Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 809, Beast Body Shenhe

Chapter 809, Beast Body Shenhe

In this remote place that is not noticed by the known universe, the losers of the physical war had to leave their hometowns and rebuild their homes here.

The animal body civilization once thought that as long as it stayed away from the Shenhe civilization, it would not conflict with them again, but contrary to expectations, the war has never been far away from them.

Having lost the protection of the former Titans, they can only hold old weapons and have no industrial foundation. The animal body civilization has begun to retreat at an incredible speed.

The metal giant ships traveling in the starry sky fell to the ground under the ruthless corrosion of time, and the weapons that could emit energy beams were also paralyzed due to lack of maintenance and energy sources. The animal body civilization once returned to the farming era that only existed in their ancient records.

The development of civilization for tens of thousands of years may only leave a strong body and a traditional culture that loves war. Isn’t it true that there are also smart animal kings who want to learn from their former enemies and arm themselves with technology, but the tribes that fell apart And the clan, as well as in the face of increasingly scarce supplies, have become empty talk.

So the civil war of animal body civilization broke out, and finally after thousands of years of survival of the fittest, the weak disappeared and the strong rose, and the chaos pervading the planets in this galaxy finally ended in a great animal body civilization named Sayers In the hands of the king.

After completing the unification of his planet, the king imitated his ancestors, learned the Shenhe civilization system recorded in their civilization, rebuilt the ancient animal civilization named Shima Empire, and began to develop steadily. technology system.

With the help of ancient starship wrecks and various abandoned facilities that can be used for reference, the science and technology of the Shima Empire developed extremely rapidly, and soon re-entered the glorious era when it was possible to travel in the starry sky. The animal body civilization planet has completed the dimensionality reduction strike.

Sells also relied on a big stick in one hand and sweet dates in the other hand to quickly complete the conquest of other planetary animal civilizations around him. In just a few hundred years, his sphere of influence spanned multiple planetary systems.

If it continues to develop like this, this star field located on the edge of the known universe may not produce a huge animal body civilization with a vast territory.

But the good luck of the new Shima animal body civilization also ended here. The Kamigawa people who only existed in their long-term memory reappeared and suddenly attacked a newly conquered animal body civilization planet in the marginal galaxy of the Shima Empire. Still defeated the Winged Human Race of the Titan Protoss, this news caused the entire Shima Empire to fall into panic.

As soon as these winged humans appeared, they slaughtered them mercilessly as recorded in the records, destroying their main city, destroying their homes, and even forcing them to surrender.
"This king thought that this animal body civilization was so powerful, but I didn't expect it to be so vulnerable."

Sitting on his throne, Hua Ye drank the liquid from the metal wine glass in one gulp, while the female angel in a white gauze dress poured wine for him quickly, not daring to neglect at all.

"Of course, Wang. After all, they are also a group of losers, but they are enough as cannon fodder for us to attack other civilizations."

A blond-haired male angel sitting behind the reception desk agreed, but other angels nearby had different opinions.

"I think they don't even have the qualifications to be cannon fodder. There are only a few broken ships on the entire planet, and they don't even have powerful energy weapons. How can they fight those Tianding people?"

The Heavenly Cauldrons, that was once the most powerful animal body civilization under the command of the Titan Protoss, have their own scientific and technological system, and their bodies are even comparable to the second-generation super fighters. Hua Ye's Heavenly Palace and Royal Court have been fighting against each other for thousands of years .

It's not that the male angels headed by Hua Ye are too useless, but that the Tiandingxing people are too prolific, with a huge population base, and the male angels' several large-scale attacks have made the opponent disgusted by the crowd tactics.

Hua Ye cherishes his feathers, fearing that after the regular army of hundreds of thousands of male angels under his command is wiped out, the male angels will not be able to stand in this star field, so they only maintain small-scale conflicts with each other.

But recently, an angel reported that a beast civilization empire suddenly appeared next to their territory. After verification, this beast civilization was not very strong, and a good idea suddenly appeared in Hua Ye's mind.

That is to defeat this animal body civilization and use him as cannon fodder to make up for the disadvantage of the male angel population. If one is not enough, find a few more. Sooner or later, he will trample those Tianding star people who hate him.

As for the gods of animal body civilization, those huge Titan protoss, they have been nested in a galaxy for nearly ten thousand years without moving, and Hua Ye is not in vain.

Because the Titan Protoss is strong, but the population problem is more serious than their male angels, the entire civilization may not be able to gather [-] Titan warriors.

When Hua Ye and the beast civilization were killed because of some land distribution issues, a little turmoil occurred in the known universe.

On the Yunxiao Tianting Road returning from the Chiwu star system to the Lieyang Tiandao galaxy, there was a shameless sneak attack by the Leiren Stars and the Gulansi Stars, and two gods were dispatched to besiege and kill Pan Zhen, the king of Lieyang.

The result was surprising. The raiding forces of the Thunder Blade Stars and Gulans Stars suffered heavy losses. The two battle gods who participated in the siege of Pan Zhen also suffered heavy losses. Lie Yang also proved this to the known universe. It's not that their Lieyang has become weaker, but that Sun Wukong is too strong, and he finally saved some of his face.

In the world of justice, after more than ten years, Kaza finally pushed the battle line to the first planet space domain of the 2846 planetary system. This is a star of purgatory covered with magma tributaries like veins on the surface. No life can endure it. climate because it is too close to the stars of the 2846 planetary system.

The temperature difference between day and night on a planet can often vary by hundreds of degrees, and only the Eternal Ascendant, who is a mechanical body, will build a base in such a place to absorb the energy of the stars that are close at hand.

And now Kaza leads a reorganized super legion warrior and nearly ten thousand angels from the nine regiments of the Angel First Legion to attack this planet. The main reason why the Defense Army and other legions are not allowed to participate in the battle is the climate here. It is easy to cause non-combat attrition.

But the fighters of the super legion are different from the angels. Their bodies are strong enough to withstand the test of this extreme environment, and they will not reduce their combat capabilities.

And Destroyer 018, who spent more than ten years with the main force of the First Expeditionary Force, is also preparing for his final battle. After more than a dozen battles with Kaza to collect data, a Destroyer specially prepared to deal with Kaza The body of the Purifier sequence was finally completed, along with the completion of tens of thousands of mechanical fighters of the Purifier sequence, and hundreds of Destroyers.

At the same time, Destroyer 018 also received a message from Sameaiello's mainframe that Destroyer Sequence Mechanical Warrior Prototype No. 101 has been delivered from the mainframe and is on its way to the 2846 planetary system.

(End of this chapter)

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