Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 715 Star Capture Style

Chapter 715 Star Capture Style

As the glacier started its own star capture plan, the brilliance of the star wrapped by the energy compression force field generator began to converge at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon turned into a fiery red burning sphere.

With the star's outwardly radiating energy sequestered, the next step is the gravitational waves it emits, which finally begin to compress the space in which the star resides.

With the disappearance of the stellar gravitational waves, the asteroids that were originally captured by the star's gravity in this planetary system, the protoplanets gradually deviated from their original orbits and drifted towards the distant starry sky.

Binghua didn't care about this, and she didn't have the leisurely mind to pay attention to these things at the moment. Her eyes were carefully staring at the stars that had been completely isolated from the outside world.

"Space energy isolation has been completed, preparations for space compression have begun, and compression is in progress"

The originally calm space energy compression force field generator gradually lit up with criss-cross lines, and cooperated with the driving formula imported in advance in the internal engine, it began to spread the force field.

As time went on, the force field spread wider and wider, and the energy jets boiling from time to time on the surface of the star gradually tended to be stable.

The next step is to start synchronous compression of space and energy. This process is not fast, otherwise any accidents will be in vain. The Binghua and Tianjian systems are working together and are ordered by Binghua to capture energy for the stars. operating status, to prevent errors.

A few days later, the star that originally occupied the entire field of vision has now turned into a sphere with a diameter of several hundred meters, and its surface is constantly undulating, as if it wants to break through the force field that limits it.

However, the force field is still extremely stable, and there is no sign of being broken through, and the progress of compressing the stars is progressing at a rate of one percent for several hours.

Binghua has also calmed down from her initial excitement at this moment, all she can do now is to wait quietly.

After a few more days, Binghua flapped his wings, suspended in the middle of the space energy generator, and looked at the prismatic crystal in his palm that was dyed a layer of magnificent orange-red color.

An orange-red sphere with undulating surface inside it is so charming, Binghua admired it for a moment, then put it into his arsenal.

"Tianjian, we succeeded, and the stars are now in my hands.

The Eternal Ascendant is in front of me and can be destroyed easily. "

Binghua's expression is confident, and she uses the energy of a star for her own use. What an abundance of energy this is. With this energy, she can do many things that she couldn't do before.

And capturing stars is just the beginning, if stars can be captured, then neutron stars at the end of stellar evolution, white dwarfs, can also be captured.

You must know that the density of a neutron star can reach hundreds of millions of tons per cubic centimeter, and the dark silver is just a fragile thin paper in front of it, and the super-strong pulse of the neutron star is the nemesis of the eternal sublimator.

No matter how strong his anti-electromagnetic pulse ability is, in the face of the pulse wave formed by this cosmic natural disaster, he can only catch it with his hands.

As soon as he thought of it, Binghua immediately added a few research topics in his research log, such as building a few neutron war blades first.


Binghua's departure did not affect the mobilization of various world wars in the world of justice. Retired military officers began to be recalled, and young people of the right age who were willing to join the army were given the green light.

The latest guard-type power armor originally equipped for the original world and the world with expeditionary fleets has been transported to various worlds from the world of the gods, and equipped for a large number of defense forces.

Of course, the elite legion also has a change of clothes, which is called the ultimate type of demigod power armor. Although the performance is not as powerful as the demigod second-generation armor, it has reached the limit that the elite army can play, so it is called the ultimate type.

In addition, the Immortal Legion in Fanshen World was also established, among which the small Immortals were officially changed to Immortals, while the giant Immortals were called Tianqi.

Apocalypse can be regarded as an enlarged version of a small immortal. Compared with a small immortal that focuses on mobility, Apocalypse pays more attention to protection and destructive power.

The foundry master of Fanshen World frantically installed a space-time shield generator and matching antimatter reactor group inside Tianqi, equipped with four large dark matter annihilation cannons, six medium dark matter annihilation cannons, and numerous small dark matter missiles pod cabin.

Of course, because of the cost, Apocalypse did not build too many, only four were built, but Immortals made more than 200, and the two together formed the Immortal Legion of Fanshen World.

In addition, the design has been completed, and the Mimi-class mothership, which has been built for decades, is about to be completed. It was jointly designed by the master of Markola hull engineering and the casting master of Fan Shenxing, and produced by the universe No. [-] dock in Fan Shen World. , a behemoth that takes up one-third of the production capacity of the entire Fanshenxing Dockyard.

Although from Binghua's point of view, it is still a bit short of Tianren's level, but at least he can already wrestle with Tianren's wrists.

This is a great progress, but at present only Fan Shenxing can independently produce, and the construction time is extremely slow, and it is impossible to mass-install it at all, which has to be said to be a pity.


The third world of New Airos, the sixth planet in the Airos planetary system, has become a habitable planet after a long period of environmental transformation in the Airos world.

Ai Liluo sat in his smoky study room, the cigarette in his mouth kept burning, and a little bit of ashes fell, his eyes fell on the army recall notice on the table, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

With a click, the study room opened and a middle-aged woman stepped in. Seeing the smoky scene in the room, she fanned it a little annoyed. She didn't talk to Erilo immediately, so she opened the window first to let the air in. circulation.

The originally dark room immediately became brighter.

"Can't you go outside to smoke? I thought the study was on fire when I first came in."

Aililuo was still silent, and her wife Olansha finally felt that something was wrong with her husband today, she moved over to snuggle up to him, and asked softly in a tone that did not disappoint her previous complaints.

"What's wrong with you today?
Why do you look unhappy?
What happened? "

Ai Liluo put down the cigarette in his hand and extinguished it, and let out a slow breath.

"You also saw the news a few days ago. The Eternal Ascendant is going to start an all-out war with the world of justice. Every world has started mobilizing for war and recalling retired officers."

After hearing this, Olansha noticed the recall notice on the table, and felt a twinge in her heart, and her mood immediately became heavy.

"Mom, Dad, I went to Frank's house to play."

Immediately there was a sound of going down the stairs. A boy opened the door, looked at his parents, and asked curiously.

"What happened to you?"

"No, it's okay, you go to Lan Ke's house to play, and pay attention to safety on the road."

The boy didn't suspect him, closed the door and left in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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