Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 651, Planetary Consciousness

Chapter 651, Planetary Consciousness

In the chaotic star sea, the central star field, and the empty cosmic space, a stream of silver light is moving forward rapidly, leaving a long trail behind it.

Suddenly, the straight-forward silver streamer suddenly changed its direction, drawing an arc in the cosmic space and grazing towards a planetary system along the way.

This streamer is exactly Binghua flying faster than the speed of light. Since arriving in the star field in the middle of the chaotic star sea, Binghua has encountered either unmanned planets or planetary systems that have been completely destroyed by wars.

And just now, Binghua sensed a familiar wave of energy. According to the matching result of the incoming wave type in the database, it was the purification beam of the Eternal Sublimator.

So Binghua turned around without the slightest hesitation, and rushed towards the planetary system emitting energy fluctuations, because as long as there are eternal sublimators, there will be wars.

It is either a purification operation to kill the chaotic virus, or a conquest operation that forces other civilizations to carry out mechanical ascension, so Binghua has a bad impression of the eternal sublimator.

Soon as it got closer to the position where the energy fluctuations came from, a dazzling star first entered the field of vision of the glacier, followed by several planets of different sizes.

But soon Binghua found that his scanning was stopped by a very special force field when he encountered an emerald green planet, and in the outer orbital space of this planet, the conspicuous silver-gray color of the Purifier flagship The metal outer armor is very eye-catching.

The turquoise crystals grown from the soil are like the rocks that can be seen everywhere on other planets, all over the mountains, rivers, lakes, and oceans of this planet.

In addition, this special crystal emits weak fluorescence, causing the entire planet to look like it is emitting emerald green light when viewed from the universe, which is extremely beautiful.

However, there are several smoke rising from this beautiful planet at this moment, and several Annihilator battleships are parked in the atmosphere, releasing densely packed Eliminator fighter planes to carry out carpet bombing on the ground.

But the strange thing is that the sky is covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, which caused great disturbance to the combat troops of the eternal sublimation.

On the ground, there is a group of tall, thin and slender limbs, with white skin, hair, and a pair of slightly protruding big eyes, intelligent life named Ailonki.

In their hands are all kinds of weapons polished by emerald crystals, and the costumes they wear are also very primitive, but their combat effectiveness is not weak.

Because the mechanical army of the eternal sublimation was restricted by these primitive people-like existences, it could not expand.

The Eliminator mechanical warriors held standard weapons and fired at the charging native Ailonki, but the bullets failed to penetrate the flesh of those Ailonki.

Before the bullets hit them, a layer of almost transparent force field blocked all the bullets. Of course, the strength of this force field has an upper limit, and from time to time, some Elonki will be shot to pieces.

"For our homeland! Drive away these invaders!"

The leader of the Ailonki roared loudly, and then slashed down with the shimmering crystal saber in his hand, cutting a gap in the chest of an Eliminator mechanical soldier who was shooting with a gun.

The unknown energy was constantly eroding the outer armor of the Eliminator mechanical warrior at the wound, and before it could kill the Elonki in front of it, a crystal spear pierced through the Eliminator mechanical warrior from the side.

The battle was extremely fierce, and the Ailonki had a geographical advantage, but the charge team was still reduced by more than half, while the mechanical army of the Eternal Ascendants showed no sign of decreasing.

In the blue light projected from the Annihilator battleship in the sky, well-organized mechanical warriors stepped out of it.

In addition to the tragic scene on the ground, the native creatures on Ailonji were also attacked indiscriminately by the eternal sublimation, all because everything on Ailon could be linked to an extremely huge consciousness.

And in order not to let his children be exterminated by this group of metal-covered extraterrestrial visitors, the huge consciousness on Elon is interfering with the celestial phenomena on the planet to create obstacles for the eternal sublimators.

So all the existences on Elron star turned into the enemies of the Eternal Ascendant, the beasts, the weather, the Elonki and even the planet itself.

Compared with the ignorant Ailonji people on the surface, the consciousness body of Ailonji Star is a bit desperate, because she can clearly feel the huge metal creations outside the atmosphere, and just dispatched a few of the smallest ones to beat her own children There is no way to fight back.

If those larger metal creations also joined the battle, would I and my children still have a chance of winning?

At this time, the consciousness body of Ailongji star felt a new existence entering its perception circle. Her sense of existence was so powerful, as dazzling as the star in the center of Ailongji planetary system.

The Purifier flagship parked outside Ailonji naturally also detected the extremely fast approaching energy source. The purification light cannons on the hull adjusted their muzzles one after another and began to store energy for a short time. Afterwards, the blazing white purification beams approached extremely fast. The energy source is bombarded away.

But the silver streamer did not dodge or dodge, it directly smashed the purging light beam into energy fragments, and then directly hit the energy shield activated by the purification flagship without diminishing momentum, bursting out dazzling torrent of energy.

A moment later, the silver streamer passed through the shield of the Purifier flagship and sank into the interior of its hull, and then bursts of fire began to emerge from the interior of the Purifier flagship.

Seeing that the fleet's purification mothership was destroyed, other Purifier warships moored around began to scatter towards the surroundings, but the silver streamer that penetrated the Purifier's flagship finally dispersed until this moment, and Binghua's figure appeared impressively from it.

Binghua looked around, and saw those Annihilator warships who wanted to distance themselves from him stretched out their hands, the King Sword of Seven Kills appeared, and the flame bombardment completed the calculation in the blink of an eye.

The scorching red energy enveloped the sword edge of Wang Jian, and Binghua continuously slashed several giant sword qi slashes containing the energy of raging flame bombardment.

Several Annihilator warships that were planning to distance themselves, launch Eliminator fighter planes, and carry out concentrated fire bombardment quickly adjusted their attacks after detecting the huge energy of the incoming giant sword qi enough to penetrate their shields Attack the sword energy from Binghua from an angle.

But there was no sign of the sword energy being detonated at all, and the force field that maintained the energy form couldn't be destroyed by just a few rounds of purification light beams.

If it was the sword energy emitted by an ordinary angel, it might be successfully intercepted by the Annihilator battleship, but Binghua, as an angel who is extremely proficient in the flame slash, has already optimized his own flame slash energy formula countless times. It surpassed the cut of ordinary angels by a large margin.

After the several Annihilator warships were cut in half, Binghua focused on the nearby Ailonji planet, and immediately discovered its specialness.

An unknown force field enveloped the entire planet, and this force field gave the glacier a very strange feeling.

And the consciousness of Ailongjixing is also very troubled at this moment, because she can't communicate with this mysterious and powerful existence, and her consciousness can't connect with her at all, and she is wiped out by the energy radiation unintentionally emitted by this mysterious existence before she gets close. .

(End of this chapter)

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