Chapter 665, destroyed

Binghua, who was trapped in the asteroid, pursed her lips lightly, and her eyes fell on the sword body of Wang Jian, which still had a trace of high temperature aftertaste. It must be said that she had underestimated the mechanical warrior of the Eternal Ascendant before.

I thought they only had mechanical warriors of the Purifier sequence, but judging from the Destroyer 102 she encountered so far, it was obvious that there were higher ranks.

In the short confrontation before, Binghua already knew the performance of Destroyer 102. In terms of physical strength, it has surpassed the ordinary three generations of angel fighters.

With its rich combat armaments, the general three generations of angels probably won't be his opponents. A generation of god-level angels should be able to suppress him a little bit, but it may take a lot of effort to defeat him.

In addition, Destroyer 102's ability to resist beatings is really strong. Don't look at the previous Thunder Jet as just a random blow from Binghua, but after all Binghua's lower limit is there.

Ordinary god-level angels resisted the blow, not to mention losing their combat power on the spot, but at least they would be injured, or simply paralyzed for a short period of time, but Destroyer 102 was fine.

Binghua turned over while thinking, and kicked the asteroid behind him out of place, because the group of follower-like gadgets rushed up again.

During the flight, Binghua held Wang Jian horizontally in front of him, and the flame bombardment formula was introduced. In an instant, fiery red flooded the entire blade of the sword, and then he turned around and swung it.

The blazing fiery red horses swept out like a waterfall, whether it was the rushing micro-structural weapons or the asteroids or meteorites floating in the cosmic starry sky, they were washed into ashes by the energy in an instant.

Destroyer 102 only felt a dazzling red light flash in front of him, and the next moment he was completely disconnected from his miniature structure, and then the strength of the purification energy field covering his body began to drop rapidly.

And this explosive energy shock engulfed him and kept flying backwards, until he reacted and used the jet boost of the flying wings to stop his figure.

But soon the Destroyer's multifunctional information collection device found that there was an additional signal reflection source around him, and the structural armament suspended around him immediately adjusted the brightness.

Before Destroyer 102 gave the command to shoot, the silver edge slashed vertically, splitting the two structural arms on the right side of Destroyer into two halves.

Immediately, Binghua turned the blade of the King Sword in his hand, followed by a horizontal slash, the two wings on the Destroyer's back broke from the middle, and the Destroyer's mobility dropped to the lowest ever in an instant.

After Binghua finished all this, he stretched out his left hand to grab the rear armor of the Destroyer's neck, and then raised the king sword in his hand, aiming at his back and stabbing fiercely.

Accompanied by a slight sense of blockage, Wang Jian sank into Destroyer's back, and then pierced through his chest. The purification energy field that blocked Wang Jian before had no effect at this moment.

Destroyer 102's face flickered like a binocular multifunctional information collection device, as if expressing the shock in his heart, but a large warning popped up in an instant.

The purification energy reactor suffered severe damage, more than 60.00% of the damage was suffered, the outer armor suffered penetrating damage, and the inner armor suffered penetrating damage...

The final result is that the output of Destroyer 102 has dropped by 80.00%, and its mobility has dropped by 60.00%.

Binghua raised his leg to hit Destroyer's back with a straight kick, and drew out the king sword with his strength, and distanced himself from Destroyer 102, who was flashing blue energy arcs all over his body from time to time.

"Is that really the case?" Binghua confirmed her guess. In the previous attack, she also used the king sword to slash the body of Destroyer 102, but she didn't leave any scars.

Binghua had two guesses in his mind at the time. The first one was that the Destroyer's armor material was extremely strong, able to resist the direct cutting of the dark plastic silver weapon.

Another guess is the charged armor technology. Through special means, an unobservable energy force field layer is formed on the armor surface. As long as the attack cannot destroy this force field layer in an instant, it cannot cause too much damage to the objects behind.

Angel of technology in this area has been developed and applied all the time, so Binghua also knows how to crack this kind of charged armor.

Therefore, after using the flame bombardment to cut out an energy shock covering an extremely wide area, Binghua immediately came to Destroyer 102's side, and the fact was not as he expected.

The Destroyer's charged armor had already fallen into an energy overload because it had to resist the continuous energy erosion of the flame bombardment, and was recovering energy, which made Destroyer 102's body extremely vulnerable under the attack of the ice bloom.

Of course, this is only relatively speaking. As the cutting-edge weapon used by angels so far, the dark silver weapon possesses a characteristic that is the reason why angels have not eliminated it, that is, its unparalleled destructive power against physical matter.

After the test of the angel civilization, there is almost no known metal alloy that can survive the collision experiment with the dark long-cherished silver weapon. However, the dark long-cherished silver weapon also has shortcomings, so it is difficult to break through the energy force field. Defense and toughness are also somewhat lacking.

Because the dark silver weapon can't bless too much energy, so as to break through the force field protection by breaking through the surface, if the structure of the dark silver weapon becomes complicated, it will make itself fragile, and the gain outweighs the loss.

After Binghua opened the distance, she didn't step forward blindly, because the opponent might choose to self-destruct and give her a hard blow before falling.

As a result, ripples appeared in the space around Binghua, and dozens of flaming swords protruded from it. Then under Binghua's control, a fiery halo bloomed and twisted on the sword body, as if it wanted to melt the space into a hole.

Destroyer 102 struggled to turn around using the remaining jets, and the goal was Binghua's figure shrouded in the blazing fire, and the dazzling eyeballs floating beside him, like dazzling lights in the universe. star.

Even in the face of such a hopeless scene, Destroyer 102 did not have a trace of fear in his heart. The only two remaining structural weapons aimed at the figure bathed in brilliance, and began to extract energy from his chest. energy of.

I don't know whether his creator didn't give him the right to experience this emotion, or his cold heart made him fearless.

Seeing this, Binghua didn't show any emotion at all. After all, the opponent is just a machine. The dark energy cutting of the flame sword array has been loaded, and the driving ejection force field is ready to go, following Binghua's thoughts.

Dozens of fiery red streamers shot out, easily dividing the space in Destroyer's line of sight into ten points, and the two purifying beams that shot towards Binghua were easily defeated.

Afterwards, the Destroyer's body was hit by streaks of fiery red streamers, and the scorching heat melted and divided his metal body, leaving only a wounded body in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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