Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 902, I hereby apologize to all book friends

Chapter 902, I would like to apologize to all book friends

After delving into the sun star drive technology for a period of time, and having a certain understanding of supernova catalysis, Binghua no longer nests in his palace every day.
After all, the research can never be finished, and one must learn to combine work and rest, otherwise, sooner or later, psychological problems will arise.

Just when Binghua came back from Lieyang, he remembered that he still had a nominal territory in the known universe, and planned to take the time to see how the Deno immigrants were developing there.

After all, the two major anti-void god-making projects are there, no matter what they are now, when they grow up, they will become the top battle gods in the universe.

As the goddess of the world of justice, Binghua will not let two third-generation god-level combat powers waste their time in Shenzhou.

Therefore, when the time is right, Binghua intends to lead these two third-generation gods to the world of justice to study hard and accept the influence of the concept of the world of justice.

Just do it when you think about it, Leng Heyan happened to go to perform the task, Binghua didn't inform his guardian angel, and went directly to the Stargate dispatch center alone.

Because there is a stargate system that goes directly to the Chiwu star system, the angels will send an angel to observe every 100 years to record the changes in the civilization of China.

According to the observation records of the angels over the years by the Binghua Survey, the Chinese civilization has not undergone any earth-shaking changes.

In addition to the change of dynasties caused by historical changes and the rise of a new national system, under the guidance of the Deno survivors, China has shown signs of entering the pre-nuclear era.

Binghua was quite surprised by this. He didn't expect De Nuo to resist the method of quickly guiding the development of Chinese civilization, and chose to subtly influence it. Naturally, there are advantages and disadvantages in doing so.

The advantage is that the developed civilization will have a higher and more stable social order and humanistic value as a whole.

The downside is that it takes a long development lead time.


"Your Excellency, Heavenly Sword King, welcome to visit Shenzhou."

Wearing a long gown, Ducao greeted Binghua who came to Shenzhou through the star gate at the landing place of Binghua.

"Looking at your clothes, you seem to be a teacher in China."

After Binghua took a look at Ducao, his eyes fell on the stretch of villages and towns under the mountain.

"I promised Lao Sun that I would not forcibly interfere with the development of Chinese civilization, so I will serve as a teacher and teach them some of the positive concepts of our Deno civilization.

As for whether the Chinese civilization accepts or rejects the ideas of our Deno civilization, this is China's own freedom. "

Ducao's tone of voice was very sincere, and Binghua could tell that Ducao was serious.

"It seems that the destruction of civilization has changed you a lot."

This is the first informal conversation between Binghua and Ducao. During the conversation, Binghua felt a lot of weak dark energy fluctuations in the villages and towns below.

Immediately, Binghua directly used the Eye of Insight to scan the villages and towns below, and immediately found a dozen villagers with super genetically engineered seeds in their bodies.

Among them are farmers, traders, and wives. If Binghua hadn't scanned them, they would have no way of noticing that there is a super genetic engineering in their bodies that is enough to drive some god-making civilizations crazy.

Seeing Binghua's actions, Ducao took the initiative to explain,

"De Nuo's super genetic engineering cannot be directly inherited by Chinese people.

If the super genes in their bodies are turned on now, they will soon die of physical exhaustion due to rejection.

Moreover, the current Shenzhou does not have the prerequisites for cultivating super fighters.

That's why I gathered these Chinese citizens with Deno's super genetic engineering in this village.

While allowing them to thrive, it is also to allow their blood to gradually adapt to the super genes in their bodies. "

When Binghua heard the words, she immediately realized that Shenzhou is not a world directly under the jurisdiction of the world of justice, and has mature genetic engineering transformation technology.

In addition, the Deno adherents headed by Ducao are just a group of refugees, so there is no room for genetic engineering analysis and adaptive matching of the Chinese.

"I've been here for so long, why haven't I seen Monkey King, I remember he is very sensitive to visitors from space."

Binghua does not intend to provide assistance to the super genetic engineering of Shenzhou, because it is much better to trample on the ground step by step than to overthrow the seedlings in the world of justice.

"Old Sun has been sleeping in Huaguo Mountain since the last battle with Pan Zhen, repairing his injuries and restoring his clone.

Your Excellency the Sword King, because you came in a hurry, I haven't had time to wake him up. "

"No, I won't bother him, I just came back to the known universe this time, so I took a look at the situation here.

After all, this is still my territory in name, isn't it? "

Binghua chuckled and rejected Ducao's move to wake up Monkey King.

To Binghua's words, Ducao just nodded slightly and didn't say anything.

It is a fact that China is under the protection of the Heavenly Sword King. The known universe knows how many civilizations there are in China, but no one dares to run over and presumptuously.

Even if they know that the Heavenly Sword King will not always focus on Shenzhou, it is the same, after all, Lie Yang's lessons from the past are there.

The water in Shenzhou is too deep, and they dare not get involved easily.

Binghua didn't stay in Shenzhou for too long. Except for the residents of Deno and Monkey King, this planet is not much different from other living planets.

However, Binghua always felt that the planet Shenzhou was very familiar in his heart, as if he had lived here before.

When returning back, Binghua did not leave through the star gate, but chose to fly faster than the speed of light, with the goal of a chaotic star field closest to the Chiwu star system.

The chaotic star field is actually an asteroid belt with a relatively complicated terrain. In the angel's database, there is a large-scale wanderer civilization group here.

This group used to do star robbers, but after the angels came to this star field and defined it as the scope of justice and order, they restrained a lot, for fear that they would be wiped out by the passing angels that day.

But according to the latest intelligence, this group of rogue civilizations seems to have come into contact with demons recently.

Most of the above information comes from the reports of some civilizations that have joined the justice order near the star field where the rogue civilization is located.

Because demons may be involved in it, Melo Heavenly Court arranged its information in the front sequence.

After returning to the known universe, Binghua has been paying attention to the news about the demon civilization. After all, she and Morgana have been sisters for so many years.

Coming back after a long absence this time, Binghua really wanted to get together with Morgana and reminisce about the past, so he deliberately paid attention to the news of the devil.

But the first time he met the demon, the other party was too stubborn, so that Binghua didn't get any useful information.

 There was an update yesterday, but I had a meal with my brother at night, and I drank too much, and I haven't recovered this morning.

(End of this chapter)

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