Chapter 885, fishing

Looking at the demons who seemed to be held by invisible big hands, the eyes of the female angel standing in front of Binghua were shocked. At this moment, she finally knew why Binghua asked them to retreat, because these demons were not hers at all. opponent.

When Binghua asked about the devil's words, she silently stepped aside, looked at Binghua with a faint color in her eyes, and couldn't help but recall the immortal feats that the Heavenly Sword King once made for the angel civilization.

"Now you are in my hands, tell me where the rest of the demons are, and I can leave you a whole corpse."

Binghua doesn't want to talk too much nonsense with the devil, the two are sworn enemies that cannot be eased, so he speaks very straightforwardly.

"You angel bitch, don't want to know the whereabouts of my companions. Even if I die, I will not betray my compatriots!"

The high-level demon quickly recovered from the panic, and began to scold Binghua on the spot.

"If you don't say it, you don't say it. It is not a good habit to insult others."

Faced with this insulting vocabulary that was almost in line with Morgana, Binghua temporarily extinguished the idea of ​​finding their hometown through this group of demons.

In the next second, Binghua grasped the five fingers of the force field, and the demons in the void in front of them didn't even have time to scream, as if they were being squeezed heavily from all directions by some object, and turned into puddles that were invisible. The original blood and flesh.

The cruel scene of the blood gorilla made the angel watching from the side frown a little uncomfortable, and Binghua also subconsciously shook his hands a few times, as if afraid of getting something dirty.

Binghua forgot for a moment that the demon was not a mechanical warrior of the Eternal Ascendant, but a body of flesh and blood, otherwise he would never have squeezed it with a force field, because it would be too disgusting.

After doing this, Binghua noticed that some kind of detection method had disappeared from where they were. It should be the devil's battleship. Seeing that Binghua was not easy to mess with, he chose cautiously and left directly.

"Sir Heavenly Sword King, what technique did you use just now? It was able to trap so many demon warriors at the same time!"

Seeing that the demon no longer appeared, Angel Melo, who had seen Binghua's methods, immediately leaned over, his eyes shone with excitement, and the meaning was almost written on his face.

Although she was a little uncomfortable with Binghua's cruel means of fighting against the enemy just now, the unknown technology used by the Heavenly Sword King was really cool and powerful. In order not to miss the opportunity, she asked directly with the cheek.

Because it is too difficult to find a reliable teacher in Merlot Heavenly Court. Most of the angels learn the same dark energy tactics, and the number of angels who know some special tactics is really too small.

At first, Binghua thought that the Angel of Melo was rather shy, but now she is going to withdraw this evaluation, but Binghua is willing to teach her to learn her own force field manipulation skills.

"I use the force field control algorithm. I remember that there should be some algorithm records in the angel's database. Haven't you read it?"

After Binghua finished talking about the name of the driving algorithm he used, he was a little surprised to see Angel Melo who said he didn't know.

Seeing Binghua's expression, Melo Angel chose to skip this topic with some embarrassment, and asked expectantly:
"Can I study?"

"Of course, anyone who is an angel can learn this algorithm, but it just takes some time to get familiar with the variables of the algorithm's formula in various environments."

Binghua began to recall the process of his creative field algorithm in his mind, and found that it may take a long time to learn this thing, and the power may not meet the learners' expectations.

Angel Melo is very happy to hear that she can use special algorithms like Sister Yan.

The guardian angel watching this scene was whispering something.

"I bet she won't learn."

"I think she can't take it anymore after studying with the goddess for a few days and then gives up."

The rest of the guardian angels had similar ideas. When Binghua was in the world of justice, he did not cherish the tactics he created, but directly opened them to the database of the world of God.

Such as thunder tactics, force field manipulation and so on can actually be touched by the soldiers of the Angel Legion, and it is not difficult to learn, but there are very few who are proficient.

Even the proficient ones can't act as the main means of combat like the goddesses, at most they can be used as an assistant when defending against the enemy, because the data information to be processed is too huge, and they can't be distracted on the battlefield.

So gradually the angels in the world of justice will know, unless they are very talented, otherwise don't dream of becoming a strong woman like a goddess.

Therefore, they were all pessimistic about whether this stranger, an angel of the same race, could learn the goddess' tactics.

Binghua is very happy that there are angels who are willing to learn her own tactics, because in the world of justice, angels also came to her for advice, but after a few times, there was no follow-up news.

The only student, Angel Leng, has no talent in this area, and only uses dark energy tactics to fight the enemy hard. For this reason, she corrected Leng many times, and wanted her to understand a truth. It takes brains to stand out from the crowd, but it's useless, and in the end it just doesn't matter.

A group of angels stayed in this planetary system for a few days. Binghua wanted to go fishing to see if any demon fleet would take the bait, but unfortunately the demons did not come.

At the same time, Binghua began to teach Angel Can some basics about force field manipulation. Angel Can is the name of the Angel Melo rescued by Binghua's guardian angel. After the initial restraint, Angel Can discovered the legendary The Heavenly Sword King didn't have any airs and then gradually let go.

But now Angel Can has paid the price for her impulsiveness, and is swimming in the ocean of knowledge in pain every day.

And because he took the initiative to ask the Heavenly Sword King to teach him how to manipulate the force field, Angel Can was embarrassed to tell Binghua that he didn't want to learn it anymore.

How could Angel Can's stubborn appearance deceive the experienced Binghua? She just thought it was funny and didn't break through Angel Can's little thoughts.

But as time passed, Binghua's patience was exhausted, and she asked Angel Can if there was a stargate established by Angel civilization nearby.

"Teacher, there is a star gate nearby, but if you want to use it, you need to report to Melo Heavenly Court in advance. Teacher, do you want to go back to Melo Heavenly Court?"

Angel Can felt that her hard life was finally coming to an end, and she couldn't hide her joy at all.

The guardian angels all sighed in their hearts, look at the torment of this child, they have seen Angel Can put on a pain mask more than once during this period, and this is also the source of their happiness during this period.

"That's right, I plan to go back to the Heavenly Court of Merlot through the star gate. You should report to the Heavenly Court of Merlot."

Binghua sighed in her heart that this girl seemed to have no intentions, but she was surprisingly cautious.

There is no need to report to Heavenly Court of Melo when using the star gate. The little girl Angel Can is just saying hello to Heavenly Court of Melo and making preparations in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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