Chapter 129 Acting
On Tuesday morning, Klein got up to wash up, and just as he came to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, he heard a knock on the door of his residence.

The visitor was a man wearing a dark green postman uniform. He smiled flatteringly at Klein:

"Mr. Sherlock Moriarty?"

"Yes." Klein vaguely guessed the other party's intention.

The visitor immediately raised his right hand and handed over a palm-sized object made of black gauze wrapped in layers:
"Your package, please sign for it."

Klein deliberately expressed his doubts:
"Normally, shouldn't I be given a list and asked to go to the corresponding post office to pick it up?"

The postal system of the Loen Kingdom was perfectly copied from Intis, and even a lot of its shortcomings were copied.For any mail that cannot be directly stuffed into the mailbox, no matter what it is, they will only give a "pickup list", leaving the recipients busy by themselves, completely ignorant of innovation and optimization.

"...Haha, because it is more expensive, it must be delivered to you in person." The postman was stunned for a moment.

It seems that you are not professional enough, not a real postman... Klein didn't ask any more questions, took the package, pen and slip, and signed for it.

After closing the door and returning to the living room, he was not in a hurry to open the package, but took out a gold coin and flicked it into the air like a juggler.

Klein caught the gold coin and looked down: the number is up, which means negative, and there is no hidden danger... Klein nodded slightly, put away the gold coin, touched the paper man in his pocket, and looked at the window sill and the window sill Matches in the outer hiding place, carefully disassembled the package.

After the layer after layer of black gauze was opened, the things inside were clearly presented in his sight, namely a light gold pocket watch with elegant patterns, a handkerchief stained with dark red blood, and seven or eight tied together. Short brown curly hair and a stack of sticky notes.

Talim's belongings, hair, flesh and blood, and daily records are all in place... Prince Edesak is very efficient in doing things, and it's only the next morning... Klein looked at the things spread out on the coffee table , suddenly felt that there were many eyes staring at him at this moment.

An ancient family of angels with more than 2000 years of inheritance, the background is absolutely beyond imagination, and being involved in the strife of the royal family is really likely to be crushed to powder anytime and anywhere... Maybe I have been monitored now... I must behave mediocrely enough , Useless enough to ensure your own safety... After one night, Klein had already figured out what to do, and checked his pocket watch, handkerchief and hair in a calm manner.

This also made him suspicious: Is there really a mystery hidden in Talim's death?Wasn't it Prince Edsac's wishful thinking?
Klein raised his vigilance, the feeling he had just now might not be an illusion.But during this process, his spiritual intuition did not give any warning and did not stop him from divination.

After he had some confidence in his mind, Klein took out the letter paper in the living room, picked up a pen, and wrote down the divination statement:

"The real cause of death of Talim Dumont."

He behaved generously and frankly, as if he didn't feel that he was being monitored at this time.

Picking up the curly hair and handkerchief, Klein silently recited the divination sentences, leaning back against the back of the sofa, his eyes turned deep into meditation.

After seven times, he came to the dream world and saw the familiar Kragg Club lobby.

Immediately afterwards, he witnessed Talim Dumont, who was joking with his companion, suddenly clenched his heart, and fell down with a distorted expression.

This was the first time he saw Talim's death with his own eyes. Although the other party had passed away and the funeral would be held this morning, the feeling of seeing it with his own eyes was completely different from knowing the cause of death.A familiar person who was alive and well one second, becomes a warm corpse lying on the ground the next.

"Such a revelation shows that Talim did die of a sudden heart attack..." Klein opened his eyes and whispered to himself.

He frowned, showing a puzzled, puzzled and thoughtful expression.

He tried several times with different divination statements and got the same result.

He got up and paced back and forth several times.

He clenched his fist and hit himself on the head, as if he was angry that he was not good enough to help his friend track down the real culprit.

In the end, he sat down dejectedly and did not move for a long time. In the slightly dim room with the curtains half closed, he looked like a silhouette of a stone statue.

It's almost there, so I can't use too much force... If no one was monitoring, I was fighting the air just now, but my feeling shouldn't be wrong... Klein laughed at himself and shook his head, got up and walked to the kitchen.

Klein originally wanted to prepare a hearty breakfast for himself. He fried a few slices of bacon, a sausage, a fried egg, plus two slices of toasted bread, paired with a cup of sweet hot milk with sugar cubes. Have a relatively pleasant breakfast time.But not now, he wanted to show nervousness, restlessness and anxiety in the eyes of possible watchers.

If the detective, who was helpless and furious about Talim's death just now, was leisurely preparing breakfast for himself, the watcher must feel that there is something wrong.

Performing the full set, Klein hurriedly stood up, put the cold slices of bread on the table near the stove to heat up, then quickly fried an egg for himself, and boiled a pot of hot water.When the egg was fried, he hurriedly sandwiched it with the bread that was only warmed on one side, took a big bite of the egg between the two breads, took a sip of hot water, and then returned to the living room again, facing Talim's remains Hanging out with my notebook.

After breakfast, he seemed to perk up again, and carefully read the contents recorded on the stack of notes, including what Talim had done and who he had met on the day of his death and the days before.

Home, Red Rose Manor, Cragg Club, Viscount Connard's mansion... There is nothing unusual... Klein picked up the sharpened pencil and drew multiple circles on this pad, marking the next Places to visit and objects to ask for a few days.

After doing all this, he sighed a long time, and after eating the bread, he got up to pack his things without any confidence, as if he was absent-minded in everything he did.

Klein looked up at the grandfather clock, frowned suddenly, and said to himself:
"Maybe I should go to his funeral..."

The obituary in the "Tasoke" said that Talim's funeral will be held on time at 12:21 am on December [-], which is [-]:[-] am this morning.

He suddenly found a loophole in his performance, and the cold sweat broke out on his back.

Since I didn't plan to go to the funeral from the beginning, I didn't take this schedule to heart.Otherwise, after the postman delivered Talim's relic at eight o'clock just now, I should have left immediately instead of acting at home!

There is actually a mistake here!

But I can't go, in case Edward Vaughan is there...

But what if I really put it behind me, ignore the fact that I missed the funeral, and contradict my image of the "friendly but powerless friend" I played!

This is just one thing that affects the whole body. I began to regret divination of the underground evil spirits at that time. That incident had nothing to do with me at all. Why did I have to be curious at the time... I always feel that everything happened after that divination. It's completely out of control... The most important thing is what to do now?Cold sweat quickly broke out on Klein's head.

It is almost 09:30 now, and the general funeral process has probably been completed.Even if you rush to the funeral in a carriage now, you may only have time to bid farewell and present flowers before the final burial.

The dead detective, who was obsessed with his friends, realized the passage of time belatedly. He cursed secretly, slapped his head violently, quickly pulled off the coat hanging on the hanger, picked up his top hat and rushed out the door.

After going out, he immediately stopped the public carriage and rushed to the Crown Cemetery a few kilometers away.

This is exclusively for members of the nobility, and occupies a large area outside Backlund.The location is superior, the environment is elegant, and the most important thing is that it is not too far away.

Klein was extremely nervous along the way, and while there were few people in the public carriage, he secretly did a fortune-telling, whether it would be dangerous to attend the funeral this time.He divination twice, but the answer he got was unexpected.

For the first time, his answer was: It would be dangerous for me to attend a funeral.

The citrine's reaction is a moderate clockwise rotation, which means there is a lot of danger, but it turns into a large rotation in a blink of an eye.This abnormal phenomenon surprised Klein very much, but when he divination this question again, the citrine pendulum stopped motionless.

Klein stared at the pendulum drooping in a straight line, and suddenly felt cold hands and feet.

At this moment, the carriage stopped just now, and many passengers got on the carriage one after another. The empty carriage was quickly filled with people, just like the subway in memory.

Klein had no choice but to put away the pendulum. He took out his pocket watch, snapped it open, and calculated that it was about seven or eight minutes away from the cemetery.He touched the pendulum wrapped around the inside of his wrist, and was very puzzled by the result of his divination just now: he couldn't understand why attending the funeral would be so dangerous.Because if that was Edward Vaughan, the divination would never have worked out in the first place.

But there was an accident, the answer of the first divination hinted at danger, but the second time it failed.

"Why is there such a big danger hidden in a funeral? What is Talim involved in? What about the people who have gone? Is this danger aimed at me or everyone?"

"Edward didn't go? Why is that? Isn't he also Talim's friend, why don't you pretend?"

Klein pondered for a moment, then hesitantly took out a penny coin and tossed it upwards.

After falling, it turned out to be face value up.

——The question of his divination this time is whether he should go to Talim's funeral.

"Hey, what's going on here..." Klein was confused for a moment. The result of the divination showed that there was a huge danger hidden in Talim's funeral, but at the same time, he should attend it?What exactly does this mean?
Seeing that he had reached the next fixed parking spot, Klein moved a bit, but he still didn't stand up after all.

He carefully deliberated on these two divination results, thinking that while they were self-contradictory, there must be other connections.

My second divination failed, proving that the danger was real...and at the same time, I should go to the funeral as well, after all, in front of possible Edesak will never harm me. After all, he is also Talim's friend, and he is likely to pay his respects. If Talim's funeral is in danger, he cannot have heard the news. He still needs me to investigate, so It is also impossible not to tell me.

In other words, this danger is hidden very deep?Unsuspecting participants wouldn't trigger the "bomb"?
A flash of inspiration flashed in Klein's mind: Maybe it's true!If Talim's death is strange, then the person or organization who killed him is likely to observe during the funeral, which may be a "hidden danger."

In this way, it is easy to deal with, as long as I think less, don't run around and look around, and do what I should do, these hidden observers will not notice me, and I will not be in danger...

The railroad carriage rattled forward, and a few minutes later, Klein arrived at the area where the Crown Cemetery was located.

He glanced at the current time, it was already nine forty.Klein held his hat with one hand and ran towards the entrance of the park, only to see a group of people in black slowly walking towards him.

Klein stepped aside, and was surprised to see Doctor Allen and Reporter Mike among the black-clothed crowd.

The funeral is over.Klein suddenly looked away with some discomfort, this time it wasn't a performance.

Dr. Allen and Talim's father were talking in a low voice. The gray-haired old man was silently listening to his son's former friend talking about the club. It was also trembling up.Talim's mother's eyes were red and swollen, and she wanted to speak several times, but she couldn't cry.

The scene came into his eyes, and Klein raised his head slightly and closed his eyes.

I'm sorry...he said silently in his heart.

He was already late, and there was no point in going any further.Klein stepped aside and was about to leave when he noticed reporter Mike and surgeon Alan approaching.

"It's such a pity, I never thought that Talim would, would, hey..." Mike's expression was heavy, and he couldn't finish.

Allen, who was always indifferent, took off his glasses, wiped the corners of his eyes, and sighed in a low voice:

"He was a passionate guy and it didn't deserve to end like this."

"Yeah, he had hoped to get rid of the bad reputation left by his grandfather." Klein echoed.

At this moment, he saw a female figure in a thick black dress and a veil, separated from other funeral attendees, and accompanied by a maid, walked towards a plain carriage with no logo on the side of the road.

Klein looked away indifferently, only staring there.

The maid moved the footstool, and the tightly wrapped woman lifted the heavy skirt with her right hand, and her left hand, which was wearing a black gauze glove, grabbed the hand extended by the maid, and walked two light and elegant steps into the carriage.

On the little finger of her left palm, a blue gem appeared faintly.

The maid also got into the car, and the curtains were drawn down, completely covering their figures.

How mysterious... Klein withdrew his attention and continued to communicate with Mike and Dr. Allen.

Edward sat in a house with a thin sheer curtain drawn over the only window.

The red moon hangs in the sky outside the window, and the moonlight is grand. In the distance, you can see the windmill spinning slowly with the help of the wind.There are people coming and going on the street, men and women, old and young, and they seem to be very lively. They walk back and forth and communicate in a language that resembles the roar of animals.

Edward sat against the wall, leaning his arms on the table, resting his chin with a clenched fist, listening carefully to the communication of these "people", making notes in his mind from time to time.

In terms of grammar, it is very similar to the official language of the Solomon Empire. Occasionally, you can hear some slang unique to the Northern Continent. It seems that Antigonus, as the Duke, has learned a lot of human system language norms in the empire, and wrote it until night. In the relevant culture of the country.

"ka-ci", the throat is locked, the mouth is opened wide, and then the teeth are bared, and the sound is breathed. When emphasizing "ka", it means "good morning", and when emphasizing "ci", it means "goodbye". , it is not clear whether there is any additional meaning like "see you tomorrow".

"a-no-el" has multiple meanings. It roughly means "nice to meet you". I only heard this sentence twice. It seems that it must be accompanied by a low growl to express the corresponding meaning. I can't tell whether it is a word or a phrase .

And "you" is pronounced "si-a", and "伱好" is "si-a-li", with the mouth wide open and the teeth bared, with a short ending...

Bored and bored, the decaying king began to study the language system of the kingdom of the night, which is worthy of the small social circle established and guided by the descendants of the demon wolf. The standard of pronunciation of the dialect of the kingdom of the night is a test of the facial muscles.

He has already figured out how this small town works. When the red moon hangs in the sky, the spirituality will be enhanced, and the influence on Antigonus will be enhanced. Role play activities, but only on the road chat, will not enter the house.

And when the moon is covered by clouds and mist, the spirituality is weakened, and the secret puppet will be taken back. This is the time when you can move safely.


The moment he entered the town, he saw the clouds and mist in the sky disperse.As soon as he hid in a nearby house, he saw people outside, and the large-scale Kingdom of the Night drama had already begun.

And until now, more than ten hours later, the red moon is still hanging in the sky, and the sky is clear, without a cloud.


Heiye: You just stay in the house, don't come out and move around.

(End of this chapter)

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