Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 696, the known universe, beyond the known universe

Chapter 696, the known universe, beyond the known universe
"Queen Kaisa, Morgana has arrived at the outskirts of the Heavenly Court and is attacking the Heavenly Court.

I beseech you to lead an army of angels back to heaven to fight against the demons. "

Ruoning stroked her chest and saluted, waiting for her queen's decision.

"Queen Keisha, the defense system of Heavenly Court cannot be easily breached.

Therefore, Heavenly Court does not need support for the time being, and we are not far from achieving our strategic goals.

If we give up at this time, everything we have done before will be in vain. "

Hexi also stood up and refuted Ruoning's point of view in an unhurried manner. Although she didn't have any good methods, Ruoning's behavior was undoubtedly letting the angel be led by the nose by the devil.

Then the high-level angels below also began to express their own ideas, but they were all one-sided, but there were also ideas that Kesha thought were good.

Among them, Angel Yan's thoughts are very similar to hers, which is to continue the current war, completely destroy the Freedom Alliance, and give the devil a bottom line.

In this case, the demons will lack a free alliance that can provide them with a lot of resources, and it will be possible to defeat the demons again, instead of having a long war of attrition with them.

Finally, when the Melo meeting reached the final resolution, Keisha spoke.

"It is an obvious fact that the demons cannot break through the Merlot Heavenly Court.

And we can't just wander around and return to the heaven when we come out, so I decided to continue the crusade against the Freedom Alliance and judge their crimes.

To uphold justice for the people whose personal safety has been violated by them under the banner of justice and order. "

Keisha's voice fell, and there was no angel present to raise any objections, but Ruoning looked back thoughtfully at Angel Yan who was at the back of the team.

She still doesn't pay attention to Yan, the new generation of angel stars. After all, the other party is too young, only over 1000 years old, and all the thoughts in her heart are written on her face.

But this time, the Angel Yan's thoughts coincided with the Queen's decision, which made Ruoning thoughtful.

Justice and evil, angels and demons, like light and darkness, are constantly appearing on the heads of ordinary civilizations in the known universe.

When good prevailed over evil, they rejoiced, praising the greatness and benevolence of Kesha, the king of the gods.

When evil overwhelmed justice, they knelt down and begged the king of gods to do justice for them.

But they never thought about using their own hands to fight against evil and get justice for themselves...

The known universe has the chaos of the known universe, and beyond the known universe, there is cruelty beyond the known universe,

The battle between the world of justice and the Eternal Ascendant's Airos has lasted for several months, from the initial landing to the final brutal ground offensive and defensive battle.

During this period, the fleet of the Justice World used shipborne weapons to destroy the surface of Destroyer 011 more than once, but the effect was minimal.

Destroyer 011 still has an arc-shaped shield defense system under its own alloy surface. Any bombing from the outside world must first exhaust the giant purification energy pile in the center of its huge body.

This makes the United Army that has arrived can only advance step by step towards the interior of the Destroyer Planetary Fortress, while Destroyer 011 is slowly advancing towards Airos. Now after several months, it is far away from Airos Not far away.

Standing on the surface of Airos, the unknown star with a diameter of more than 20 centimeters in the sky can be seen with the naked eye.

Moreover, purification fleets continue to break into the Airos planetary system, and even mechanical warriors of the Purifier sequence gradually appear on the battlefield in large numbers.

However, these extremely powerful mechanical warriors still have existences that can deal with them, and that is the demigod warriors from the world of God Throne.

Although they couldn't defeat these extremely powerful mechanical warriors one-on-one, it was not too difficult to destroy them with many-on-one cooperation and tacit cooperation.

But before the demigod warriors arrived on the battlefield, if the ordinary defense forces encountered these mechanical warriors of the purifier sequence, they would face a massacre.

When the battle was so difficult, Binghua finally dispatched the mechanical soldiers who burned them to prevent the Eternal Ascendant Destroyer sequence from entering the field.

If you want to talk about the mechanical warriors of the Purifier sequence, they can be destroyed with some effort with the conventional weapons of the world of justice.

The miniature purification energy field defense equipped by the mechanical warriors of the Destroyer sequence can make most of the conventional weapons of civilization can only stare aside.

Because another object of use of the purification energy field is the battleship of the Purifier sequence, which condenses the shipboard-scale defense means into a micro-unit less than three meters in height, and you can imagine what kind of destructive power it needs in order to cause damage to their bodies.

The army of the Justice World is not the Angel Legion of Melo's Heavenly Court, each of them has destructive power against ships.

But it was not without surprises. Fanshen World's Immortal Project made Binghua look different. They actually created a humanoid mobile weapon that could compete with the Purifier sequence of mechanical warriors to a certain extent.

Although the requirements for the driver and materials are extremely strict, at least they have achieved it, but like the known universe, they also face the disadvantages of high cost and huge cost.

Its degraded version is the latest generation of demigod armor, which has been balanced in terms of mass production and cost, and the Immortal is to improve performance regardless of cost under the condition that it can be realized.

At present, the first generation of Immortals can provide drivers with physical output comparable to the three generations of super soldiers, short-distance ultra-high-speed movement, and the most important flying ability, but it is a pity that the cruising speed in the atmosphere is only a few times the speed of sound.

They do not have long-distance combat capabilities, because even if they accelerate continuously, the speed of the immortal in the universe is very limited. Without the protection of the force field, it is easy to have a close contact with some gadgets in the universe.

But it is enough. The battle of Airos has reached the current level, and there are certain casualties in all worlds, among which Airos suffered the most heavy casualties.

But the results they have achieved are equally rich. They have withstood the purification fleet and mechanical warriors that have been continuously supported by the eternal sublimators for several months.

Coupled with the performance of each world this time, Binghua is quite satisfied, and her goal has been achieved.

Let the world of justice see the gap with the eternal sublimation, let them not be arrogant, and work harder to develop themselves in the future.

"Ran, you and Ming, as well as Xi Luo and other angels are starting to crusade against Destroyer 011. Make sure not to let him leave Airos."

Binghua contacted Ran and ordered, in fact, Ran didn't do nothing during this period of time, they have been patrolling around the Airos planetary system to prevent the Eternal Ascendant from getting a star fortress destroyer .

Although Binghua wants to test the world of justice, he will never let them die in vain. The war must be controlled to a certain scale.

(End of this chapter)

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