Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 708, King's Landing Styx

Chapter 708, King's Landing Styx

Seeing that Morgana avoided the battle and stopped rushing towards her, Kesha turned her gaze to other areas of the battlefield. The high-level demons and fallen angels who had been entangled with the guardian angels began to get rid of the entanglement in an orderly manner.

Keisha, who has experienced countless battles, naturally knows what this means, but she also knows that it is difficult to keep Morgana now. If the opponent does not have the idea of ​​​​a death fight, she really can't catch her if she wants to run.

Not to mention that the current self is still suppressed by the big clock. Thinking of this, Kaisha's heart welled up with a nameless anger. It can be said that this is the most aggrieved battle Kaisha has fought since becoming the king of angels.

Like all kinds of chains entangled, whenever the angel is about to completely wipe out the source of the devil, there will be inexplicable obstacles leading to failure.

In fact, Keisha also knows the reason for this. The angelic civilization is too strong now, which makes Lieyang, Thunder Blade Star, Gulans, and Karl all feel threatened.

Let them and the angel really do it right, they don't dare to take such a big risk, but they are more willing than anyone else to play tricks on the back.

And the devil is like a knife that keeps bleeding the angels. No matter the civilization mentioned above, they don't want the devil to fall directly. It's better to keep fighting with the angels.

Otherwise, where would Morgana get the resources? Every few thousand years, she would be able to pull up an army of demons not weaker than the god-making civilization, and even equipped with god-killing weapons.

You must know that demons have no stable base, so these things can still pop out of rocks.

Now that Morgana has finally been blocked in the Angel Nebula, the base camp of the Angel, and she is in a desperate situation, she has to fight a decisive battle with herself. Unexpectedly, in order to keep Morgana alive, Karl is the first to jump out and openly sing against the Angel.

When Keisha was thinking about this, Morgana had already fled thousands of meters away, and she didn't even want one of her devil's claws.

Seeing this, Keisha withdrew Silver Wing, who was chasing after her, and shifted her gaze to Sha Lan, who was entangled by Ruoning a thousand meters away, her gaze turned cold.

All the silver wings on all sides attacked, outflanking them from four directions.

Seeing this, Ruoning distanced himself from Sha Lan, carried out his longbow, drew the bow and set up an arrow, and the pitch-black arrows appeared like ghosts and ghosts, leaving Sha Lan no time to calculate the micro-wormholes.

Needless to say about the ending, facing the silver wing that cuts everything, Sha Lan's weapon couldn't bear it at all, and was cut off by the silver wing in two hits, and Sha Lan, who had lost his weapon, could no longer block Ruoning's shot arrows.

Facing the arrow engraved with the special sacred language of killing gods and using micro-wormholes to change the trajectory of the arrow, Sha Lan was shot in the abdomen without noticing it for a moment.

Just like dominoes, with the activation of the god-killing formula, the arrow's god-killing energy continuously infects Shalan's divine body, causing her speed and reaction to drop a bit for a while.

Afterwards, more god-killing arrows hit the weakened Shalan, until she lost the ability to resist, was gradually infected by the god-killing energy, and fell in pain like burning her body.

The high-level battlefield was divided into winners and losers, and the ordinary battlefield was also divided into winners and losers. After Morgana announced her retreat, the originally orderly retreat gradually turned into a rout under the division and interspersment of angels.

Although Morgana was not killed this time, the demon group suffered heavy losses, and the Liberty Alliance also changed its flag under the conquest of the angels.

After going through this battle, it might be difficult for the devil to survive without a thousand and eight hundred years. If Morgana still danced fiercely, it might not be as simple as being hit hard next time.

After dealing with the matter of the Battle of Merlano, Keisha led her sacred wings and the sky blade to rule the Styx galaxy, and all the animal civilizations without eyesight along the way were turned into fly ash.

For these barbaric animal civilizations that believe in violence and are accompanied by killing all day long, Keisha has no mercy at all. This is not only the blood feud left by the physical war, but also Keisha's attitude towards Karl.

She didn't come to him to reminisce about the old days, but to ask questions.

Styx Galaxy, Death Song Academy, this is a celestial building similar to the Super Seminary, but unlike the Academy, it is a large research facility.

Faced with Keisha's personal arrival, Carl held a thick book in his arms, and had already brought two of his subordinates to stand on the square of the academy to welcome her.

"Queen Keisha, welcome to visit me. I wonder why you came to the Styx galaxy in person?"

Carl slightly raised his head and looked up at Kesha, who was aloof, his tone was unhurried, without a hint of guilt or fear.

"You know what I came to see you for."

Keisha's words lived up to her usual gentleness, but at the moment they were as cold as winter.

"I'm sorry Queen Kaisha, I have been staying in this remote star field, conducting my own research, and have never participated in any disputes in the known universe.

I have never violated the justice of an angel, and I don't know where I offended you. "

Carl's words were very sincere, but whether it was Kaisha, Ruoning or Hexi who were the sacred wings, they could see that Carl did not put himself on the weak side.

"Karl hasn't seen your eloquence for nearly [-] years.

But there is no need to play charades between us. The reason why I came to you must be because of a reason that you can't fool no matter how hard you try.

And if you study death here, you are called the God of Death by some civilizations, so don’t think you can fool the angels, it’s just that what you hurt is not the life of the Shenhe civilization, and I don’t have the time to trouble you.

And I remember your teacher Space Space once advocated that life is precious and beautiful.

The reason why the Kamigawa civilization proposed to create gods is also because of this. They want to make this precious thing eternal.

And your research is trampling on this idea. I don't remember your teacher teaching you this. "

Since Carl opened his eyes and told nonsense, Keisha didn't mind using his qualifications to pressure him.

"Queen Kaisha, you are the king of the gods, and I'm just a scholar doing my own research in a remote corner.

Why do you use such words to attack me, and I also admire the concept of justice, and have never opposed your concept.

But now you have come to Dead Song Academy to be aggressive, if you are here to ban my research, then please speak up.

And as far as I know, Thunder Blade and Gulanth have been secretly conducting research on transforming creatures, and Lieyang is also trying to make artificial gods. These are also acts of blasphemy against life.

And their size is more harmful than my personal research, why didn't you go to them, but just came to me"

Keisha narrowed her eyes slightly when she heard the words, looked at Karl and said.

"You use them to suppress me? If you really think so, you are very wrong.

Pan Zhen and the others know the seriousness and the consequences of angering the angels, and they can't afford a galaxy-level war. Besides, I didn't come here today to argue with you.

Ruoning took him down. "

(End of this chapter)

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