Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 653 Chapter 60, Beacon

Chapter 653 Chapter Sixty, Beacon
Binghua looked stunned, "God" Ailonki people believe in the god of the land under their feet, so who is the god that Yager is talking about now, and then he is curious.

You must know the term "God", not everything can be called this kind of title, even some guys who use the name of gods to bluff and deceive, only dare to call themselves the messengers of God, or the son of God.

Although curious, Binghua restrained the dark energy radiation that she unconsciously radiated outwards, reducing the energy fluctuations in her body.

In an instant, an unknown energy field that fluctuates and is very similar to the Ailonji crystal enveloped Binghua, but its strength was very limited, Binghua could break free easily, so Binghua resisted his subconscious counterattack .

But when this energy concentrated towards her brain, Binghua made a sound, and at the same time, the energy trying to invade her brain was also wiped out by the defense system in Binghua's body.

"Although I don't know who you are, if you just want to communicate with me, you don't need to bother.

Besides, trying to hack into my mind without my consent, I would regard this as your malicious attack. "

After saying the above words, Binghua's eyes lighted up with a faint white light, and the golden sacred language was projected in the air, quickly arranged and combined with Binghua's control.

After more than a minute, a special system integrating the unknown energy field of Ailongji has been written. Although there are no special functions, it is enough to communicate with the gods in Ailongji's population.

In fact, the principle is similar to the product of the combination of a firewall and a transfer station, which can prevent the enemy from directly invading, but it is impossible to let Binghua put down his defenses. This is the most suitable method at present.

"Okay, now you can connect with me. I have set aside a connection port for you, and you should be able to feel it with your ability."

A moment later, a neutral voice sounded in Binghua's communication channel.

"Hello, powerful existence, I am the conscious body of this planet, the Ailongji star you mentioned, and the only god that life on this planet believes in."

"Planetary consciousness! There are still existences like you in the universe!

How were you born? "

Binghua is really surprised. She is well-informed and has been to countless planets. The civilizations she has encountered are enough to build a database, but she has never heard of that planet having planetary consciousness. .

"I don't know how I was born, I was already on this planet when I had my own consciousness.

I can manipulate the weather of this planet, affect geological changes, watch my children being born, learn to make tools, and build my own culture.

Now my children have been massacred by aliens. If you hadn't come suddenly and wiped out those intruders, I'm afraid I can only watch them being killed.

I would like to express my sincerest thanks to you for saving my children. "

"There's no need to thank you, I can't understand what the Eternal Ascendant is doing, and saving you is just incidental.

Binghua felt that the attitude of the planetary consciousness was quite friendly, and was willing to continue the conversation with her, and asked a lot of questions about the planetary consciousness, and finally figured out what powers the planetary consciousness of Ailonji possessed.

However, the result disappointed Binghua a bit. Although the planetary consciousness sounds great and possesses powerful abilities, it is still not free from the shackles of the laws of physics after all.

After the analysis and research of Binghua, it is found that the planetary consciousness of Ailonji is more like a planetary magnetic field with its own thinking ability than a living life.

What he said can affect celestial phenomena and geological changes are all based on this, and they cannot be directly affected at all. They are all indirect effects, which often take a long time.

Otherwise, in the face of a planet-level opponent, a fleet of purifiers alone is not enough. At the very least, a destroyer fortress or multiple purification fleets must be dispatched.

On the other hand, Binghua speculates that the birth of planetary consciousness on Ailongji star should have a lot to do with Ailongji crystal. The energy field emitted by this crystal is exactly the energy used by planetary consciousness to connect Binghua.

Therefore, the birth of planetary consciousness should be a coincidence under special circumstances, which makes Binghua a little disappointed. If he knows how to create planetary consciousness, the world of justice will not need to allocate too much computing power to changes in the planetary environment.

Because planetary consciousness is the best planetary manager, and can perceive any changes in the planet, because the planet itself is like their body.

After communicating with the planetary consciousness about her birth for a long time, Binghua asked a question, which was the goal of her trip, the group of angels headed by male angels.

When Binghua projected the image of a male angel in the air, the consciousness of Ailongjixing only gave a response after thinking for a moment.

"I met them a long time ago, and I can't remember exactly when it was, I don't have a very specific feeling about the passage of time, sometimes a long time passes without paying attention.

I remember that there were not many of them at that time, only about a dozen of them, and they left in a hurry shortly after arriving here. "

Binghua was refreshed when he heard the words, and finally had some news, even if it was news from years ago, it was enough, because it proved that the male angels had indeed been active here.

Binghua hurriedly asked about the detailed information of Ailongji's planetary consciousness, but he didn't get much, but the male angel left in the direction of the universe, and Ailongji's consciousness told Binghua.

After Binghua got the location where the male angel left, he didn't plan to stay on Ailongji for a long time.

"Sorry, if I have time in the future, I will come back here and talk to you more about how planets give birth to consciousness.

Now it's time for me to continue on my journey. "

Binghua got up from a raw Ailonji crystal ore and patted his skirt armor.

"Your Excellency, are you leaving here now? I would like to beg you to stay for a while, and I can foresee that those aliens will not stop there."

"Don't worry, I will leave location information, if the Eternal Ascendant attacks you again.

Just move this thing, and my soldiers will come to help you then. "

Binghua stretched out her hand, one was slightly longer than the palm, the surface was engraved with cold and hard lines, and the upper and lower sides were triangular-shaped metal creations. There was a gap in the middle, and the upper and lower ends could be rotated relative to each other.

This is the beacon of the gate of time and space. As long as it is activated, it will send a message for help to the world of the gods. At that time, a standard demigod battle group with a total of 5000 people on standby will quickly enter the battlefield through the gate of time and space system to complete the deployment.

(End of this chapter)

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