Chapter 875, Misfiring

As the energy of this purified energy field was exhausted, before its energy recovered, Sameailuo's thick armor was cut open by Binghua's powerful Seven Kill King Sword with dark energy.

As soon as he entered the interior of Sameiello, Binghua received an extremely warm welcome. Four-legged self-discipline defense robots jumped out of the passage bulkhead inside Sameiello, densely packed, and soon occupied the entire passage.

Seeing this, Binghua waved the king sword, and the slender flame slash flew out horizontally, cutting all the defensive robots on the path.

To deal with these mechanical weapons that don't even purify the energy field, just relying on flame slash is enough.

Similar to Binghua, although Ran and other angels were slowed down by these mechanical weapons, their firepower could not cause damage to the divine body of the god-level angels.

But unlike Ran and the others, who could only slash all the way through, Binghua raised his hand to block the several rounds of purified energy light bullets, and then directly used the force field to create a barrier in front of him.

Immediately, the wings of the angel behind Binghua spread out, and the blue thunder and lightning around him kept flickering and dancing.

In the next second, Binghua's figure disappeared in place, and the lightning that turned into a ball smashed away everything along the way under the protection of the force field, and quickly moved towards the super-large purification ray cannon scanned by the dark information.

As the outside world gets closer to the main machine of Sameiello, the losses of the United Fleet of the Justice World will be greater. It can be said that the World of Justice is fighting with its life.

Even a warrior as powerful as a super legion, if they are hit by a large-scale purification energy ray cannon, they will fall under the continuous scouring of energy.

In this battle, the knowledge accumulated by the world of justice for thousands of years is being rapidly consumed, whether it is resources or military strength.

The same is true for Sameiello, the star factory of his body is gradually accumulating damage over time, the peripheral weapon systems are being destroyed by the world of justice one by one, and the interior is also invaded by Binghua and other god-level angels.

Even the executor level that he had accumulated for a long time was almost destroyed in the battle with the angel. For the first time since his birth, Sameailo felt a certain sense of doom. At this time, his calculated winning rate was already less than [-]%. Ten.

The only way to improve the winning rate is to interfere with the stars that are the energy source of the star factory, and use the energy burst of the stars to clear all the enemies in this galaxy with a large-scale solar wind, which can buy a certain amount of time.

But Sameiello did not do this. If it was the army of Chaos that attacked him, Sameiello would do whatever it took to fulfill his duty.

But the world of justice is not a chaotic virus, and the purification of the world of justice at the beginning is only because the life living within the scope of justice is too weak for Sameailo to resist the infection of chaos.

Therefore, in order to prevent chaos from infecting the world of justice and once again form a star field that cannot be completely destroyed like the chaotic star field, Sameiello decided to carry out a purification operation, just like creating a firebreak when a fire breaks out.

But the world of justice gave Sameailo a big surprise. Not only did he fight back the troops he sent to carry out purification operations, but it also resisted the invasion and infection of the chaotic virus.

Even Sameiello once calculated a result, that is, to unite with the Justice World to eradicate the Chaos virus, but in the ensuing battle, Sameiello discovered that the Justice World was actually developing dangerous biotechnology.

This made Sameiello cut off the possibility of joining forces with the Justice World, but then the Great Crusade of the Justice World let Sameiello know that the Justice World was different from all the civilizations he had come into contact with.

Their development speed is unpredictable. In just a few thousand years, they have surpassed the process of tens of thousands of years of ordinary civilization. They were born in wars and grew stronger in wars. Now they have reached the point where they can be eliminated.

Now that the demise has become a settlement, Sameiello simply organized all his observation data on chaos and the data containing purification technology into a database and stored it in his core host.

And he, as the cleansing program of the Chaos virus that has survived for millions of years, will fulfill his duties to the last moment.

After a period of time on the road, Binghua finally arrived at the area where the super-large ray cannon was located first, and then immediately carried out the Shattering Star Blade and destroyed the weapon components here.

The weapon system that was originally full of purified energy, because the components were destroyed by the Star Blade, the energy had nowhere to vent, and a terrifying explosion occurred directly.

The aftermath of the purification energy lasing everywhere destroyed the surroundings in a mess, and even Binghua had to block the components of the Destruction Star Blade in front of him to resist the aftermath of the energy explosion.

The super-large purifying ray muzzle that the outside world had been shooting at the Justice World fleet from time to time suddenly exploded, and then misfired directly, which greatly boosted the morale of the attacking Justice World fleet.

The enemy's special weapons have been destroyed, and Sameiello can no longer prevent them from winning in the world of justice!
For a moment, the United Fleet began to rush forward desperately, completely ignoring the large ray cannons that were still firing.

Among them, the landing ship of the Super Legion was the first to arrive near Sameeiro, and without any deceleration, it slammed into the gap opened by the bombing.

"Rush out those who are not dead, and smash the heads of those mechanical bastards!"

A company captain of a super legion kicked open the heavy hatch of the landing ship and jumped out. After landing, the blaster in his hand fired wildly at the swarming defense machines.

After finishing a magazine, the sergeant captain directly punched the defense machine flying back, knocking down a piece of his own kind.

The purification light bombs fired by these defense machines are the killers of ordinary light vehicles and defense forces, but facing the super legion warriors wearing demigod armor ultimate type, they can only stain their charged armor with a touch of scorched black.

As more and more super legion fighters rushed out of the landing ship, the approaching defense machines were quickly pushed back.

"Repel these mechs for me! Our mission is to destroy! Destroy any energy delivery structure in sight!!"

The captain non-commissioned officer shouted with his loudest voice in the communication.

While firing the gun, he ran forward quickly. After the bullet was fired, he immediately pulled out his Fan Shenjian Breaking Army Model, and slashed at the surrounding defense machines.

The other super reformed legionnaires were similar. They used their fastest speed to break through the encirclement of these machines, and rushed towards the base of a Sameailuo dark energy rail fort displayed in the helmet goggles.

Regardless of the danger, their colleagues sent them into Sameailo's interior, in order to allow them to destroy Sameailo's armed forces from the inside.

(End of this chapter)

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