Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 697, Judgment Angel

Chapter 697, Judgment Angel

Erilo lay in the temporary field hospital built on the body of Destroyer 011, and experienced several months of bloody battles. He was surrounded by intelligent machines, massacred by mechanical soldiers, and his companions passed away one after another.

Originally bright eyes, now only deeply tired, he really wants to rest at this moment, really wants to leave this purgatory, because he is tired of fighting all day long, he is not a war lunatic.

But it is a pity that a person like him who has experienced purgatory and has rich experience in combating eternal sublimators is a very special talent.

The Supreme Tactical Planning Department is in great need of a talent like him to lead the newly joined defense corps in this purgatory to fight, so that unnecessary casualties can be greatly avoided, even if he has lost two legs and one arm.

Ai Liluo originally thought that he could return to his hometown to retire after the catastrophe, and become a young man who could only spend his old age and retire early.

But the doctors at the field hospital installed two alloy legs that were much stronger than his previous legs, and an arm equipped with a simple force field shield.

Even the uninjured internal organs and other body parts have been enhanced to adapt to this new body that is several times stronger, and of course all his biological characteristics have been retained.

Hearing from the doctor that after the war is over, a fake bionic skin can be added to him, which will never hinder his future life.

As far as Alilo knows, all soldiers injured on the scene will be treated properly, and even if they retire in the future, they can live a normal life.

This is written into the laws of the just world. If any world violates this law, the people of this world have the right to report to the judgment angel, and let the judgment angel obtain their due rights.

As for the Angel of Judgment, the sword of Damocles that exists above the heads of all law enforcement officers in the world of justice, most people are curious about its existence.

Because the duty of the trial angels is to monitor, they rarely appear in public, but when they appear, it often means that there are special cases there, which cannot be handled by ordinary law enforcement officers.

Therefore, although the sense of existence of the Angel of Judgment is not strong, its name is well known by the entire world of justice.

Just when Erilo moved his arm to check for any discomfort, a communication suddenly sounded, and the Supreme Tactical Planning Department that had already learned that he had been discharged from the hospital had given him a new task.

Mission: Go to the 1-025 landing point, join the newly arrived Eloers 46th Army, 258th Regiment, and Sixth Battle Regiment, as the deputy commander of the operation.

Seeing this, Alilo shook his head slightly, put the six identification tags on the bedside table into a drawer, put on his own system, went to the assembly room to put on the power armor of the guard, and went through the entry process skillfully.

Seeing his superior, who is also the commander of operations, Alilo and he greeted each other friendly, and the other party was also very polite.

Ai Liluo didn't ask his name, because it was unnecessary, because friends are the most luxurious thing in this battlefield. The other party chose to introduce himself, but Ai Liluo didn't care at all.

After inspecting the equipment and replenishing the supplies needed for the battle, Alilo and his battalion took several large transport vehicles and began to rush to the combat area where they will need to fight bloody battles in the next few days.

This process lasted for a day and a half. The reason why the faster flying vehicle was not used was because it was easy to be intercepted by the mechanical warriors of the Purifier sequence, and also because there were still some flying vehicles in the vehicle that accompanied them to the theater. The most needed combat supplies on the front line.


As soon as Alilo and the team arrived at the combat area, they encountered a war group that had been withdrawn for repairs.

There are melt marks of different sizes on the originally clean guard light exoskeleton armor on their bodies, which are marks that will only appear when the purification light bomb explodes and is burned by high-temperature energy particles nearby.

Among them is the armor carried by his companions, which seems to be damaged and unable to move. Because of the environment, the soldiers inside the armor cannot come out, otherwise, in the environment exposed to the vacuum of the universe, they have no other choice but to die.

After driving forward for a certain distance, the operation commander signaled the convoy to stop the operation, and everyone got off the vehicle. The next distance to the vehicle target was too large, and it was necessary to advance on foot.

It is said to be advancing on foot, but in fact it is using the nozzle of the backpack to accelerate and carry out a rapid march.

After arriving at the combat area and replacing the friendly forces that were attacking below the surface, Erilo offered some suggestions from time to time.

At the beginning, the members of the battle group didn't take Alilo's suggestions seriously, but after paying the lives of several team members, both the action commander and the captains of each team took some of Alilo's suggestions seriously. .

Ever since he entered the combat area below the surface, Arilo has raised his attention to the extreme, using the valuable experience he gained from the sacrifice of his teammates during this period, avoiding some dangerous areas on the road and destroying the intelligence of ambushes in advance. mechanical.

Just after Arielo's battle group fought for several hours in the area under the surface of the Destroyer with complex structures and well-connected passages, a wide-area distress message from friendly forces was transmitted to their battle group's communication.

The battle group leader and the action commander, Ai Liluo and several people simply communicated, and the direction of advance began to advance towards the position of the friendly army, but when a place appeared on the ground in the passage ahead, it was cut into two pieces by some sharp weapon, and most of the body evaporated inexplicably , after the wounds turned into charred friendly corpses.

Ai Liluo's pupils shrank suddenly, and he shouted in the communication channel.

"Go back the same way! Get out of here!"

But it was already too late. At the end of the passage, a figure about two meters tall, with flying wings spread out on his back, and covered in silver metal armor appeared.

Erilo excitedly shouted at the defenders who were preparing to fight.

"Rewind! We are not his opponent!"

The purifier-sequence mechanical warriors at the other end of the tunnel naturally also discovered these enemies, raised their left arm, and shot a beam of light fiercely from the front of the gun-shaped left forearm.

Erilo had already got down the moment the purifier mechanical warrior raised his arm, and reminded the other team members beside him, but it was already too late.

A thick blue light beam passed by, and all the defenders in a straight line along the path were pierced through. The wounds and armor parts were directly evaporated into nothingness by the high-temperature energy particles, leaving only the incurable and fatal wounds.

Seeing this, the mechanical warrior of the purifier sequence raised the energy giant sword in his right hand, and the flying wings behind his back increased the thrust, and rushed to where Arilo was.

But at this moment, blue thunder and lightning spread across the space above Alilo and the others, like thousands of silver snakes dancing, hitting the mechanical warriors of the Purifier sequence just right.

Then a figure followed Ai Liluo and the others, and landed in front of them. With white wings, long golden hair, and features that could be exposed to the vacuum of the universe without any protective measures, Ai Li Luo and the others present recognized who it was at a glance.

"The Angel of Judgment!"

(End of this chapter)

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