Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 710, mutual compromise

Chapter 710, mutual compromise

As time goes by, the missing part of Karl is rapidly recovering, just like a holographic projection, but neither Kesha nor the other angels present can detect Karl's existence in their own senses.

This eliminates the possibility that Karl is a fake at the moment, and this is also the question that Hexi wants to know the most at the moment. The computing power of the space-based computing cloud has been turned on to the maximum power at this moment.

It's a pity that Hexi still hasn't discovered much, and the energy used by Karl is also very special, not dark energy, but a brand new energy with some dark energy characteristics.

"Queen Keisha, I am not your opponent, but you should have discovered that you cannot kill me.

If this goes on, even if you destroy the Death Song Academy in a fit of anger, you won't get anything, and I who lost the Death Song Academy might do something irrational. "

Kesha raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Are you threatening me?"

"No, Queen Keisha, it's just a fact.

My desire has never changed, I just want to do my research in the Styx galaxy in peace.

I never thought of going against you, Queen Keisha, and never thought of overthrowing or destroying your order of justice. "

Karl dissipated the energy around him to show his sincerity, because just showing his strength was enough just now.

Kesha didn't make a sound, the silver wings in the shape of wings were still unfolding, she was waiting for Hexi's news, but she understood the meaning of Karl's words, but if things were settled like this, Karl would definitely ride on the angel's head in the future .

Besides, it's just that it can't be killed, and it's not without the means of restricting a god, but the price is a bit high, and the most important thing is that Karl has the authority of the big clock, which is the most difficult point.

This will make many restrictive means useless, because in the face of the solution of the big clock, it is only a matter of time before any technical means of the Kamigawa technology system are broken through.

After a while, Hexi's voice reached Kesha's ears.

"I can't see his way, it doesn't seem to be the technology of Shenhe's technology system.

I feel that this is very likely to be the so-called void technology, but Karl's special performance of the divine body gave me a direction for my research on the fourth generation of divine body. "

"That's the only good news out of a lot of bad news."

Kaisha's response made Hexi shake her head secretly. As the scientific research officer of the angel, she was a little dereliction of duty. She felt that she had fallen behind the first-line scientific research level of the known universe.

Now that Karl has quietly created this technology, he doesn't know if there are other civilizations in Lieyang that have been suppressed for thousands of years, and whether there are any unknown technical means that have not been displayed.

But Kesha didn't change anything on her face, she just said to Carl.

"Carl, if you lose the big clock, do you think you can still compete against a high-level guardian angel like you are now, and can your research continue?"

"Queen Keisha, what do you mean?"

Karl felt a little bad, but he still didn't change his face. This is indeed his weakness, because without the big clock, his exploration of the void will be delayed indefinitely.

This was intolerable to Karl, and the reason why he secretly helped Liang Bing was because he was afraid that the angels would come to stop his research after knowing that he was conducting research on the void, because the angels forbade the spread of the so-called void theory.

Of course, the research on the void requires a lot of experimental materials, and the experimental materials are living life. This is why Karl is called the god of death in the Styx galaxy, because he is keen to observe the death of life.

Fortunately, the most difficult era has passed, and the fruit of the void is arming himself. Although the angel is still a giant, he is no longer an existence that the other party can manipulate at will, and has a certain amount of resistance.

"Although the main body of the big clock is rooted in the dark plane, most of the energy it needs to run needs to be obtained from the known universe, so it must be connected to the stars of the known universe.

And as far as I know, as the amount of information collected by the big clock becomes larger, the energy to maintain its operation also increases.

If I order all the angel warriors to cut off the link between the big clock and the stars within the scope of the entire known universe, what do you think will happen? "

Kesha mopped her chin with one hand, just looked at Karl quietly, waiting for his reaction.

"Queen Keisha, there are more than a million stars linked by the big clock, and you simply cannot cut them all off."

Carl's voice has lived up to his previous unhurriedness, and his tone has sped up unconsciously.

"There are more than a million working angels in the angelic civilization. If I mobilize them all, even if there are hundreds of millions of stars linked by the big clock, it will only take some more time to cut off all these links.

Do you think we angels can do this. "

Karl didn't answer Kesha's words, this is the best answer, although he knew that it was impossible, Kesha could not let the angelic civilization do nothing, and specifically weaken the big clock.

But if you don't do it, it doesn't mean that the angel doesn't have the ability to do it.

This is Karl's biggest scruple, and this is also the reason why he doesn't want to be noticed by the angels. Now that the bitter fruit of the Battle of Meranlo has been planted, Karl finally wants to personally try how bitter it is.

But now, neither Karl nor Keisha has a decisive trump card that can completely overwhelm the other party. Keisha is afraid of the revenge of Karl, who has no worries and cannot be killed, to the angel.

Karl is afraid of the angel's interference with the big clock, because the technology of the big clock is not a secret to the angel, and the means of modifying and deleting the dark plane information is also available to the angel.

After continuing the confrontation for more than ten minutes, Carl had no choice but to compromise. He took a step back and began to talk about his conditions.

"Queen Kaisa, I am willing to stop interfering with the development of any civilization in the known universe from now on, and I will not help Liang Bing again."

"Not enough, Carl."

Carl was silent for a while, and added another condition.

"I will not conduct my research in star fields other than the Styx galaxy, and I will never leave the Styx galaxy again.

As if I violated the above conditions, the angels have the right to judge my sins, and I will not make any resistance. "

After Carl's voice fell, Keisha didn't say anything more. In fact, both parties knew that both the conditions mentioned by Carl and the angel's promise not to destroy the big clock were just empty words.

After this turmoil passes, the angel will definitely enter the research of the void to find a way to restrain this indestructible divine body.

And Karl will not do nothing, such as developing some gadgets to restrain angels, arming his own subordinate civilization, and preventing angels from coming again in the future.

However, the matter of funding the devil may have to stop for a while, otherwise Keisha will never let it go. From this matter, Karl has also tested part of the bottom line of the angel.

'Such as justice, life, provoking the rules set by the angels...'

(End of this chapter)

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