Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 810, Super Legion Warriors

Chapter 810, Super Legion Warriors

"Are you ready, we will go to the place closest to the star to fight those damn mechanical bastards in a while.

Check your weapons for me before landing, and don't beg your grandpa to tell your grandma howling on the battlefield. "

The non-commissioned officer captain wearing the ultimate demigod armor made a routine pre-battle speech to the soldiers under his command. They were not afraid of the battlefield they were about to enter, because they were the soldiers of the gods and they were also the first expeditionary force to fight. The unit with the least attrition.

"Captain, you have said these words thousands of times, even if we forgot to bring our weapons, don't we still have a pair of iron fists!"

A young soldier sitting against the bulkhead of the transport ship jokingly said.

"Hey, boy, you have never met someone with wings. If you meet him on the battlefield and dare not wear a weapon, I guarantee you will be beaten. Your mother won't even recognize you when she comes."

The oldest soldier in the team said maliciously that the winged ones in his words referred to the mechanical warriors of the Destroyer sequence, that is, the mass-produced version of the Destroyer.

As for the most common mechanical fighters of the purifier sequence, the super legion generally calls them big and tall, mainly because the purifier sequence is taller in order to strengthen the defense ability, so they are called so appropriately.

While the super legionnaires in the cabin were still chatting, the transport spaceship suddenly began to vibrate violently, and the lights in the cabin instantly turned into a dazzling red.

At the same time, the voice of the pilot of the transport spaceship was cursing in the communication of the soldiers present.

"The bastards from the First Angel Legion missed a few more winged ones. You are all ready to disembark. You may have to disembark halfway through this flight."

"Don't! It was like this last time. Our team was drifting in space for several days and missed the landing battle!

Let me tell you, even if you hit me this time, you have to hit me on the landing point, otherwise when I go back, I will report to the company captain and transfer you to the logistics department! "

The captain of the non-commissioned officer warned fiercely, which made the soldier driving the transport spaceship startled. The logistics department is not a good job. It is extremely busy every day, and it is extremely boring. It is exciting to drive vehicles on the battlefield.

"Okay, I'm going to fight today, you just wait for me, and I promise to send you to your destination."

As soon as the pilot's voice fell during the communication, the soldiers in the cabin felt that the speed of the spaceship accelerated, and at the same time there was a slight centrifugal force of ups and downs.

And the outside of the spaceship has long been a mess. Angels and Purifier mechanical warriors shuttled wantonly in the cosmic starry sky.

From time to time, a transport spaceship would be rubbed by the purification beam, and one corner would explode, emitting thick smoke and burning flames, and would continue to rush towards the first planet that was close at hand without slowing down.

And the first planet was washed by the God's Fleet with gunfire long before the landing battle began. At this moment, the surface is covered with the remains of the eternal sublimator's creation and the scorching surface that is cooling after burning.

A transport spaceship with burning marks all over the surface and burning flames on the right side crashed into the scorched carbonized ground from the sky. The bow of the ship collapsed on the spot, and the huge kinetic energy deformed the entire hull frame.

A few seconds later, the deformed hull was cut into several long gaps from the inside by a pitch-black straight-bladed sword, and then the part of the hull in the middle of the gap flew out directly.

"The aftermath of this impact is really great, and my brain is still hazy."

The super legionary soldier who kicked through the outer armor of the cabin delivered his landing speech, but was pushed away rudely by the captain of the non-commissioned officer behind him.

"Come out quickly, this is the site of those mechanical debris, give me some snacks."

Following the words of the captain of the non-commissioned officer, the others stopped laughing and joking, and quickly left the crashed spaceship. Including the captain himself, there were a total of 11 people, a lot of them, and no one was injured.

"Okay, everyone is here, divide into two groups, the pioneers deploy your force field shields, don't let the tall ones steal it.

And reinstall and adjust the big guys in your hands, don't wither at the critical moment. "

Hearing that a man in armor was obviously fatter than his companions around him, the big man carrying a miniature dark energy rail gun, that is, the heavy armor, laughed.

"Don't worry, my big baby, you have never let me down."

Seeing that the team members are ready, the captain of the non-commissioned officer signaled that the guarded team members can come back.

And just as the team was preparing to meet up with other colleagues according to the map to attack the underground base of the Eternal Ascendant, a voice came from the communication channel.

"You ungrateful ones, I worked so hard to send you to your destination, and you treat me like this!"

It was only then that everyone in the hearing team remembered that they forgot about the pilot, and everyone was happy after pulling apart the completely deformed and distorted cockpit of the spaceship.

It turned out that he was pressed down by the frame of the spaceship weighing an unknown number of tons, and it was difficult to remove it with his own strength, so he didn't come out immediately.

Le Guile, but everyone still fished him out. The soldiers of the super legion had already left their fragile mortal bodies, and they would not suffer any damage after bearing this level of attack.

After some twists and turns, the team finally embarked on the road to the target point. The group traveled very fast and crossed a piece of steep and rugged terrain within a few minutes.

"Five big tall ones were found in the sky, flying towards us, no good, their target is us!"

It is said that the two pioneers in the team who deployed the force field shield immediately blocked the heavy equipment to prevent the heavy weapons in the heavy equipment's hands from being destroyed
The five mechanical warriors of the purifier sequence approaching in the sky also unceremoniously rewarded the super legion fighter squad on the ground with several purification beams.

In the next moment, the range of [-] meters around the team was swallowed by the fire cloud produced by the explosion, but as the fire cloud gradually dissipated, two extremely solid beams shot out from it, and the two purifiers hovering in the air The mechanical warriors were beaten down.

"Good fight! Go four and tear them down!"

The captain of the non-commissioned officer ordered in the communication that this is a good start for this landing battle, and it must not be let go.

"Hurry up and shoot down the rest, the others cover with firepower!"

After speaking, the captain of the non-commissioned officer took the lead in raising the large-caliber blaster in his hand and fired towards the sky. He didn't expect to be able to hit it, but to block the flight path of the enemy in the sky and create an opportunity for the heavy equipment in the team to fire.

This is the conventional method for super legionaries to deal with Purifier sequence mechanical warriors. Their armor and tough bodies can allow them to survive the firepower of the ship level, and their strong individual combat effectiveness ensures that they can also defeat them when they are alone. other side.

(End of this chapter)

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