Chapter 709, Phantom

"Queen Kaisa, if an angel uses force against a powerless scholar without any basis, aren't you afraid to spread the image of an angel who is a justice enforcer in the known universe?"

Karl backed away slightly, and his calm expression was not broken until this moment, his brows were tightly frowned, it was obvious that Kesha's direct action was beyond his expectation.

"Carl, do you really think that I care about the so-called image? Or in the eyes of those of you who have been fighting against the angels secretly, I am so pedantic, and I care so much about the image in your eyes.

As for the so-called basis, my words are the basis, and the actions of our angels are justice.

When I say you're in league with the devil, you're in league with the devil. "

Keisha pointed a finger at Carl, her words unquestionable.

Ruoning swooped down and attacked Karl after receiving Queen Keisha's order.

"Boy, don't hesitate to let go, sister, I can still do it lightly."

"Don't hurt my god!"

Snow, who was standing behind Karl, directly turned into a cloud of black mist, floated in front of Karl, and swung his arm blade to try to force Ruoning back.

However, Ruoning is the holy left wing of the angel. Although he has been deflated in front of Morgana, it is not easy to deal with an unknown little god.

The swooping figure lifted up abruptly and stopped in front of Snow's swaying arm blade. Then, before Snow could change his move, Ruoning turned around and hit the whip leg, sending him flying and collapsing the gate of Dead Song Academy a load-bearing column.

After doing all this, Ruoning's goal remains the same, and he is still Karl standing there.

However, it was obvious that another young, unknown man behind Karl would never stand by and watch Ruoning capture his master.

The unknown man pulled out the straight knife at his waist and made a downward chop, but the blade was cut off by Ruoning's sabre.

And Ruoning was also angered by Snow and the unknown man's obstruction, and she was not a very good-tempered angel herself, so she flicked the saber in her hand, leaving a long and narrow wound on the unknown man's chest.

Then he ignored him and walked towards Karl. Ruoning didn't think that Karl, who looked thin and thin as a scholar, would be his opponent.


Seeing this scene, Snow crawled out of the ruins, shouted anxiously, and immediately prepared to stop Ruoning again.

"Forget it, Snow, you all back down."

Carl, who had been silent since Ruoning started, spoke out. He slowly took off his hood, revealing short blond hair and a delicate face. The heavy book in his arms was floating beside him.

"Queen Kaisa, I don't want to have a conflict with you in terms of force, but unfortunately, often equal exchanges must be based on equal force.

And I'm a scholar, and I don't like to use violence, but that doesn't mean I don't have power. "

Carl's body slowly floated into the air, a faint blue light appeared in his eyes, and the book was opened in front of him.

"Pretend to be a ghost."

Seeing this, Ruoning didn't mind bending over slightly to accumulate strength, and then stepped on the ground and jumped towards Karl who was in the air.

In this regard, Carl lightly raised his hand in Ruoning's direction, and a translucent light blue energy light curtain suddenly appeared in front of Ruoning, a rectangle of [-] square meters.

Ruoning couldn't dodge and passed through the light curtain directly, and then Ruoning's eyes widened, because she felt as if her body had crashed and almost lost control.

Carl's open hand was squeezed immediately, and the blue energy beside Ruoning quickly gathered to a point in the center, turning into a ball, and then exploded loudly.
The huge power split the ground of the square, and Ruoning was blown away, landed on the square and rolled around a few times, really embarrassed.

After coughing a few times, Ruoning gritted her teeth and stood up with her sword on the ground, covering her arms, her eyes were full of anger, she was injured by the blast, and her body was still damaged.

Seeing this, Keisha also frowned, stopped watching, and the silver wings appeared to face Karl in the air and sliced ​​over.

Karl subconsciously erected an energy light curtain in front of Silver Wing, and Silver Wing passed through the energy light curtain and fell as if losing kinetic energy.

But the next moment, the silver wings following the first silver wing directly cut the light curtain in half and dissipated energy.

Before Karl could escape, the silver wing cut through his abdomen, leaving a wound that cut him in half.

"Look, your god is dead!"

Seeing this, Ruoning said to Snow who got up not far away, obviously venting his anger at being injured by Karl.

But what happened next shocked all the angels including Kaisha, Hexi, and Ruoning.

Carl looked at the wound on his abdomen expressionlessly, but he was shocked in his heart. He is now assisted by a big clock and he is still at his home court.

But even so, Karl was taken aback just now. If he hadn't already achieved the phantom body and lost the entity, he might have fallen on the spot at this moment.

After being surprised, Kesha decisively summoned two silver wings, which were reconnected with the previously lost silver wings, and floated up again. A total of four silver wings cut towards Karl at the same time.

Seeing this, a circle of blue energy vortexes suddenly appeared around Karl's body, and the cut silver wings advanced slowly as if they had encountered some great resistance.

Just when Karl's attention was gradually approaching his silver wings, several silver blades fell straight from above his head, piercing Karl's body and sinking into the ground of the square.

Seeing that it was still useless, Kaisha called back the four silver wings, and the next second the four silver wings suddenly began to grow, until each side reached a length of more than ten meters. The silver wings that cover the sky and the sun on all sides.

Then one of the silver wings detached from Keisha's back, and the red halo gradually enveloped the silver wing, and terrifying energy began to gather on it.

Karl looked solemn when he saw this, and the energy intensity around him continued to increase.


Keisha let out a soft sound, and the silver wings that had accumulated energy also fell down suddenly, and the silver wings with a width of more than ten meters were cut down like a sky-splitting sword.

The energy vortex gathered by Karl was easily cut open like a water curtain, and the falling silver wings followed, cutting from Karl's forehead to the square below him.

Rumbling sounds continued to sound from the bottom of the square. A few seconds later, the silver wings emerged from the deep ditch cut out by themselves, and had recovered to their original state.

It seems that the cutting of the silver wing just now destroyed the structure of the platform of the Dead Song Academy Square. With the crack, the crack spread all the way starting from the deep ditch cut by the silver wing.

In the end, the small half of the square platform, together with the structure below, separated from the whole of Dead Song Academy.

And even with the blow that split the Death Song Academy, it still failed to cause any damage to Karl.

"Is this what you rely on Carl, you really surprised me.

Using the power of a big clock to control and drive energy, while your divine body cannot be touched by attacks, is this a new technology?

(End of this chapter)

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