Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 654 Chapter 61, the sudden attack

Chapter 654 Chapter 61, the sudden attack

After explaining the function of the beacon, Binghua handed it over to the Meteor Clan, and after bidding farewell to the planetary consciousness of Ailonji, he spread his angel wings and flew towards the sky.

As soon as he broke out of the atmosphere of Ailongji, Binghua contacted Tianjian, the management system of the justice world.

"Queen, why are you calling me?"

Tianjian's voice is still so tepid, it seems that no matter what the situation is, it can't make him have obvious mood swings.

However, compared to the synthetic voice that Tianjian just upgraded to intelligent life at the beginning, now it has spontaneously modified it into a female voice with quite personal characteristics, which is already a great improvement.

"It's okay, can't I talk to you?"

"Queen, please don't disturb my work. I need to monitor the information of each star field in the entire justice world. Every piece of computing power is precious. I don't have any extra computing power to engage in such meaningless dialogue with you."

Tianjian's answer was meticulous, explaining the relationship between them clearly, but Binghua didn't care, anyway, flying in the universe is very monotonous, so it's better to take the opportunity to tease Tianjian.

"This is not a meaningless behavior, don't you think your calculation logic has improved a lot when chatting with me.

Now I have learned to shirk, Tianjian, you have really changed a lot since you were born. "

Binghua's face is no longer the same as Ai Longji's, but showing a faint smile. As the former flagship of the dark plane supercomputer, Tianjian has spent far more time with Binghua than other angels.

Not long after the establishment of the world of justice, Binghua created a pseudo-personality for Tianjian's supercomputer, which is today's Tianjian. Although it is not yet able to have more obvious emotions like normal creatures, it can It is slowly transforming into a normal intelligent life.

"Queen, please tell me the reason why you called me. This will only waste precious computing resources in vain."

"Forget it, don't tease you, include the planet where I was just now in our star map, and tentatively name it the world of Ailonji.

Some information about this world I will upload directly into the database later, if they activate the beacon of the time and space gate, remember to send a standard warband to help them defend against the eternal ascendant.

Destroyer-class warships can be dispatched if necessary. "

"Yes, Queen, I will convey your order back to the Military Affairs Department of the God Throne World."

Seeing that the Heavenly Sword had lost its voice, Binghua asked back aloud:
"Aren't you curious, why am I willing to help them so easily?"

"Queen, I'm just an intelligent management system in the world of justice, not a strategic analysis system. I just need to obey your will."

Binghua opened her hands to cover her face, and said helplessly:
"Tianjian, chatting like this is very boring? Can't you have a little bit, just a little bit of curiosity?"

Binghua spoke and made movements, expressing the so-called little bit with his thumb and index finger very vividly.

"Queen, you also know that I am still a little bit away from being curious, so you should be clear that a little bit and nothing are a concept.

So I can't understand why you would ask such a meaningless question. "

Binghua was choked for a moment, then she didn't continue this topic, and her attitude returned to normal.

"Okay, okay, let's skip this topic for the time being, and tell the Markla world that the Ailonji crystal on Ailonji Star has high scientific research value.

That special force field has good versatility, and it may bring some unexpected results, so pay attention to protect the Ailonji star, and don't let them be destroyed by the eternal sublimator. "

"I will include the matter of the Ailonji star in the to-do list of the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

After that, Binghua asked about some recent events in the world of justice, and Tianjian also reported them one by one.

First of all, the chaotic virus in Crowder World has been eliminated, and the planetary ecological environment is currently recovering, and it is expected to return to normal in a year.

At the same time, the orbital defense system established by Justice World around Crowder World has also started, and it is expected to be completed in a few years.

Binghua nodded slightly to confirm that, in fact, when Binghua was in the God Throne World, except for the overall strategy and some major events that needed to be dealt with, things like the normal operation of the Justice World were basically handed over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and several of its ministers. deal with.

The overall situation of the world of justice is monitored macroscopically by Tianjian, so that whenever there are major mistakes, Binghua can detect them.

The Trial Council is in charge of supervising the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which has supervision departments led by judges in each world to deal with government personnel who violate the laws of the just world.

For example, the Defense Army and the Elite Legion are commanded by their respective legion chiefs, which are directly under the management of the Military Affairs Department of the God Throne World. Except for the original world, the world leaders of other worlds only have the second command priority.

However, the world of the gods generally does not interfere with the specific affairs of each world. Only when major events occur, the world of the gods will uniformly mobilize the defense forces and elite legions of each world.


It has been a few days since I left Ailonji, and Ice Blossom still hasn't been harvested, but the planetary system along the way has no traces of the war that I encountered before, but is full of greenery full of vitality.

Just when the ice bloom passed a bare terrestrial planet, energy fluctuations suddenly appeared in the detection range, and then quickly approached her position.

At the same time, a white spot of light appeared in Binghua's line of sight, and Binghua, who had shown a straight flight trajectory, instantly moved to one side.

Immediately, a blazing blue light beam passed by Binghua, and the surface of the terrestrial planet behind was directly blasted into a terrifying pothole tens of meters, filled with fiery red fluid.

'Is it for me? '

Although such doubts flashed in his heart, Binghua had already determined that the attacker's target must be himself, otherwise he wouldn't have hit his flight path so accurately.

And looking at the type of energy that was attacked just now, it was still the energy system of my old enemy, the Eternal Ascendant, but it should not be a large battleship, because it is impossible to move so fast under normal sailing speed.

Only tens of seconds later, the unknown eternal sublimators who attacked Binghua appeared near Binghua, and there were six of them in total.

The whole body is composed of unknown silver-gray alloy armor, and the torso is neither bloated nor slender, which obviously refers to the skeleton system of the Kamikawa body.

The joints are covered with multi-section armor, which does not affect the flexibility. The thick white energy blade of the thick sword held in the hand is even more stable without any fluctuations.

The metal wings of light blue energy flames sprayed from the end of the back represent that they are creations of technology.

(End of this chapter)

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