Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 901, Tickets to Enter the Known Universe

Chapter 901, Tickets to Enter the Known Universe
"The Millennium Conquest Plan continues, but don't act rashly without my authorization."

Finally, after weighing the pros and cons, Karl sincerely postponed his plan temporarily.

After thinking for a while, Karl pulled the star map projected by the big clock to a remote corner. Karl seemed to be able to see through the star map and see a guy sitting on the throne, holding a female angel and drinking.

"Snow, go out for me and find the location of the former King of Angels, Huaye."

After thinking for a long time, Karl finally used the few pawns in his hand that were still on the table. However, this pawn is not yet mature, and Karl felt that he had to cheer the opponent up.

"My god, are we really going to find them? Are they angels too?"

"No, Snow, as long as Hua Ye, the former king of angels, survives, the angelic civilization will never end the confrontation between male and female angels."

Carl closed the projection book he had read and found the location of Hua Ye's department.

Seeing that his lord god had already sent him the coordinates, Snow didn't say much, because at present, apart from the male angels who were driven to the corners of the known universe, they really couldn't find any civilization that could compete with the angels.

After Snow had the coordinate position of the male angel, he quickly rushed towards the coordinate point, and finally reached the edge of the known universe after more than a month.

Hua Ye has lived comfortably in the past few thousand years, because after sweeping away the Tianding stars, there is no enemy in this star field that can stop him.

Now the male angel legion under his command has transformed into a real elite after a series of bloody battles. Of course, Hua Ye is not stupid enough to rely on this wealth to return to the known universe and the Melo heaven to compete for angelic orthodoxy.

At the same time, in order to expand his power, Hua Ye also recruited many animal civilizations as his servants, avoiding the problem of being unable to govern his own territory due to the small number of angels.

"Report, King Hua Ye, there is an envoy who claims to be from the Styx outside asking to see him."

Hua Ye, who was sitting on his throne playing a small game with his concubines, said a little impatiently:

"It's that guy who dared to disturb this king's Yaxing, directly saying that this king is not free."

"Wang, the other party said that he has enmity with Melo Heavenly Court, do we want to?"

When Hua Ye heard the words Melo Tianting, he immediately looked away from the concubines around him, stood up and waved his hands to let them all get down.

The hall, which was originally full of female laughter and playfulness, suddenly fell silent. Hua Ye rubbed his hands and sat back on his throne. After a little bit of messy hair, he said slowly:

"Go, bring the messenger of the Styx in."

A few minutes later, Snow entered the hall under the guidance of a male angel, and saw Hua Ye sitting on the throne at the end at the first sight.

"Hua Ye, the great king of angels, on behalf of my god, I pay respects to you."

"Your little mouth is like honey, what you say is what I love to hear."

Hearing Snow's intentionally flattering words to him, Hua Ye was very happy, but Hua Ye was not an idiot, he knew that the following man went all the way to this corner of the universe to find himself, definitely not just to say some innocuous flattery talk.

"Okay, so what kind of god behind you has anything to do with me."

Seeing Hua Ye getting straight to the point, Snow didn't go around in circles, and began to explain his intentions.

"My god Karl is the greatest wise man in the known universe, but not long ago I had a little conflict with the female angels of the Melo Heaven, and now the Melo Heaven defines us as evil and wants to destroy us.

And it just so happens that God knows that the true orthodoxy of the angelic civilization lies with you, King Tiangong, and specially ordered me to come and form an alliance with Your Excellency to deal with the female angels entrenched in the Heavenly Court of Melo. "

But who would have thought that as soon as Snow finished speaking, Hua Ye laughed loudly.

"Interesting, it's the first time I've heard that there are people in the known universe who dare to resist that old lady Kesha, how can I form an alliance?"

Hua Ye has always wanted to re-enter the angel civilization, so he is very interested in the alliance Snow mentioned.

"My god has already formulated a method to deal with Kaisha, the king of angels, but my god's positive strength is too weak after all. After destroying Kaisa, facing the female angel's revenge requires the protection of you, the orthodox king of angels."

Upon hearing this, Hua Ye's foolish look disappeared, and he stood up directly from the throne and asked in surprise:
"Can you destroy Keisha?"

Hua Ye couldn't help being excited, the name Kaisha had been on his head for tens of thousands of years, and he was almost out of breath.

"Yes, my God has found the weakness of Kaisha, the king of angels, but the plan is still under preparation, and it will take a little time to make arrangements in advance."

In fact, Snow only knows that his main god has the idea of ​​letting Kaisha, the king of angels, fall. Whether it can be realized is still unknown.

But now, in order to win over Tiangong Wang Huaye, Snow has no choice but to draw a big cake in advance, otherwise this alliance may be in vain.

"I agree with the alliance you mentioned. As long as you can kill Kaisha, I will immediately send troops to the known universe to protect you."

Although Hua Ye agreed to form an alliance, he was not a fool. He would not be used as a weapon by others, and he put forward a prerequisite for sending troops.

Snow didn't care, as long as Hua Ye agreed, the future would be up to him.

After Snow left, Hua Ye fell into deep thought. If the god behind Snow who had a problem with the angel just now really destroyed Kaisha, he was thinking about whether he should get involved in this muddy water. .

Because the risks in this are too great, although Hua Ye has been in a corner these years, it is not that he does not pay attention to the news of the known universe, knowing that the Merlot Heaven has been managed by Kaisha into a giant.

But soon Hua Ye didn't think about it so much. When the time came, he would just play it by ear. If the female angels in Melo's heaven fell into chaos, then he, the king of the heavenly palace, would naturally have the obligation to save those lovely female angels.

After Karl received Snow's reply, the plan that was messed up by Binghua was smoothed out by him again.

As for how to let Hua Ye take the initiative to step into the known universe, it is very simple, as long as he feels that he is invincible and no one is his opponent, the opponent will take the initiative to jump into the chess game.

It just so happened that Karl had a good card in his hand, which could serve as Hua Ye's ticket to enter the known universe.

When the known universe is messed up, it is naturally his time to act.

But before the plan is implemented, it is still necessary to build a new research base as soon as possible, otherwise the research on the void engine does not know how long it will take.

(End of this chapter)

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