Chapter 107 Medici Gets Out of Prison

"Patrick Jason Beria" was confirmed dead, and the members of "Mechanical Heart" specially came to notify Klein.Klein felt even better after learning that he no longer had to be watched, and that he was paid at least a thousand pounds for providing important clues.

Klein, who had finally regained his freedom and was no longer protected by the "Mechanical Heart", stayed in the Kragg Club until after dinner, then took a carriage and slowly returned to No. 15 Minsk Street.

He habitually opened the letter box and saw a new letter, one without a stamp.

This letter was left by Detective Isenger Stanton after his unsuccessful visit in the afternoon. He wrote:

"...I heard the advice you gave from the heart of the machine. Your sensitivity and rigor are shocking. If you hadn't become a Beyonder, I even think that 'reader' is the most suitable path for you. "

"You are the best reasoning young man I have ever seen!"


Klein stood in the living room, reading the letter left by Isinger by the light of the gas wall lamp.

There was nothing new about this performance, it was step by step, repeated before, and it didn't even play a big role... But the advantage was that there were enough audiences, and they were all around me, so I could get feedback directly... Klein took Reading the letter paper, I suddenly felt something.

He half-closed his eyes, only felt that something in his body was rapidly disintegrating and dissipating, only felt that many illusory stars appeared around him, only felt that those bright lights were very weakly attracted to each other.

In the last month of 1349, his "magician" potion was finally digested.


In Queen's West End, a carriage slowly moved forward.

The driver's face was blurred and he was silent.The two tall black horses walked briskly and snorted.

In the carriage, Amon played with the huge natural ruby ​​he had just seized in his hand, thinking distressedly about what to make of it.

It was about the size of his thumbnail, and the color was as red as pigeon's blood, and it held a lot of weight in his hand.As long as it is slightly processed and made into a ring or necklace, it can easily sell for a high price of tens of thousands of pounds.

It's a pity that it doesn't have the romantic stories and historical details that the rich people pursue, but it looks like "it was excavated and polished from the high-quality gemstone veins in the southern continent, was robbed during the transportation, and then fell into the treasure house of the demon family." Ten years. It was once inlaid on the sacrificial vessel, but now it is taken down and offered up because of the change of the object of worship." This kind of absurd and exciting story, it is better for ordinary people not to know.

Crackling, crunching.

A chilling voice came from across from him.Like a knife cutting through bones.

In the almost substantive shadows, the newly promoted demon king slowly and gracefully broke off the handleless black long sword lying on his knee one by one, as easily as breaking a biscuit.Then He put the flesh and blood of another devil angel and the intense emotions before death into his mouth, crushed, chewed, and swallowed it, and it was as easy and freehand as eating a biscuit.His movements and expressions are reminiscent of a leisurely and comfortable afternoon tea in a sunny garden, and the contrast between the two contrasts to a weird degree.

His spirituality is unstable and consumes too much. Devouring the flesh and blood of the same kind is the fastest and most suitable supplementary behavior for demons.

"I've figured it out. I'm going to make this ruby ​​into a brooch."

Amon turned a blind eye to the breath of the abyss that was close at hand, and happily put the ruby ​​into his small box.He opened the box a little, and the inside was filled with layers of pearls, diamonds, crystals and colorful gems. These were the top jewels he picked out from the demon family's tribute, some of them were rough, and some hadn't been used yet. However, some were pried from other people's existing jewelry.What they have in common is that they are all ordinary gemstones without any Extraordinary characteristics in them, so they are completely useless and too fancy decorations for Extraordinary people.

"With diamonds?"


Edward nodded slightly, his voice was cold and deep: "This size is very suitable for making a brooch."

His face was rarely expressionless, and he sat quietly on the cushion opposite, motionless for a long, long time.With a static sense of an inanimate object, he didn't have much joy in his successful promotion and became one of the strongest competitors in the Abyss Pathway Sequence 0, let alone excitement and pride. On the contrary, he seemed to finally breathe a sigh of relief.

They have just returned from the location given by the dark saint, where another "filthy king" characteristic is stored.

One is two copies of Sequence One, and the other is only Sequence One and uniqueness. Now there are two kings of angels in the Devil Path, which is really an unexpected development.

But the other party's reaction didn't affect Amon's mood. In a sense, as long as he didn't take the initiative to die, the stronger the foreign god who didn't have much malice towards him, the more he could guarantee the safety of "myself".

In his opinion, compared to "changes after promotion", it is more like that the other party can finally act with his true face to a certain extent.

The Declining King really thought so, the little game of playing the role of a human didn't make him feel half interesting from the beginning to the end.

Humans, primates, once established their own civilization, which lasted for thousands of years with their own strength. The weak and soft carbon-based life forms, which will flow red warm liquid when crushed, are completely different from him.Perhaps there was a brief interest at the beginning, but today there is only endless boredom and boredom, and many of the doll's malfunctions have exhausted his patience:

In the beginning, it was because the memory was too real, so the old survivor "Edward Vaughan" was always reproduced and destroyed many times; later, the influence of the path and extraordinary ability was increased, and one of the dolls was instinctively Ambition drives want to get out of His control and destroy again.

Afterwards, after many studies and repeated experiments, a qualified doll with a perfect balance of memory and nature and a firm belief that "I am a part of God" was finally created—ha, but how could the program be programmed? The human part of the program? ——I have to say that this positioning is very useful, which makes the idea of ​​the puppet somewhat similar to itself, and will no longer be easily moved by human society and its own memory. It can operate without supervision, stable and excellent.

But it has been stable for hundreds of years, because of a human female, it has produced some sprouts of self-consciousness, and produced some hazy emotions, which made the decaying king feel very boring.

—Yes, boring.

"answer me."

"What are those things that appear on you? Confusion, loneliness, thinking about others? You'd better not tell me that you really think of yourself as a human being. How can you waste your energy on things that are not planned?"

"But I think my behavior is logical." Edward answered him. "Adela died, and I feel lonely, which is normal."

"……What did you say?"

"...Adela is dead, my behavior is logical?"

"Loneliness," God said, "Why are you lonely? That is a useless emotion that we abandoned thousands of years ago."

How stupid.And it's boring.

Alone, thought the Prince of Decay unemotionally.This word reminded him of the barrenness of the land of birth, the stupidity of the God of Order, and the never-ending gloom in his long-to-gray memory.

A word as light as a snowflake, but after falling, it was like a blunt knife cutting on his body, obviously not leaving a trace, and it seemed that an old wound had recurred, which made him slightly angry at being betrayed.Isn't it disgusting and a warning that Branka uses loneliness as a reason and shelter as a poison to hypnotize herself over and over again to rationalize her behavior?Could it be that this insignificant dross was actually rekindled in getting along with a human being?

It's really boring. He has been in the dark for so long in the past. He can successfully overcome everything because of no loneliness or fear, nor is it any overly egotistical emotion that is praised by human beings.It's because he is strong enough and firm enough to cross the end. How can the gods who cross the star sea be weak, how can they be afraid of loneliness?

No humanity is needed, no followers are needed, no companionship is needed.

This is the unanimous conclusion drawn by his humanity and divinity. Humanity voted for his own destruction. Since then, there has been an indestructible lord on the snow field, and a god who will roam the starry sky for countless years to come.The sentimental self has long since died, and replacing it with a stronger and better consciousness and soul is a reasonable replacement. Why is there still a lingering wave of emotions and unwillingness to come to today?The Declining King simply found it unbearable—a great shame and humiliation, he thought it was an over-acting that was too tainted by the secular world, but he actually told him that it was self-denial!
"Why are you crying? Your strength never fades, your life never ends, why are you mourning?"

——He once questioned another god like this.

"I despair of my loneliness."

——And then I got such an unreasonable answer.

"Lonely"?It's really, really, really boring.

"I thought it was something terrible, after all, you are one of my most satisfying works." He said, "Well, your glitch made me realize that as long as the program has human memory, it is hard not to be Impact, I know what to do, and I won’t need dolls anymore.”

A look of astonishment flashed across its face, but it didn't resist.

So, He killed Edward Vaughn.

However, it is really hard work in person.

I hope that one day in the future, I can really walk on the earth with my true colors, without pretending, pretending, and pretending to be snakes. I don’t need to separate a separate consciousness department to be responsible for building people, and I can conceive and plan various human behaviors in my mind at any time. You have to participate in many social activities, and put on a smile every day to deceive people.

"Have you considered renaming your name?"

He shook his head slowly: "There is no need to rush."

In the end, he closed his eyes, fine-tuned his facial expression, took out the plain glasses he had just bought, and put them on, which was one of the indispensable elements in the character design of the character "Edward Vaughn".

The black tortoiseshell frame is relatively light, and it doesn't feel much on the bridge of the nose.The faint blue color in His eyes faded away, Edward pulled the corners of his mouth, slightly relaxed his straight back, leaned gracefully on the leather cushion behind him with a hint of slack, and smiled at Amon : "I know you are looking forward to the reward I promised."

"But it's not for tonight. You can conceive the brooch you want tonight and go to a jewelry store in Queens to order it tomorrow."

Amon nodded: "So what are you going to do tonight?"

Just as he finished speaking, he heard twelve dull chimes from the "Bell of Order".At midnight, the streets were flooded with bloody moonlight.At this time, almost no one was walking outside, because the winter night in Backlund was too cold, not to mention driving a carriage on the road in the middle of the night in the cold wind.If you don't do concealment, even if you don't attract the magistrate, you will still attract the Extraordinary from the church.

The coachman gave a whistle, and the carriage turned a corner and took the nearest main road to Williams Street.

Amon pushed the monocle and understood something.

"I'm not as articulate as the main body." He retreated, "Can I go first? I want to put my gemstone down."

Edward smiled nonchalantly: "Of course."

"However, the current strength of the Red Evil Spirit may not be higher than that of Sequence 3, and just now the Aurora Society gave me the news that the real Creator has visited my residence, and you can still see Him when you go back now."

One is the mental brand of Medici that I don't want to see, the historical legacy of the main body in the Fourth Epoch, and the other is the "crazy hanged man", a part of the main body's father, which seems to have nothing to do with me.Amon was suddenly in a dilemma. After weighing it, he retreated and pretended that he hadn't said anything just now: "Maybe it's easier to face Medici, as long as I ignore him."

No. 8 Williams Street, the mansion of Mr. Miller Carter, has undergone two months of renovation, and it is quite different from the original appearance.But the exterior has only undergone a simple renovation, retaining the century-old retro style, which is an affirmation of the Pound family's taste.

The carriage stopped at the gate, and the visitors entered the garden and opened the gates of the mansion as if no one else was there.

The last time I was there, it was empty, with building materials piled up everywhere and furniture to be discarded or newly bought waiting to be installed.

Now the gas pipeline has been re-laid inside, the electric light and gas have been connected, exquisite and luxurious wallpaper has been pasted, some hard furniture such as tables, chairs and cabinets have been placed, and a new fireplace has been built.

But there is no trace of human life inside, and the tables and cabinets are empty. It seems that Mr. Miller Carter has not lived in, nor has he arranged for servants and housekeepers, and the workers will not stay here.This is for the best, because then no one will notice the changes in the subsurface.

Following the familiar route, Edward came underground with ease. After hesitating for a while, Amon decided to stay in the house.

After passing through the ruins of the collapsed palace and the historical relics of the Fourth Epoch, Edward came to the door again.It wasn't too long since the last time he came here, and he still remembered how the evil spirits behind him provoked him without restraint.After all, he has been locked up underground for more than 1000 years, so it is understandable for him to have some kind of mental illness.

Edward stood in front of the door with an attitude of relief, understanding, respect, and care, and knocked on the door.

"Oh, this is not the law..."

Edward took two steps back, took a chair and sat down.

"Suddenly I don't really want to let you out." He said blankly, "If you think about it carefully, your Lord and I don't have any agreement on time. I can definitely wait another 1000 years before releasing you. .Anyway, you seem to be in a good mood and in good spirits. You don't need help."

The Red Evil Spirit laughed twice. No matter how the other two conquerors yelled in their heads, Medici, as the leader, remained unmoved. Obviously, he is the kind of person who would never lower his figure even if he wanted something from others. .But it's a little different now, regardless of whether this demon is pleasing to the eye, at least he still seems to be really capable and capable of fishing himself out.And the "promise with your Lord..." in His mouth made Medici make an extremely bold guess. If he can return to the Lord's side quickly, then it is not impossible to talk about the devil with a different tone. .

After pondering for two seconds, he decided not to speak for the time being, just to wait and see what happened.

If Medici doesn't speak, the follow-up will be easy.Edward breathed a sigh of relief, stood up, and walked to the door unhurriedly.

Since the descendants of Tudor can die inside, the seal here is by no means completely sealed, but there is always a big difference between bringing out the contents inside and going in to die, and it takes a lot of effort.

The rudimentary form of the kingdom of God in the abyss unfolded around him, and the collapsed candlesticks and torches without fuel on the wall suddenly lit up faint blue flames.The smell of filth, curse, and sin blows past here like a heavy wind. The sealed stone door is quickly eroded and polluted by the silt-like malice, and the cursed spirituality is outlined along the shimmering traces on the door. After thousands of years, the crumbling seal dimmed little by little, and finally made a soft sound like shattering glass.

The black liquid continued to spread from bottom to top, devouring the entire stone gate, making it completely rotten and eroded to nothing.

The red-haired evil spirit behind the door slowly raised his head, revealing a sharp and handsome face and a flamboyant smile.He crossed his legs and sat unrestrainedly on a black iron high-backed chair with engraved bloodstains. On the three back-to-back black iron high-backed chairs, each chain bound a shriveled, shriveled body of color. Disappeared corpses.

There was not much blood in it, and there was not much pungent smell of rotting corpses, only a cold, ashes-like breath.

The demon and the evil spirit looked at each other, and Edward took off the pendant hanging from his ear. The black crystal automatically distorted and transformed into a dark gray stone cross with scattered gold threads inside.

He straightened the cross and let it hang in the palm of his hand.With the infusion of spirituality, the messy golden thread-like pith inside the cross became brighter and brighter, and finally the golden light radiated from the inside out, bringing the sun-like light to the closed millennium.It's a pity that the two creatures here don't have the characteristics of light and justice. In the warm and bright sunlight, the devil felt a slight tingle from the skin shrouded in light, and the evil spirit that was not in a good state was directly purified Gotta start getting pissed off.

But in the face of this long-lost light, the red evil spirit still restrained his instinctive urge to escape and return to the shadows. He raised his head and looked at the radiant cross with an obsessive look.

"The true Creator, witness here."

"I am about to complete the agreement with you and liberate the "Red Angel".My allies, please cast your eyes here. "

After Edward finished speaking seriously, a faint wave descended, and above the cross, a pair of scarlet eyes quietly opened.

An equally deep and thick voice responded:
"God said it works."

Hearing this voice and seeing these eyes, the last trace of uneasiness and doubt in Medici's heart finally dissipated.

All the severe pain on his body turned into the impulse to cry. He trembled with ecstasy under the gaze, restrained all his arrogant expressions, and bowed his head reverently and solemnly.Just like every time in the past thousands of years.


The friend who said that I have private goods in the book review building, one of your comments was swallowed, and when I refreshed and saw that you posted so many, I almost didn’t recognize the word private goods.

If you see this chapter, why not just say it here...

Since I can't reply to you, I don't know what you mean by "too many private goods". According to the recent plot, it should mean that Aurora will be with Zhenzao, and I just have something to say.

I believe that some readers find that the Aurora Society seems to be vaguely victimized in this article. Please believe me that this is not whitewashing, because I have no compassion.While everyone thinks that the aurora will be miserable, think about the things like the big smog in the original work.

Perhaps, the appearance of Mr. X Louis Wayne made everyone feel that something was wrong, because this person betrayed the Abraham family just like the Saint of Mystery, but the state presented in this article seems to have a faint tendency to whitewash.Hahaha how is this possible, because now it is from the perspective of the Aurora Society, everyone is a fanatic of Zhenzao, of course they seem to be enjoying themselves.

I kill without mercy, neither Botis nor X can live.

If you do something wrong, you have to pay the price. Even God cannot escape punishment. This article has actually been emphasizing this.The Aurora Society is transforming, and Zhenzao is working hard, but you have to die if you deserve to die.

After all, the Aurora Society-Zhenzao believers should have done all kinds of evil when they were evil god organizations in the Fifth Epoch, so how could it be possible for the wicked to turn around when they say so?Good and bad merits and demerits do not equal each other. The current Aurora Society may have too much faith. They regard themselves as righteous in their hearts, but the church doesn't think so. Is it okay for the church to encircle and suppress cult organizations?
Unless it is to encircle and suppress the pilgrimage sect.

So the Aurora Society will be even worse in the future.

In short, what I want to express is "you deserve the beating you are getting now, who made you do so many wrong things before".If the private goods you are talking about are not this but other aspects, and it is not a matter of principle, then you might as well think about it in another way and see if you can change the name to "Those Years I Became a Foreign Aid to the Tarot Club" or "I Became a Foreign Aid to the Church" After those years, there is no strange feeling.

I am not accusing, reading books is a two-way choice.But if this is the case, maybe you are still not suitable for this article, please stop the loss in time.

(End of this chapter)

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