Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 904, Devil genetic modification

Chapter 904, Devil genetic modification

Seeing the fiery eyes of the captains under his command, the head of the superstar mercenary group was very satisfied.

He was originally just an ordinary mercenary from the Poke Nebula, but accidentally came into contact with a great demon from the demon civilization.

Because he is quite witty and the big devil he licks is very comfortable, he was lucky to accept the devil's genetic modification and become a real devil.

Afterwards, he was sent here to spread the devil's depraved free thought, but in fact the order given to him by the great devil was to train qualified devil fighters.

As for the idea of ​​degenerate freedom, spread it if it can be spread, and don't force it if it can't be spread, so as to avoid attracting the sight of angels.

In terms of dealing with angels, except for the hunting angel and demon squad that is directly under Demon II, other great demons are relatively imaginary when they encounter angels.

Because the angels are all over the star gates of justice and order, a large number of angel warriors can be gathered to support them soon, making the emerging big devil feel hopeless.

After a few unlucky bastards personally tried the method, the other great demons shrank their heads one after another. Without the Queen's summoning, they would not easily show up, and only dared to secretly accumulate their own strength.

In fact, nearly 2000 years have passed since the last war between demons and angels. In addition, the intensity of that war was extremely limited, and the overall strength of demon civilization has not been greatly compromised.

Therefore, these big demons hidden in the known universe all have their own fleets and demon legions.

On the other hand, because the demon queen Morgana has not summoned them for thousands of years, these big demons have gradually stopped putting the queen's order to spread ideas first, but continue to develop and strengthen their own demons Legion.

As the high-level meeting of the superstar mercenary group adjourned, the person who got the devil gene seed returned to his room excitedly with the injector in his hand.

Seeing that there was no one around, he took out the compressed energy crystals he had prepared in advance, and directly injected the devil gene seeds into his body.

In an instant, starting from the injection point on the arm, the purple veins continued to spread to other parts of the body, and the severe pain made the injector's eyes go round.

At the same time, the injectors felt that their bodies were extremely empty and needed to be filled with something. At this time, they stretched out their hands to grab the energy crystals that were placed on the table and produced from the Poke Nebula.

Immediately, the feeling of emptiness in the body quickly began to ease, replaced by tingling pains from all over the body.

This process lasted for several hours, and they fainted in the severe pain, but the changes in their bodies did not stop.

When they woke up again, they found that they were no longer Kamikawa-type humans. Their skin had turned into the black and purple color that is more common in demons and was full of texture, and their pupils had turned into oppressive vertical pupils.

Seeing this, the high-level executives of the superstar mercenary group who had successfully accepted the genetic modification of the devil laughed excitedly. There are winners and losers.

Among the top ten high-level superstar mercenary regiments who received the modification of the devil's gene, one directly died tragically, and the devil's gene was inexplicably alienated during the strengthening process.

In the end, halfway through the demon's genetic transformation, the bearer's body couldn't withstand such a fierce transformation and died directly, leaving only a half-mutated body.

This made the head of the superstar mercenary regiment feel a little pity. If the bearer who injected the devil gene mutated successfully, then the great devil he was loyal to would definitely raise his devil gene to a higher level.

Following the successful genetic modification of a new batch of demons from the superstar mercenary group, the superstar mercenary group held a meeting again.

"Now we have added nine powerful brothers again, don't be discouraged if you are not qualified.

As long as you can complete the task, you will be able to obtain enhanced qualifications. "

The head of the superstar mercenary was very satisfied when he saw that nearly half of the members in the conference hall had received the genetic modification of the devil.

“Next, I would like to talk about our future development direction.

Now that we have established a firm foothold here, the next step is to gradually control this base located in the chaotic star field.

At that time, we will have a steady stream of soldiers, even if the angels find us, we will still be able to meet them. "

In the words of the superstar team leader, he didn't pay attention to angels at all. He did this to give confidence to his team members, otherwise he would be at a loss in what to do.

If this place is unfortunately discovered by angels, at worst, their superstars will simply abandon this place and start anew in other places.

Just when the head of the superstar group was still drawing big cakes for his members, the door of the conference hall suddenly deformed and twisted.

This scene immediately interrupted the words of the leader of the superstar group, and successfully attracted the attention of everyone in the conference hall.

In the next second, the slightly distorted door of the conference hall was directly separated from the door frame, and embedded into the alloy wall with a bang.

A figure walked in with easy steps, Binghua looked around the scene in the room, saw that this group of demons saw him standing there in a daze, he raised his hand and spread his five fingers.

Immediately, an invisible force field energy exploded in the conference hall, and the terrifying impact directly knocked the demons and superstar mercenary members flying into the air and hit the walls on all sides fiercely.

"Who are you? How dare you break into the residence of our superstar mercenary group!"

The head of the superstar group who reacted first rolled and got up, and stretched out his hand, and a scimitar-like demon blade appeared in his hand.

The other demons who had been transformed by the demons also got up one after another, and each took out their own weapons, including firearms and short blades.

Binghua fell into the siege of the enemy for a while, Binghua was a little surprised, his weak force field shock failed to make them lose their resistance.

If that's the case, let's see some blood.

Binghua did not answer the words of the leader of the superstar group. With a thought, the arsenal was unfolded, and a Tay alloy sword was ejected from the micro-wormhole like a crossbow.

Immediately, the sound of sharp weapons piercing flesh continued to resound, and a huge gap was pierced through the chests of the demons and ordinary members of the superstar mercenary group who had just stood up.A few unlucky heads disappeared directly.

To say that the only difference between the scene and the previous ones was that there were more than a dozen Tay alloy swords whose bodies were submerged halfway into the alloy wall and were dripping blood.

This scene frightened the only survivor, the leader of the superstar group, and his hand holding the devil's blade trembled slightly.

When Binghua's eyes fell on him, the head of Superstar Group trembled, and the next second decisively dropped the Demon Blade in his hand, and directly raised his hands.

"My lord, I surrender, please don't kill me! You can ask me to do anything!"

Binghua felt a little surprised that this demon was so sensible, and didn't reply to him immediately.

Finding a fairly clean seat, Binghua sat down and faced the head of the superstar group who raised his hands high and surrendered, and asked directly:

"What's your name?"

"My lord, my name is Julang, and I am the head of the superstar mercenary group."

The leader of the superstar group squeezed out a flattering smile on his face that had been alienated by the demon gene, and immediately answered Binghua's question without any hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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