kaisha's influence has gradually spread to the entire Merlot Heavenly Court.

It can be said that the entire Merlot Heaven is revolving around Kaisa's will, and the angels of the Kaisa faction are naturally happy. The new generation worships Kesha as a god, let alone have any opinions.

However, the angels of the Tianjian faction and the Tianji faction that have not yet retired have gradually faded out of the senior decision-making level of the angels because of the inaction or retirement of their own queens.

This is not the deliberate crowding out of the Kaisa faction, but the estrangement brought about by the difference in concepts, and now the military commander of the angel, Holy Left Wing, is the Tianjian King's direct descendant, Angel Ran, and the crowding out is also the exclusion of the Kaisa faction by the Tianjian faction.

As for the space-based faction that has never had a high sense of existence in the Angel Legion of Melo Heaven, it has already existed in name only under Hexi's subtle influence, and most of them have transformed to the scientific research department, becoming scientific research angels or directly retiring.

From the symbol of rebelling against male angels, to the ideal homeland established by female angels, and now the older generation of angels who created the era are gradually leaving.

This once sacred ideal place in the eyes of all female angels has gradually become a symbol of the existence of justice and order, and is no longer an ideal city exclusively for female angels.

And Kaisha has quietly become the king of gods respected by all gods in the justice order, not just the so-called king of angels.

Gradually, people no longer call Kaisha the king of angels, but the king of the gods—Holy Kaisa!
The many changes within the angelic civilization are only known to Kesha, who is the absolute top of the angels, the sacred wings and a few high-ranking angels in important positions.

Many civilizations in the outside world still feel that there are several three-generation gods, multiple first-generation gods, second-generation gods, and high-level angels. The angel civilization with legions as the calculation unit is like a mountain, pressing on the heads of all civilizations.

As long as this mountain never collapses, no matter how many small calculations they have, they can only hide it deep in their hearts and live according to the rules set by the angels.

That is the so-called order of justice.

When the time came to the 7000th year of the establishment of the Merlot Heavenly Court, this sacred city that already had a long history ushered in a change that could affect the internal situation of the entire angelic civilization.

With the growth of the new generation of angels and the retirement of the older generation of angels, it has become increasingly difficult for Ran to deal with various affairs in the past 1000 years.

The Angel Legion, which is full of three voices under his command, has the illusion that genocide will occur if he is not careful. In the end, for the unity and stability of the Angels,
Ran and the older generation of angels finally made up their minds and planned to retreat to the second-line, leaving the busier front-line work to the enthusiastic new-generation angels.

And this means that Ran has given up the Angel military power that has been controlled by the Heavenly Sword faction. The intelligence system of the Angel civilization has already belonged to the Kaisha faction, and now the military power is also being transferred.

After nearly 2 years of transfer and change, the various rights and concepts of the angelic civilization have finally moved towards unity.

And after hundreds of years of power transfer, Ran also plans to step down as the Holy Left Wing, because now she only has the title of a Holy Left Wing, and has long since failed to fulfill her obligations.

In the end, Ran led a small group of angels to leave the Heavenly Court of Melo to follow in the footsteps of the retired Queen. As for the future of the angelic civilization, Ran also looked away, leaving the future to those passionate young angels.

And the new candidate for the Holy Left will be born among two of Kesha's closest subordinates, Alan, the garrison officer of Melo, and Ruoning, who is in charge of Angel's intelligence work.

In the end, Alan, who had many supporters, succeeded the third generation of the Holy Left, taking over the military power of the angelic civilization.

And not long after news spread that Ailan had just succeeded the Holy Left Wing, traces of demons reappeared in the fringe areas of justice and order.

The outside world only thinks that the change of the holy left wing is just the normal change of old and new angel civilization, but Morgana, who is familiar with angels, knows everything about it.

Binghua's departure let Morgana know that the top combat power of Melo Heaven has been weakened, and Angel, who is Binghua's direct line and successor, has resigned from the sacred left wing, and Kaisha's direct line Alan is in the position, which represents Binghua's line It is a foregone conclusion to withdraw from the front line of Merlot Heaven.

Morgana has endured for nearly 5000 years, and the strength of the demon civilization has also recovered during this period, even better than before.

Now that Mello's Heavenly Court is out of favor, there are only a few older generation angels under Kaisha's command who can be great leaders. This is the best time to destroy justice and order.

(End of this chapter)

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