Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 664, Multithreaded Locking

Chapter 664, Multithreaded Locking
When the beam of light that came from the lasing disappeared, Binghua threw the shield in his hand, and a dazzling blue thunder shone all over his body, and then turned into a blue streamer and shot out, leaving only the shield that hadn't reacted from the scene. Kaza, wait for the angels.

However, there was a message from Binghua before he left in their communication channel.

"You evacuate this area first, and I will stop him."

On the other side, Destroyer 102 saw that his attack was resisted, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He adjusted the angle of the armed structure in front of him, and shifted the target from the angel's base to the streamer that shot towards his position.

Immediately, no energy storage was carried out, and the blue-white energy particles continued to stir in the gaps in the structural armament, and then a beam of light that was slightly weaker than before shot out, across the space and directly hit the approaching thunder streamer .

But soon Destroyer 102 stopped shooting, because the thunder streamer was like a prophet, easily avoiding all his attacks, even the predicted blocking shots couldn't hit.

Since this is the case, there is no need to waste energy anymore, the large-scale structural armaments began to disintegrate, turning into dozens of fusiform flying objects again, returning to the wings on Destroyer 102's back.

At the same time, Destroyer 102's two wing ends each ejected a long silver object about one meter long. He held it in his hand, and the next moment glaring blue-white energy spewed out, and condensed again in an instant. Turned into two lightsabers with light as the blade.

Immediately, at the end of the wings on Destroyer 102's back, the light flames gushing out became more intense, and his figure rushed forward in an instant, accelerating continuously, and the target was the rushing ice flower.

Binghua naturally saw this scene through her own eyes. The lines formed by the miniature sacred language on the king sword in her hand suddenly lit up, and a red halo was smudged on the sword body.

A moment later, the two who were facing each other collided near an asteroid belt, and a burst of energy blasted out, directly shaking the nearby asteroid fragments into debris.

Binghua spread her wings fiercely, stopped her flying body, and rushed forward again without hesitation. At the same time, she swung the king sword in the air one after another, and the compressed flaming sword energy pierced the starry sky like thin lines, flying out.

The Destroyer 102 is not the mass-produced Purifier that Binghua encountered before. It surpasses it by a large margin in every aspect, and its flexibility is naturally not weak.

Under the thrust generated by the nozzles on the subtle parts of the armor on the body surface, coupled with the Destroyer 102 constantly adjusting its evasive posture, it abruptly rushed out of the big net formed by the flaming sword energy.

But immediately after, he was hit back by Binghua's slashing sword, and then a burst of leaping thunder jets followed, bombarding Destroyer 102, giving him a refreshing lightning bath.

This time it was no longer a joke. Although Binghua did not have full firepower, it was not too waterproof either. With a set of coordinated attacks from far and near, the suppressed Destroyer 102 had no power to fight back.

However, as one of the test machines manufactured by Samei Ailuo to make up for the gap in the top-level combat power of individual soldiers, the Destroyer 102 is nothing else, but the materials that make up the body and armor are absolutely top-notch, and it is equipped with a personal purification energy defense field. , the ability to withstand attacks is even stronger
Now, with Binghua's set of attacks, except for the slight damage to the armor surface, there is no other damage. However, the energy reactor in the chest of Destroyer 102 is constantly improving the energy conversion efficiency.

All parts of the body also began to overload regardless of wear and tear, in order to defeat the Angel King who was marked as a dangerous target in the Eternal Ascendant, and also to further collect combat data and mass-produce the next generation of Destroyers Type prepare.

The flying wings that had been closed up on the back suddenly opened, and countless palm-sized shuttle-shaped flying objects rushed out like a swarm of bees, and a small blue energy blade lit up at the front end.

Seeing this momentum of pursuit, Binghua stopped instantly, and then retreated quickly, and the group of fusiform flying objects that looked like blue light spots, like sharks smelling blood, crazily clung to them, as if they wanted to separate Binghua. And eat it.

Binghua backed away while dodging the meteorites behind, but the group of shuttle-shaped flying objects did not dodge or dodge, and cut the blocked meteorites into countless pieces one by one with the thin energy blade at its front end.

On the other side, Destroyer 102, who had released the small structural armament he carried, did not blindly rush forward to continue hand-to-hand combat with Binghua.

Because according to the several collisions just now, all the data showed that the performance of its own body was suppressed by the Angel King. Therefore, according to the combat logic calculation, Destroyer 102 came to the result that it was not suitable to continue hand-to-hand combat.

And taking advantage of the short time when Binghua was entangled by small-scale structural arms, the wing-shaped wings on the back of Destroyer 102, except for the thickest parts at the upper and lower ends of the edge, had a total of eight long strip-shaped internal support structures, Quickly detached from the root of the flying wings, suspended in the universe, and then combined with each other in pairs, turning into two large square flying objects with narrow front and wide rear, suspended in the starry sky.

It wasn't until then that Destroyer 102 took action again, quickly rushing towards Binghua's location.

On the other side, Binghua was also observing the small flying objects chasing her while avoiding the pursuit. She had to admire the mechanical engineering of the Eternal Ascendant. mobility.

Although Binghua's own Silver Feather can do the same thing, it can only be done with a weapon engine coupled with a system written in an extremely complex sacred language, and it is difficult to be widely used.

Just as Binghua was thinking, several beams of light struck from the side at the same time, the angles were extremely tricky, and the attacks launched simultaneously, unexpectedly blocked all her avoidance space.

In the end, Binghua had no choice but to hold his sword horizontally in front of him, using the wider Wangjian blade as a shield, and took a hard blow from the light beam. The terrifying energy exploded in front of him, and the turbulent energy impact pushed Binghua's body back. It shattered several asteroid fragments blocked along the way, and finally smashed into an asteroid.

Destroyer 102 immediately stepped forward. He has already discovered that long-distance sniping has little effect on Binghua, and it is very easy to be dodged. Then pull in the distance and close-range multi-threaded blockade beam attack. Even if the opponent knows the attack trajectory, it will not Not enough time and space to dodge.

Destroyer 102 is indeed right about this point. Binghua's super high computing power allows her to easily calculate the attack angle and dodge calmly, but when the distance is close enough, she can only use her own combat experience, Predict the attack angle and dodge.

(End of this chapter)

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