Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 652, Ailonji Crystal

Chapter 652, Ailonji Crystal
In the Ailonji atmosphere, the Eliminator station planes that were constantly bombing the Ailonji people and local beasts on the ground suddenly turned around collectively and rushed towards the sky.

The Annihilator battleship that launched the ground troops also closed the launch channel, the nozzles on the tail and the surface of the hull ejected dazzling flames, and the bow of the ship was raised towards the sky above.

Then the large and small muzzles on the hull aimed at the same direction and fired at the same time, and the light beams shot towards the sky of lightning and thunder.

And the swooping Binghua figure flexibly dodged left and right in the air above the high altitude, easily avoiding the fiery energy beams.

At the same time, Binghua also launched its own counterattack. A long sword with a simple shape was ejected from the micro-wormhole, turning into silver streamers and bombarding the shield of the Annihilator battleship, making a deafening explosion .

These simple long swords are the earliest mass-produced Thai-Egyptian alloy swords in Binghua. They are the lowest-order weapons in Binghua's arsenal, and they have been used by Binghua as consumables.

It's the same now, the Tay alloy sword bombarded the Annihilator's shield with terrifying kinetic energy, and some of them directly disintegrated into pieces due to the huge reaction force.

And this also caused the shield of the Annihilator battleship to fluctuate continuously, and finally it was overwhelmed and directly shattered. At this moment, the diving ice splendor condensed the silver metal blades from virtual to real, and then suddenly began to grow and expand.

The mass-energy conversion combined with the living metal armor on Binghua's body produced the effect that one plus one is greater than two, and several ship-chopping knives with a length of tens of meters cut down in the air.

Like cucumbers on a chopping board, the Annihilator battleship, hundreds of meters long, turned into several sections, sparks burst out from the fracture, and fell to the ground.

The Ailonki on the ground were stunned. The enemy's suspended fortress like a mountain was simply destroyed.

After that, things were very simple. Binghua traveled to several places on Star Aron in ten minutes, knocking down the remaining warships of the Eternal Ascendant one after another.

It wasn't until all the dangers were eliminated that Binghua gathered her white wings and landed slowly in front of a group of Ailonki who looked at her as if they were gods.

At this moment, Binghua is wearing a gorgeous silver metal battle armor that covers the whole body and is decorated with complicated patterns. On the back is a red cloak with the emblem of the Heavenly Sword printed on it. His face is very approachable, without any condescending feeling.

However, the Ailonji people present could feel the faint prestige of this unknown being, and it was a little difficult to breathe just standing in front of her.

When the Ailonki people were observing Binghua, an alien visitor, Binghua was also observing the Ailonki people whose appearance was quite different from the life of the Shenhe body. The eyes of insight had been opened by Binghua, and the basic information of this planet It is being collected by her continuously.

Soon Binghua found the language system of the Ailonki that he needed most, and spent a short time cracking it, and learned the most basic communication language.

"Are you residents of this planet? I am an angel passing by here, you can call me Binghua, or Angel Binghua."

In order to express his goodwill, Binghua put away his weapon and took a few steps forward with empty hands to show that he did not have any malice. However, because he was not used to its pronunciation, Binghua stumbled and was not very fluent.

Seeing that Binghua could speak their language and showed no hostility, the Ailonji who were still nervous couldn't help but relax. After looking at each other, the highest-ranking Ailonki stood up.

"Hello, respected strongman, I am Jager, the leader of the Meteor Clan.

Thank you for destroying the extraterrestrial invaders and saving us and the world. "

The Elonki named Yager kept his posture very low. He first thanked Binghua for his rescue, and then asked cautiously.

"Your Excellency Angel Binghua, do you have any questions you want to ask when you landed here in our clan?
As long as our Meteor Clan knows something, I will know everything. "

Although the actual meaning may be different due to different cultures, the translated meaning is roughly the same, but Binghua has a little doubt.

Because the Ailonji star is too abnormal, Binghua discovered it when it was in the sky. The social system of the Ailonji people is still in an extremely backward tribal era, and they are distributed in every corner of the Ailonji star continent. Communication, can all call themselves clans.

At the same time, the Elonki have extremely powerful weapon manufacturing technology. Binghua scanned the unknown crystal materials widely distributed on this planet and found that there is an unknown energy inside.

The Ailonji people can use the energy contained in these crystals to a certain extent to do something that can shock the jaws of scientists in the world of justice, just like the discovery of the Rendigang people.

However, what the Ailonji people can do is far better than the Rendigang people. They can use the energy in the crystals to form a defensive force field that can withstand energy weapons and kinetic energy weapons.

Or activate the energy contained in the weapon polished by special crystals, making it extremely sharp, enough to destroy the light outer armor of the Eliminator mechanical warrior.

Compared with Kamigawa's technology that follows the laws of real physics, the technology of the Ailonki people can be said to have a bit of magic.

After a few conversations, Binghua was no longer feared by Jager. As the leader of a clan, Jager was quite confident in his vision of people.

Binghua's kind and humble conversation attitude greatly increased Yager's goodwill in his heart, so he did not hide some things.

Of course, this is related to Binghua's attitude towards treating people well, and it is also related to Binghua's powerful power. Jager is very self-aware of the clan's technology.

No matter how much time they were given, the Meteor Clan would not be able to create a crystal weapon capable of knocking down the metal warships of aliens.

Binghua also understood the basic working principle of the Ailonji crystal weapon during the conversation with Yager of the Meteor clan, and the doubts in his heart were answered.

Ailonji crystal is the name of this kind of crystals all over the Ailonji star, and it is also the name of the gods they believe in. Although the Ailonji people have different clans, they have a common belief, that is, the earth under their feet. They call it Be a mother or worship as a god.

Just when Binghua picked up a piece of Ailonji crystal presented to her by the Meteor Clan, trying to activate the energy in it according to the Ailonki method.

Yager, who had just left, went back and forth, and came to the area where Binghua was located with a pious expression. He first expressed his interruption with the etiquette of the Meteor clan, and then solemnly said:
"Dear Angel Binghua, our god wants to talk to you.

And let me tell you that the energy you have is too powerful, our gods cannot establish contact with you, and please temporarily gather the energy that is escaping from your body. "

(End of this chapter)

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