Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 903, Chaos Star Field

Chapter 903, Chaos Star Field

Binghua stopped at the periphery of the chaotic star field, and with a thought, everything related to angels disappeared.

Except for his own appearance, it is completely impossible to tell that Binghua was an angel before, with slim combat trousers and a black combat coat that hangs down to his thighs. On the back is the crossed emblem of double swords and wings printed on the justice world's judgment angel.

Then, in order to make his disguise more real, Binghua also put on a metal breathing mask that covered the lower half of his face, and tied his long hanging hair behind his head into a high ponytail.

In an instant, Binghua changed from a powerful angel king to a heroic female warrior with outstanding appearance and figure.

Finally, a small shuttle was transported from the world of justice to complete the last camouflage of an interstellar explorer.

After finishing these icicles, he drove the shuttle directly to the base established by the civilized wanderers in the chaotic star field.

In the scan of Binghua's eye of insight, the base established by this group of civilized wanderers should actually be called a small space port.

Although it is a bit broken, it has some basic capabilities of the universe star port.

As soon as Binghua's shuttle approached the space where the base was located, she received a warning asking her to upload her identity information.

In this regard, Binghua directly edited the identity of one of the most common bounty hunters, that is, interstellar mercenaries, and uploaded his own identity and appearance information, which of course has been modified to a certain extent.

The civilized wanderers in the chaotic star field didn't intend to check carefully, but just uploaded Binghua's forged identity information into their own database, and stopped paying attention to this small shuttle.

The reason for this situation is that the chaotic star field is not strong enough to have the ability to scan Binghua's body. On the other hand, their database is also very ordinary in Binghua's view.

The entry of his identity information is completely done as a show, and there is no serious verification at all.

But after thinking about the information about the chaotic starfield base established by the civilized wanderers, Binghua is not too surprising, because this base is similar to the lawless zone at the junction of some civilizations.

As he got closer to this base in the chaotic star field, Binghua also saw the whole picture of the opponent in his sight.

Several asteroids that have been hollowed out are spliced ​​together by metal structures, so that this base with the function of a space port has a good ability to resist strikes even without the protection of energy shields.

But some details show that the civilized rogues who built this base did not have sufficient resources, because many parts of it were welded with the outer armor of large battleships.

There are several patrolling small fleets around to maintain order, and before Binghua observes for too long, her shuttle received a signal to park and guide.

Following the guidance, Binghua drove the shuttle into the berth of the base airport belonging to the civilized wanderers.

As soon as Binghua left the shuttle, an airport guard wearing black power armor stopped in front of her.

"Go over there and pay the parking fee, please."

The guard's voice was not very friendly, with a hint of irritability.

"What will happen if you don't pay?"

Binghua's voice was very flat, but the question he asked made the guard snort coldly, and directly raised the weapon in his hand to aim at Binghua.

"It's okay if you don't hand it in, the boat stays, and you stay too."

Seeing that the guard here raised his gun, the guards in several other places also turned their gazes over and slowly approached this side.

"I was just kidding."

Binghua didn't care about pointing at his gun, turned around and walked towards a terminal not far away.

The guard put down his gun and returned to his position until he received a reminder from Binghua that he had successfully paid the parking fee. The guards in other areas also looked away after seeing this.

Binghua walked inside the base, which was more prosperous than Binghua expected, and Binghua saw many residents with obvious differences in appearance.

The most eye-catching ones are the mercenaries from the Parker Nebula, because these mercenaries are generally equipped with more advanced weapons.

What makes Binghua more curious is what is there to attract these outlaws in the Parker Nebula, you must know that they are very taboo to act within the scope of justice and order.

After wandering around the base for more than an hour, Binghua was about to get down to business, found a corner, Binghua leaned against the alloy wall behind her, lowered her head slightly, and the hair hanging in front of her forehead covered her silvery eyes. eyes.

The eye of insight began to scan everything around quickly, looking for information about demons. Of course, Binghua didn't scan with all his strength, which was too eye-catching.

While Binghua was scanning the base, many interstellar mercenaries who had received super genetic enhancements noticed the sweeping dark energy fluctuations and secretly raised their vigilance.

As for the civilized rogues who control the base, they are naturally aware of it, but it is useless to detect it, because with their technology, it is impossible to find the instigator.

Just as the top executives of the civilized rogues were running around in a hurry, the energy fluctuations of this scan suddenly disappeared.

While letting the civilized wanderer breathe a sigh of relief, he couldn't help feeling a sense of courage.

As beings who have dealt with angels, they know very well that under the scanning of dark energy, many dirty things cannot be hidden.

If the person scanned just now was a high-ranking angel from Melo's heaven, then their situation would be extremely bad.

Binghua closed his eyes of insight, and took a cold look at the base.

The scan just now allowed her to successfully find the demon hidden here, and she also saw a lot of things that were enough for the angel to launch a trial here.

However, it is not appropriate to startle the snake at the moment, so Binghua restrained his emotions a little bit, and planned to upload the information he scanned to the Merlot Heavenly Court after he achieved his goal.


"After everyone's hard work during this period of time, the size of our superstar mercenary group has expanded by 30.00%.

The adults were very happy and rewarded us with ten Super Gene Seeds. "

Sitting at the head of the conference hall, a man with dark purple skin, vertical pupils, tiny thorn-like protrusions on both sides of his cheeks, and a pair of short black horns on his forehead waved his hand.

Ten square injectors sealed with unknown metal suddenly appeared on the originally empty conference table.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of many people sitting in the conference hall were full of fire. This ability to extract things out of thin air was like a miracle in their eyes.

And as long as they accept the gifts in those square injectors, they will also have the opportunity to obtain this power. As for the mere appearance alienation, it is nothing in their eyes.

If you want to live well in this universe, you can only get strong power.

(End of this chapter)

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