Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 874, Liberation of the Star Piercing Gun

Chapter 874, Liberation of the Star Piercing Gun

Binghua couldn't concentrate on dealing with 101 because there were a large number of replicas around to support him, but as time went by, the replicas were being destroyed one by one by Binghua.

Although 101 knew that his interception mission would definitely fail if this continued, he couldn't calculate any feasible countermeasures at all.

Whenever 101 calculates a feasible plan and asks the executor-level mechanical warrior to execute it, Binghua will always take out special weapons that are not in the data, and unknown means to tear her plan to pieces.

Binghua didn't feel much about this. To deal with these mechanical warriors who rely on data to fight, as long as they frequently change their combat modes, they can effectively prevent them from targeting.

When intercepting Binghua, Sameiello did not forget the other god-level angels she approached, as well as the United Fleet of the Justice World.

Dozens of Executor-class units rushed into the attacking joint fleet and began to wreak havoc.

For the first time, the fleet of the Justice World has discovered just how difficult these guys really are without the angels to drag these high-order mechanical warriors.

But at this point now, more than a dozen executors have been unable to turn the tide of the battle. After all, they are not Binghua, and they possess all kinds of terrifying and destructive weapons.

In the surface area of ​​Sameiello, after a lot of hands and feet, under the blessing of He Zhui's blade-breaking algorithm, Ran a group of angels finally broke through the purification energy field defense on the surface of Sameiello.

Alan then used his skillful flame bombing cutting technique to cut an accessible gap in Sameailo's thick armor.

The angels Ran and Ming rushed directly into the gap without any hesitation, and entered the interior of Sameiello. After identifying the direction, they began to break through in the direction of Sameiello's super giant ray cannon.

Compared with the intensive strafing and bombing of the purification rays outside, Sameiello's interior does not have any overly powerful defense system, but the self-discipline defense machinery can't kill it no matter how hard it is, so Ran and the other angels are moving very slowly.

Binghua, who was intercepted on the surface of Sameailuo's body, took a lot of trouble to destroy all the twenty replicas that besieged her. The remaining 101 hid far away, so Binghua couldn't find anything. Opportunity shot.

"All the subordinates you brought are gone, you should have wisdom, right?
Your mainframe is now surrounded, and it is only a matter of time before it is destroyed. Even if you drag me here, it is useless, let alone you can't drag me. "

While Binghua was speaking, the tip of the star-piercing gun in his hand aimed at Sameiello, who was at the side, and then the turbulent star-piercing beam bombarded out.

Binghua's posture didn't take 101 who blocked her into consideration at all, but 101 didn't have the humiliation and anger of ordinary intelligent life. She just summoned her own space structure generator and pulled out a few space cracks to attack.

For this kind of attack, even Binghua can only choose to avoid it, because it may be sucked in if it is not careful.

On the other hand, Binghua became very interested in 101, a mechanical warrior with the same appearance as her. She wondered if she would build a few of them to serve as her own smart clones after destroying Sameailo.

Because the characteristics that 101 has shown since the battle until now, all show that he is a perfect combat weapon.

But that's all, with only one, she is no threat to herself at all.

Binghua dodged several consecutive attacks from 101 and changed to holding the gun in his left hand, and the Titan's handshake armor covered his right hand in an instant.

Seeing this, 101 shrank his eyes slightly, and immediately flew back and left his original position. The next moment, the invisible force field directly covered and solidified the area, whether it was floating metal wreckage or broken mechanical limbs, one after another stagnant.

But Binghua frowned slightly, because 101 avoided the capture range of her own force field, how did she see her own force field.

Sameiello has long studied the force field manipulation of Binghua, and has created a detection technology that can observe the force field, and even equipped ordinary mechanical soldiers.

But in the face of Binghua's rapidly spreading force field, even if ordinary mechanical warriors could detect it, they would not be able to run away at all, they were completely useless.

Among the mechanical warriors made by Sameiello, only the 101 as a prototype has enough mobility to react the moment Binghua opens the force field, avoiding the coverage of the force field.

But so what about avoiding it, the initial range of the force field of Titan's Grip is not large, but with the support of the star-level energy core, the attack coverage can cover a planet.

The grasping range of the force field, which originally only covered hundreds of square meters, expanded extremely rapidly. Seeing this, 101 could only use a faster speed to move away from the location of the glacier.

But how could the flying speed exceed the expansion speed of the force field? After a while, 101, which was flying at high speed, was captured by the force field, and its speed became slower and slower under the drag of the force field.

Seeing that Binghua had captured 101, he immediately controlled the range of the force field to shrink rapidly, increasing the solidification strength of the force field.

101 immediately felt that the pressure on his body began to rise in a straight line, as if he had been thrown into a super-large gravity well.

Binghua didn't expect to destroy 101's extremely strong body just by being crushed by the force field. That would take too long, and she didn't have so much time to waste.

Binghua raised the star piercing gun above his head, released the upper limit of its energy output, and activated the energy blade algorithm. In the blooming star brilliance, an energy blade several meters long was condensed in front of the sharp tip of the star piercing gun .

Without any lofty declarations or greetings, Binghua directly threw the star piercing gun in his hand.

After the Star Piercer broke away from the glacier, the energy blade in front of it quickly expanded to tens of meters in size, like a spear of light piercing the darkness, burning with raging energy flames throughout.

The imprisoned 101 felt that her sight was in flames, and the next moment 101 was hit by the star-piercing gun, pushing her away to the distance, sliding out a parabola in the universe under the influence of Sameiello's gravity, and falling On top of Sameiello's body.

Immediately there was a violent explosion, and the turbulent energy shock wave spread like ripples on the water surface, even part of Sameailo's purified energy field was blown up, exposing the surface burned and melted by the energy.

Binghua didn't pay attention to 101 anymore, and he didn't even recover his star-piercing gun, because the energy release just now had almost consumed the energy of the mimic star in the star-piercing gun.

Immediately, Binghua's gaze fell on the Sameailuo star factory on one side, the Seven Kills King Sword was held in his hand again, the dark energy cutting was activated, and the scorching red light immediately covered the seven kills' well-defined sword body.

(End of this chapter)

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