Chapter 106 Aurora will be attacked

"I have a question."

"Precise play."


The virtual personality was crushed lightly, but asked without changing his face: "Even if you barely maintain your old personality, you are now only a single-path true god."

"Why do you think you can bring the complete Kingdom of God down?"

The Decayed King sat still, but Adam felt that he was indeed "glanced" just now, he raised his head, and found the source of the feeling in the upper left: a wandering vine with eyes at the end.

"Because you have prepared all the elements for me."

"Dead silence, barrenness, the remains of a city-state, a lost civilization."

Outer God slowly said word by word: "Without the "Hopeless Temple", it is true that the Kingdom of God cannot be considered complete, but it is better to have concepts to make up for it.Even if the towns and civilizations recorded in my witness cannot be reproduced, it is enough to make it a higher status than the general kingdom of God. "


West District, No. 9 Hope Street, Prime Minister's Residence.

Cabinet Prime Minister Aguhid Negan stood behind the large table, looking at Earl Hall opposite with a solemn expression: "Your Excellency, my secretary should have told you what happened, you are what I thought of at this moment first nobleman."

Earl Hall with two beautiful mustaches sighed:
"I'm sorry to hear this news. It shocked me very much. I was planning to visit His Excellency the Duke in the past few days to discuss the several bills that we are all concerned about. Who knows, he was attacked..."

His young handsome appearance was ruined by the deep law lines and fat state, he first expressed his condolences, grief and sympathy, then restrained his emotions and said: "Your Excellency the Duke is dead, we need to be more cautious and calm than weeping and anger, only Only in this way can the follow-up matters be handled well, and the heavy steam train of the Kingdom will not be allowed to rush off the track."

Earl Hall nodded and asked, "Who is the murderer? What is the motive?"

"A demon who pretended to be a banker for more than ten years, a real demon, by the way, your Bavat Bank just acquired his property." Aguhid stated without any change in tone.

"Patrick Jason?" Earl Hall immediately remembered the other person's name.

Prime Minister Aguhid did not blame the other party, thinking about it and said:

"He has a Sequence 5, but he suddenly sold his property, discarded his identity that he had been in business for more than ten years, and took great risks to assassinate my brother. Based on this, we can make a strong guess that he was influenced by someone or someone. Instigated by this force, unfortunately, he was killed on the way to escape, and even his spirit body was taken away. According to the report of the Nighthawks, there seemed to be two high-sequence powerhouses involved, and one of them was related to the church. It is a high-level secret, and one Nighthawk was seriously injured. The other one is unknown, but it seems that he also appeared on the night when the anomaly occurred in the East Zone."

"There is also a lack of intelligence about the connection between the two, and there may be no relationship at all."

"It involves an extremely secretive organization and a confidential person who is strictly prohibited by the church, and we can't find out about this matter in a short time?" Earl Hall asked.

"Yes, there are no traces left, and the Nighthawks hinted to stop the investigation." Agusid gave an affirmative answer.

Earl Hall took two steps and asked, "What is His Majesty's attitude?"

"Sad, but no specific thoughts." Aguhid replied.

Earl Hall frowned and thought about it:

"Since this is the case, the important thing is no longer who is behind the scenes, but what purpose we want to achieve through this incident."

"If you want war and restart the colonial scramble, then tell the people that it is the Feysac Empire that ordered Patrick Jason, and give them some evidence that seems to be the case, in the past hundreds of thousands of years , Our neighbor in the north always plays a similar role, I think everyone should be used to it, and will not question it, it is very, very, very normal for barbarians to do such things."

"And people fear them."

Prime Minister Agusid twitched the corners of his mouth without a smile: "However, we are making a series of changes, and we will not be able to stabilize until the second half of next year at the earliest, and have the ability to wage war."

Earl Hall pondered and said: "Then find someone who everyone can accept. If it is announced like this, it will definitely cause great panic. People are always afraid of unknown things that they don't understand well."

"Well, how about the 'Aurora Society'? They only assassinated Intis' ambassador with a special purpose a few months ago, and it wouldn't be surprising if they did anything else. Their reputation is bad enough, and besides, it can be effective To dispel other people's doubts about us, there are always people who think that we entrusted the 'Aurora Society' to do the previous assassination."

"Also, take advantage of the opportunity to crack down on terrorist organizations and illegal organizations, and clean up Backlund. There are too many dangerous guys hiding here."

Agushid said "hmm":
"'Aurora Club' is a good candidate..."

"Target them first, wait until next year, when we are ready, and then announce the results of the investigation, accusing the Feysac Empire of driving the 'Aurora Society', I don't think anyone will care about the justifications of terrorist organizations and northern barbarians."

Earl Hall was stunned for a moment: "This is a step further than I thought."

Aguhid said no more, stood up straight and said:

"I'm going to meet His Majesty the King now."

Having said that, he glanced at Earl Hall:
"You should also pay attention to your safety. We haven't figured out the motives of those people who assassinated my brother. Hmph, the Church of Storms has agreed to replace the Archbishop of Backlund Diocese. Snake is always late at critical moments! Believers of Storms always So irritable, irritable, stubborn, arrogant, easy to be mobilized!"

"Don't be prejudiced. For example, Lurmi is very wise." Earl Hall first gave a low laugh, and then tapped his chest four times.
"Thank you, the goddess will bless me."


As night fell, after the dark sage cleaned up the altar, he washed his hands and face with cool water, and exhaled in a good mood.

He went up along the road, ready to return to the basement floor, when he passed the corner, he suddenly heard the sound of the stone door moving slowly.He turned his head sideways in astonishment, only to see a hidden stone door that was completely integrated with the wall being pushed open inch by inch by the deep shadow.

Behind the door is God, the Lord, and we cannot look directly at it... Kesma subconsciously wanted to kneel and bow his head, but Shimen moved away a step faster than his movement, and he caught a glimpse of the door from the corner of his eye. Behind stood a child about five or six years old.

She had short dark black hair that just reached her ears, with faint golden edges.He was wearing a very classic white floor-length robe that had only been seen in the religious paintings of holy scriptures. His face was covered in shadows, and a pair of dark red eyes like frozen blood could be vaguely seen.

Kesma still lowered her head, lowered her eyes, stared at her toes, and repented for having gazed at the appearance of God's vessel without authorization.

The boy stands barefoot in the shadows, his expression serious, his eyes looking at the ceiling above.His lips moved slightly, and a majestic and heavy voice immediately overwhelmed the background music-like ravings in the dark saint's mind, and sounded as clearly as a Hong Zhong Dalu:
"Enemy attack."

"Give up here."

But it has just been repaired here... Kesma was puzzled for a moment, but the oracle must not be violated.So he didn't think anything, bowed his head and said yes, prayed silently in his heart, and after the figure of the Lord disappeared in place, he would go to the basement floor to announce the news.

Backlund's underground stronghold has become increasingly important after ushering in the Lord. It has been reinforced and concealed with extraordinary items to prevent a certain degree of prying and divination. If necessary, a sealed item of the judge path can be used to directly destroy the It is completely closed, and no one else can open it except the members of the Aurora Society who came with the key.

The dark sage was puzzled, but he wasn't too worried until a loud noise came from above.

The entire underground building shook violently, and the Dark Saint was on the third lower floor, still almost unable to stand still due to the shock.Earth, rocks and dust rustled down. Fortunately, the entire underground building was protected by the conceptual level of the magical items of the judge's path, so it was not so easy to collapse.

Otherwise, just now, at least half of the third basement floor would have collapsed!
Shocked and angry, Kesma suddenly merged into the shadows and reached the basement floor in an instant.A huge pothole with a diameter of five or six meters was opened on the ground, and all the above-ground buildings used to cover it had been destroyed!

There was another loud noise, much more clearly heard than when we were underground!
The sound of buildings collapsing, the sound of wood being ignited and crackling, the horrible creaking sound of stone cracking, the sound of guns being loaded, the sound of assembly parts and ammunition rolling... The most frightening thing is the faint shouting outside, which is impossible to understand. Know when the next hit is coming!

Now there is only him, a saint, and four or five mid-sequence powerhouses in the entire stronghold. Mr. A and Mr. Z are impressively in the crowd. One is quickly collecting documents and piles them in front of the church. Flesh lifted the fallen walls and masonry, and rescued the buried.

The dark saint glanced at the sky full of stars and the lightning in the cloud outside the pit, and his heart sank slowly.

"Report the situation." He said in a deep voice.

"Yes." Z, who is not as strong as Mr. A and is closer to the Dark Saint, immediately replied, "Just now, we were attacked by the Church of Steam, and they blasted this gap with artillery. As you can see , our extraordinary law defense is about to collapse."

Accompanied by this sentence was the distinctive sound of suppressing fire from the Steam Church’s Mechanical Heart team, and they started again. The bullets hit the bricks strengthened by the rules, and the shell casings and gunpowder crackled.

"What's worse, for some reason, people from Church of Evernight and Church of Storms also dispatched. They took advantage of our inattention and quietly cleared the field, replaced the pedestrians around with Extraordinary people, and then launched a surprise attack!"

"This is a premeditated attack! They have a clear division of labor and cooperation! I suspect that someone has betrayed the Lord! The information here has been leaked!"

"And our current combat power is completely insufficient. Several people have been injured in the raid on the ground..."

Before he finished speaking, the explosion sounded again, and the cannon fell three meters above everyone's heads. Mr. Z almost fell down.The magnitude of the vibration became larger each time, and it seemed that the sealed item would not last long.

Most members of the Aurora Society have anger on their faces. They have learned from the scriptures that the gods betrayed the Lord and robbed the Lord of his achievements. Now that the Lord has just descended to the earth and the church has just been repaired, the church of the gods is inexplicable Launched an attack, how can we not make them angry!
"These false gods are deceiving people too much!"

"Praise the Lord, this proves that the glory of the Lord is irrefutable!"

Something is wrong, why did the three gods suddenly attack?The dark saint was thinking quickly, recalling all the things that happened this month. I remembered that the incident of the Eastern District’s mutation had already ended. Any clues about the secret organization... Mary of the Pilgrim Sect is peaceful, nothing happened... We have been very quiet recently, obeying the oracle, and did not do anything out of the ordinary... Is it a matter of God? It's only now that it's settled?Well, that was bad luck indeed!
"calm down!"

The dark saint shouted angrily.He has accumulated power for a long time and is a pious saint. Everyone immediately stopped shouting and whispering.

"Who is controlling the Lockdown now? "

"It's me!" An angry and hoarse voice sounded from afar.

The dark sage followed the prestige and was taken aback: "Mr. X? When did you come back?"

Dressed in classical robes and wearing a rather mysterious brass mask on Mr. X, Louis Wayne is doing his best to maintain the magical artifact covering the entire underground facility of the Aurora Order-he happened to be in the " Next to the "Forbidden Lock"—the traveler who is best at running but can't run at this time roared angrily: "I'm just passing by!"

"I heard that there are excellent employee evaluations, just come back and take a look!"

While speaking, the offensive outside suddenly stopped, and in the silence after the gunfire went out, layer after layer of moving songs came from an extremely distant place, like a lullaby from a mother in childhood, or a hymn during worship. Feeling drowsy, anger and fighting spirit were disintegrated layer by layer, and he became longing for peace, longing to close his eyes and have a good sleep.

Bang bang bang!
Louis Wayne couldn't resist the sleeping power of the Church of Evernight, and slowly closed his eyes.

But the gemstone ring on his hand exploded suddenly, and the fragments scratched his cheek and the back of his hand, and he suddenly woke up.But the precarious defense collapsed because of this moment of slack. The outside world was full of strong winds, lightning and thunder, and a thick silver-white branch-shaped lightning crashed from the clouds, like a nail being smashed into the ground by a god, digging open a large area of ​​land!
"Lord, your oracle has truly come true..."

The dark saint looked up at the sky with a serious expression.

The basement floor was almost completely exposed to the air. Kesma saw the night archbishop Saint Anthony dressed in red moon and stars, and also saw the "Singer of the Gods" with silver-white eyes surging and bearded and haired. ", Ace Snake.In an instant, the Dark Saint turned into flesh and shadows, pulling everyone up to the second basement floor.

Mr. X had no energy left to control the sealed item, so Kesma reached out and fished out the seal lock to stimulate his spirituality again.

"Have all the sealed items been transferred?!"

Mr. Z, who moved along, shouted: "Transferred! The sealed item has been transferred to the reserved location through the door!"

"Is everyone here?!"

"Everything you can find is here!"

The dark saint nodded, and gritted his teeth in pain as he looked at the underground church that had to be abandoned.

"Go to the third basement floor, transfer collectively, X!"

Louis Wayne, whose code name was called, was being held by Mr. A. Hearing this, he raised his head, made a gesture of "I can still hold on" in the direction of Kesma, and hissed, "I still have Spirituality, but where are we going?... There are nearly a hundred people in the entire stronghold now!"

Just as the Dark Saint was about to answer, an illusory picture suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. The map of Backlund's West District appeared in his mind, and one of the buildings that was not too eye-catching was marked in red.

Divine revelation... Kesma was overjoyed, if it wasn't for the thunder and lightning following closely, even scorching a few pieces of his flesh, he would definitely kneel down and pray.He said to Louis, "5 King Street, Jorwood!"

Villa area?Not far away!Just as Louis was about to agree, Mr. A, who was holding him, suddenly slammed on the brakes, almost throwing Mr. X out.

Louis's stomach was overwhelmed, and he almost vomited out the dinner he had just eaten without the ability to control the flesh and blood of the Mystic Practitioner.

He was furious and asked Mr. A: "What are you doing?!"

Mr. A just paused for a moment and then continued to run, but one of his eyes was smoothly moved to the back of his head. The sound of lightning was as cold as a piece of thousand-year-old ice.

"They stormed into the church of the Lord," he said.

He growled: "I heard the sound of them smashing the gemstone mural behind the mastermind. I watched that mural and pasted it bit by bit."

He gritted his teeth: "They have once again blinded the glory of the Lord!"

The sound of artillery fire came, and the underground church vibrated endlessly, and all kinds of sounds were deafening.It seemed that the pursuers had temporarily slowed down, and immediately shifted their targets to deal with those murals and statues.

Mr. A rushed to the next floor following the shadow of the dark saint without looking back, but left one eye on the ground, watching and hating for a long time.I must keep this scene in my mind forever, and never forget my hatred that is almost enough to drown all enemies at this time, and my humble sense of powerlessness.


The Orthodox Church discovered the murals of the Sun God.

The scriptures of the Aurora Society have always claimed that the true creation is the creator, the sun, and other gods are false gods who seize power. Therefore, although it is very likely that Aurora will go crazy, it just happened that the murals and sculptures were changed to Far too this thing is more or less a bit wrong.

This is doubtful, but there is no conclusive evidence.You can imagine for yourself what the impact will be.

(Considering the slow response speed of the gods, it won't be too big in a short time, so no conspiracy theory or ideological transformation)

*See Chapter 89-274 for the appearance of the underground church of the Aurora Order
(End of this chapter)

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