Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 714 World Conference

Chapter 714 World Conference
On the day of the Justice World Conference, there were 52 seats in the conference hall, and all seats were filled. Among them, the skin colors and clothing were different, and their looks also had their own characteristics.

At the forefront of the seats are a few tall and strong giant-like existences. They are the leaders of the original world. They have received a complete strengthening transformation of the justice world, and the template prototypes of various elite legion warriors.

Among these giant original world leaders, only two are special. One is Queen Airos Chi who maintains a normal body shape, and the other is the great wise man in the world of Marka, who is also Marka. The world's college alliance, honorary president.

In order to allow the leaders of all worlds to see the center of the hall clearly, the seats are raised in steps. Even if the reformed fighter leaders in the front row are relatively tall, they will not block the sight of the world leaders behind them.

As the space blurred for a while, Binghua walked out of the micro-wormhole, the world leaders who were talking with each other, and all fell silent.

Binghua sat in his own seat, facing the world leaders ahead.

After the Minister of Internal Affairs Ming Qiwei saw the goddess arrived, he immediately began to read the reason for holding the Justice Conference.

When they heard that the Eternal Ascendant was likely to start a full-scale war with the world of justice, most of the world leaders present looked dignified. There were only a few thoughtful people, and of course there would be no shortage of anticipating war lunatics.

Binghua had a panoramic view of all this, and after seeing the world leaders think for a while, Binghua took over the right to speak.

"Everyone in the world, you don't need to panic too much. It will take at least ten years for the Eternal Ascendants to truly reach the territory of the world of justice.

But this time is different, our strength has made them sleepless, and they will definitely use their full strength to interrupt our rise.

Therefore, this war is inevitable, and you cannot take any chances, because it is related to the continuation of our just world. "

Binghua paused for a moment after finishing these few words, allowing the various world leaders and consuls present to digest the information.

Several original world leaders who have worked hard from the early days of the establishment of the just world to the present are extremely calm, because they have all encountered more desperate situations than this.

However, those worlds and their leaders who later joined the justice world system could not be so calm. Everyone knew how heavy the casualties were in the Battle of Airos not long ago.

You must know that Airos is one of the original worlds, even they fight so hard, let alone these worlds that have been established for less than a thousand years or decades.

"You don't have to worry too much. This war is a matter for the entire justice world. If we win, we will have a firm foothold in this starry sky. If we lose, I don't need to say more. Everyone knows the outcome.

When the world of justice disintegrates, you will have to return to the days of fear and fear. Maybe one day the passing eternity will burn your homeland into scorched earth. "

There was no persecution in Binghua's voice, just like an ordinary gentle woman, but every sentence, every word she said was imprinted in the hearts of the people present.

Because what the goddess said was the truth, if they hadn't joined the world of justice, and the dangers were blocked by various powerful worlds, how could they live a prosperous life today.

"That's why I hereby announce that from today onwards, all worlds will enter a state of war mobilization, and there will be no limit to the recruitment of those who are willing to join the army. The armies of each world, regardless of the world, will uniformly conduct new equipment replacements and tactical training.

Each foundry world entered into a state of full production, hoarding all kinds of military supplies and supporting large and small warships for the upcoming war.


Binghua talked a lot about the preparations for war. This is her decision after counting the resources that the entire justice world can mobilize through Tianjian in the past two days.

Until the end, Binghua looked at the world leaders present, "Everyone, let this war tell the Eternal Ascendant that we are no longer the weak to be bullied by him."

Several world leaders in the front row took the lead to stand up, and then other world leaders also stood up, and said loudly with somewhat uneven voices.

"In order to protect a just world, I am willing to give my all."

After that, it was several hours of detailed planning. These Binghua did not participate, but were handed over to the officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Otherwise, she would do everything, but the Ministry of Internal Affairs had nothing to do. The position is awkward.

After the meeting, Binghua came to a star field far away from the world of justice through the gate of time and space. This place is very empty, and there are no traces of civilization around it. It is very suitable for some large-scale and dangerous experiments.

Binghua was the first to focus on a small star, because this would make the experiment a little less difficult. Although he was in a hurry, Binghua had to speed up his research progress.

Otherwise, after the war really started, she would probably have little time to do her own research, and capturing stars could not be accomplished by simply importing calculation formulas.

Binghua needs to build a dense space around the star, the energy compression force field generator, and access to Tianjian's computing power and its own computing power to work together.

At the same time, a special container must be prepared in advance to store the compressed stars. Binghua spent a long time on this container, which is less than the size of a palm, and the only finished product obtained after repeated verification and modification.

"Heavenly Sword, release the energy force field compression generator."

Binghua projected a light curtain to monitor real-time data, and at the same time did not forget to command Tianjian.

"The positioning is being delivered through the Time-Space Gate system, and the estimated time will take ten hours."

The projection of the Heavenly Sword system appeared beside Binghua, and his tone was as indifferent as usual.

"Okay, then the next data calculation will be handed over to you, and I will be responsible for the general direction of the operation."

After Binghua finished speaking, he began to focus on the work in hand, and based on the data of the star in front of him, he modified some errors in the energy compression force field.

This is a lot of work, but Binghua doesn't feel boring at all at the moment, and has never been more interested.

As time passed, the prismatic silver metal devices were gradually evenly distributed on the entire surface of the star. Although they were far away from each other, they seemed to be connected by invisible threads, preventing them from shaking and falling apart.

Several days later, Binghua finally completed the inspection of all energy compression force field generators. Standing in front of this unknown star, Binghua looked up at the bright light and said to himself.

"Soon you'll be mine."

'Heavenly Sword!Start compressing! '

"It's the queen, start converging the stellar radiation, and isolate the inner and outer space"

(End of this chapter)

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