Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 886, chapter return storm

Chapter 886, Return to the storm
When Angel Can left Binghua and a group of angels went to the star gate to apply for permission to use it, the guardian angel approached and asked Binghua;

"Does the goddess need us to follow?"

"No, it's been so long, it seems that the devil has no guts to reappear, you all get ready, it won't be long before you can see the center of angelic civilization, Melo Heaven."

Binghua's tone was tinged with pride, because she was also responsible for the establishment of the Merlot Heavenly Court, and it could also be said that the Merlot Heavenly Court was also one of her efforts.

It didn't take Angel Can much time to complete the application, and brought Binghua and his group of angels to an ordinary asteroid nearby.

Binghua could tell at a glance that there was a sign of space folding here, and it was encrypted with the sacred language.

In the eyes of those who don't understand the encryption methods of angels, the encryption methods here are very tricky, and there is no breakthrough point at all, but with Binghua's knowledge, it is not difficult to open the encryption of this space.

But Binghua did not overwhelm the guests, but chose to let Angel Can unencrypt one by one, opening this folded space, revealing the hidden star gate.

This scene made the accompanying guardian angel a little surprised, because the world of justice has few facilities that use space technology except for the gate of time and space.

Of course, it’s not that the world of justice doesn’t have this kind of technology, but because it doesn’t need to hide its stargates full of known universes like angel civilization.

The star gate looks unremarkable, but it uses superb space technology, and the materials that make up the main body of the door frame are not simple.

If it is not hidden, there will definitely be civilizations deliberately destroying it, so as to obtain the materials that make up the main body of the Stargate, or reverse the angel's technology.

After the star gate is activated, the rest is very simple, just go in directly, every star gate in the known universe can lead to the star gate dispatching field of the Melo galaxy.

"Teacher, the lock has been completed. After entering, you can fly for a while to reach the outer edge of Merlot's Heavenly Court."

Angel Can turned around and greeted Binghua, Binghua nodded slightly and took the lead to enter the energy flow of the star gate like water, Jingnan followed closely behind, without any hesitation, the guard angels looked at each other and followed go up.

Passing through the long space channel, you can occasionally see some other angels flying in the channel, but compared to the time-space gate projection in the world of justice, the speed of the star gate in Melo's heaven is a bit slower after all.

But the stargate system is more convenient, and it can also serve as the anchor point for the sky blade to jump in space, so that the sky blade can reach the designated position quickly.

It can only be said that the two have their own advantages, but it is obvious that the construction cost of the star gate system is higher than that of the time and space gate.

After flying in the space channel for more than ten days, Binghua's group of angels finally crossed the vast territory of justice and order, and arrived at the center of justice and order from the edge, the star gate dispatching center of the Melo galaxy.

The dense star gates are neatly arranged in the void, and angels come in and out from time to time. As soon as Binghua and his group of angels came out of the star gates, they attracted the attention of the star gate dispatch center.

Because Binghua's accompanying guards have five male angel warriors who are incompatible with Melo's heaven, and these male angels are not civilians, but armored warriors.

For a while, many female angels who were preparing to perform the task stopped their movements, and their eyes fell on Binghua and the group of angels.

But soon an angel recognized Binghua, with a look of surprise on his face, he didn't understand how the legendary Heavenly Sword King got mixed up with a male angel.

But with the arrival of a figure, all the female angels present raised their hands to their chests to salute him.

"Queen Keisha!"

Keisha nodded to the angel warriors who were present, and then looked at Binghua and his group of angels standing there. She glanced at the male angel guards standing beside Binghua, but she was not very surprised.

Keisha knew about Binghua's allegiance to the male angel group. Although she would not do this, she would not criticize Binghua's behavior.
"After thousands of years, welcome back to the Heavenly Court of Melo."

Keisha and Binghua hugged each other lightly and then separated, which immediately made the serious atmosphere of the scene because of the male angel warriors begin to ease down quickly.

Because this means that this group of male angels are not intruders, and the female angels in Melo's heaven are not so cautious that they will act when they see male angels.

The new generation's cognition of male angels comes from the database of Merlot Heavenly Court, and the male angels described in it are all direct descendants of Zeng Huaye.

The portrayal of male angels can be imagined, so the perception of male angels is generally evil.

But now they found that these male angels were not as evil as in the records, at least their eyes looked normal.

The eyes of the few older generation angel fighters present were colder, but because these male angels were Binghua's subordinates.

Photographed by the existence of Binghua, there is no angel who chooses to jump out at this moment with a hot head to dismantle Queen Kaisha and Tianjianwang.

Things after that are very simple. As a king, Keisha certainly knows how to downplay the turmoil of the male angel's arrival.

Binghua and Jingnan followed Kaisha to her palace, while Binghua's guardian angel was arranged to live alone.

On the way, Binghua and Kaisha were chatting about the changes in Merlot Heaven, and the atmosphere was very harmonious. Angel Yan, who was following Kaisha, was secretly sizing up the angel who was the same age as Queen Kaisha.

With loose black hair, although the face under the bangs is smiling, Ke Yan can feel a little oppression from those black eyes, just like looking directly at Queen Keisha.

"The news of your return to the known universe has not been leaked this time, but it will not be kept for a long time. If you want to do something, you must hurry up."

Kaisha sat on the gazebo seat in the garden of her palace, Binghua sat on the left side of her, and Angel Yan brought Queen Kaisa's favorite fragrant tea to brew for them.

Jingnan stood quietly on the side of Binghua like a sculpture. If it was in the world of justice, her and Angel Yan's positions would be switched at this moment.

"As long as you know it, I don't want to trouble anyone when I come back this time. Of course, if they bump into my gun, I don't mind moving my fingers."

Binghua's tone of voice was very casual, Keisha also laughed when she heard the words,

"Yes, you are not me. I will take into account the balance of the world of justice and order, but you will not."

Although Keisha was laughing when she said this, Binghua keenly captured the helplessness in her heart.

Binghua can also understand Kaisha's difficulties. The known universe is different from the chaotic sea of ​​stars where the world of justice is located. The civilization forces here are intricate and complex, and one movement can affect the whole body. Angels are the enemy of the world if they are not careful.

(End of this chapter)

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