Chapter 130 Small Town Drama
Evernight Goddess really has a big opinion on me.

Edward thought blankly, almost as big as Eternal Blazing it necessary?Just because I killed one of his Sequence 7 favored ones?And I am a favored by the outer gods?
Well, because Klein seems to be the heir of Origin Castle, one of the candidates for the Lord of Mysteries, it is indeed a pity that I killed him.Heh, it seems that the Evernight Goddess has finally found the candidate she needs, and wants to cultivate a mysterious candidate who will stand by her side.

Backlund won't be able to live in the future, it's really troublesome, thanks to the fact that I have done so many identification documents and have been living peacefully for so many years.

The hidden town seems to be near the Sea of ​​God's War. If I don't go out, I will directly move to the sea or the Southern Continent to live for a while.

However, I really underestimated the enemy for not leaving Backlund immediately. If I had left early, I would not have fallen into the current passive situation.Of course, falling into a passive situation is also a good thing. Goddess of the Night can beat me and kill me, and I will have a chance to escape when I come.If He does nothing, I should be more vigilant.But I'd better not go to the Southern Continent. I just had a fight with Fabuti. If he finds out that I'm missing a Sequence One, the Mother Tree of Desire will knock on the door in the middle of the night in all likelihood.

First of all, I have to go out before the end of the year, and then, I'd better live in the sea temporarily...

Edward tapped on the table with his hands, making no sound, so as not to attract the attention of the secret puppets outside.

After another period of time, the waiting time has exceeded twelve hours. It should be daytime outside now, but the red moon is still not dim at all.

Goddess of the Evernight is clearly not letting herself out.

But Edward didn't intend to continue spending time in this place with the night. He wasn't even sure whether the flow rate in the hidden town was the same as that of the outside world. After all, there was no communication with the spirit world here, and the power of the Kingdom of God was greatly reduced.

When the biological clock told him that it was almost noon outside, Edward opened the door and walked out.

As soon as he went out, he bumped into a male secret puppet with the appearance of the Northern Continent. He had soft features and ancient clothes. He seemed to be a native of the Kingdom of the Night.

Edward casually glanced around, and at the same time, all the secret puppets turned their heads in unison, their bodies did not move, and their faces remained the same as before, either smiling or angry, in various poses.

He didn't react too much, pretending that he didn't see it, and then smiled and greeted the secret puppet, a native of the Kingdom of the Night, one meter in front of him:

He spoke steadily and slowly, with a hoarse and low breath, and he learned the essence of the pronunciation of "imitating the roar of a demon wolf" in the dialect of the kingdom of the night.

The local male secret puppet froze for half a second, and the dull and permeable smile on his face softened and became natural and gentle: "si-a-li"

So it is really important to learn a foreign language well.

A third of the secret puppets turned their heads, and some people on the street started walking again.But the remaining two-thirds still stood there, maintaining a motionless expression and movement, watching Edward quietly like a sculpture.

The "Master of Secret Puppet" will set the identity and character of each secret puppet, and let them act as this character. I am willing to act with them, so their controller - the paralyzed half "Fool"'s control instinct is also Entered the role-playing mode, it seems that there will still be foreign visitors in the Kingdom of the Night in the past... Edward’s smile remained unchanged, and he continued to speak in the Kingdom of the Night dialect that he had just deciphered in a friendly manner:

"Thank Heavenly Mother for your sleep yesterday, praise Him, praise this night."

——This seems to be one of the daily greetings in Kingdom of the Night.And another special greeting is "may he get what he wants on the top of the mountain".

The smile of the local secret puppet is even wider, and the movements are more smooth and natural: "It's nice to meet you, far--people."

I haven't heard this phrase before, and it probably means "a guest from afar" or "a person from afar".

Is it my status as a "visitor" that triggers a new conversation?Ah, it really feels like a role-playing game...

Such a dangerous role-playing game, and only the daring gods of Yigao people can take it easy and even find a little fun in it.

"Yes, thank you."

"I—want to, go to church, pray."

Edward tried his best to spell out a sentence fluently with the words he had just learned, while secretly observing the movements of the puppets around him. He saw that most of the puppets had already entered the state of acting, but there were still a few that were like reefs in the tide. like a statue.

There are people around them who are "talking" to them. The other party talks to themselves, greets or says goodbye by themselves, and seems to be completely unaffected.

Had Antigonus been rehearsing a play?

The deepest memory in the heart of this devil wolf is actually the daily life that happened on a certain day in the Kingdom of the Night. It is really an outlier among mythical creatures.

This idea flashed through Edward's mind. He saw the local secret puppet in front of him enthusiastically turn his body, pointing to a church with a visible silhouette in the distance, and said proudly:
"That's right there, the Church of the Mother of Heaven."

"You go there to pray—piously—bless you, and the Lord of the Night grants you beautiful dreams and peace."

"You—a young man, don't—visit the world on the top of the mountain?"

The top of the mountain is the world of the dead, the local secret puppet even made a joke, it seems that his personality should be of the kind of hospitality.

Edward responded graciously: "Okay, I will be pious, thank you."

After speaking, he bid farewell to Secret Puppet, then looked ahead and strode forward, heading straight for the church a few hundred meters away.

And the moment he turned around and exposed his back, the expression of the local Secret Puppet who was smiling and nodding to him just now suddenly froze, and became dull and penetrating again, with his raised hand hanging stiffly in the air.

If a horizontal line is drawn horizontally at the position where Edward is at this time, where he walked, there are middle-aged women who are drying clothes, children running around holding balls, young women talking and laughing on the street, holding The young people who were walking on the road all stopped their movements at the same time, turned their heads stiffly, looked directly at Edward's back, and approached him silently.

And what Edward saw in front of his eyes was still the vibrant drama of the people's lives in the Kingdom of the Night.

It's so troublesome...

Edward only pretended that he knew nothing. When he was only about 100 meters away from the church, he approached the nearest passerby in front of him and greeted her: "Hello."

The hundreds of secret puppets following him stopped in their tracks.

The passerby was a young girl holding a basket of half-cut clothes.The girl's costume is also in the style of the country of the night, but the dress in her hand is probably never done well.

The girl covered her face with her hands, tilted her head shyly and said, "Hello, sir."

"Let me take a look, what's in your hand? Can you?"

"Okay, okay." The girl stopped talking, took a step back, and handed over the basket in her hand, "Please take a look."

Edward took the basket, picked up the cut fabric, looked at the needles and threads one by one, with a very serious expression, from time to time he searched the dialect database of the kingdom of night he had just built to find a few words that praised the other party's ingenuity, and the girl's secret The puppet acts to confuse the secret puppet behind.Then, He picked up the scissors, looked at it, and pierced his palm with it.

The girl was stunned, Edward bent down, and gently stroked its face with his blood-stained palm: "Thank you, beautiful girl."

"Now, please help me."

The girl secret puppet showed a shy and beautiful smile.

Its smile cracked, split to the back of the head, and opened its bloody mouth. Its body quickly mutated into a bloated and twisted piece of flesh, and it let out a joyous hiss and roar. The pollution spread along its spiritual body line in reverse, and then the spiritual body The line is disconnected instantly.This polluted puppet was abandoned by a half-fool, and it became a demon puppet, with several new arms and a proliferated tumor-like bloated abdomen, wriggling and pounced on the crowd of marionettes behind.

Edward took off his tattered, blood-stained coat and threw it into the secret puppet. The devil's blood on it instantly polluted dozens of secret puppets that touched it.A strange melee broke out in the quiet Kingdom of the Night, and it intensified.

Just when the melee was at its most intense, a dark cloud covered the moon as if appearing out of thin air, and the streets were instantly empty.Only a tattered coat fell to the ground.

Edward whistled happily, wrapped himself in the prototype of the Kingdom of God, and walked quickly into the church.

Klein, who had been chatting with Mike and Allen for a long time, finally found a chance to leave. To be honest, he had limited understanding of Talim, and he could only listen in the chat.However, Allen and Mike mentioned one thing that cheered him up, that is, Edward Vaughn did not attend this funeral, and seemed to have moved away.

"King Street in Jorwood has been cordoned off, and it is said that there is a problem with the sewer pipe and gas pipe, and it is being repaired."

Allen said: "I stopped by there on the way here in the morning, and wanted to call Mr. Vaughn to go with me. After receiving it, I found that No. 5 was blocked. I don't know where he went."

Edward left?It's incredible, why did He suddenly leave Backlund as an angel?Is my anonymous report really useful? The background of the church is really unfathomable.In short, I may be safe now... Klein heaved a sigh of relief.

As Klein's thoughts flickered, the reporter Mike and the surgeon Alan left the cemetery one after another with a sad heart.

Just as he was looking around for a rental carriage, a familiar carriage drove out from a hidden place and stopped in front of him.

Although the coat of arms on the black carriage was skillfully concealed, Klein still recognized at a glance that it was Prince Edsac's carriage.Without a sound, the car door opened, and the meticulously combed old housekeeper came down, and politely made a gesture of invitation:
"His Royal Highness is waiting for you."

"Okay." Klein didn't feel guilty at all, and entered the spacious and warm compartment.

Prince Edsack was wearing a dark blue coat with a large collar and a golden ribbon-like outfit on the chest, which made him look extremely dignified.

He stroked the diamond collar pin, his narrow eyes sighed a bit:
"Even attending my friend's funeral, I was restricted. I couldn't be there directly, I could only watch from a distance, and I could only send someone to present flowers for me. This is the lack of freedom of the royal family."

"If Talim's grandfather didn't lose his title, you shouldn't have to avoid anything." Klein followed Prince Edesak's gesture and sat across from him.

Edsac picked up the blood-red Ormir wine and said, "Hey, I originally planned to find a chance to help Talim's father recover a certain title, but unfortunately..."

He didn't delve into the topic, but instead asked:
"Sherlock, did you get that package?"

"Yes." Klein asked and answered, never giving too much description.

Edsack nodded lightly and said, "Is there any progress?"

"I used Talim's hair, flesh and belongings to do divination several times, but the conclusions I got were that he died of a sudden heart attack." Klein hinted crazily with his smooth, emotionless narrative, "I sequence Not high", "My level is limited", "Although I am good at divination, but the opponent is stronger", "I will definitely not be able to investigate the truth", etc.

Edsack showed an expression of disappointment that could not be concealed, and sighed:
"How do you plan to investigate afterwards?"

"Start with the people and places Talim came into contact with a few days before his death." Klein replied according to the plan.

Edsack glanced at the old butler: "This will definitely involve coercion, interrogation and bribery, um...give Sherlock 100 pounds to fund the investigation."

"Yes, Your Highness." The old butler took out a stack of banknotes that he had prepared a long time ago from his pocket.

Directly give 100 pounds as funding?Klein once again felt the generosity of Prince Edsaac.

"I will work hard to investigate." He took the 100 pounds in cash and put it in his pocket without counting it.

"Hope we can rest Talim in peace." Prince Edesak clenched his right fist and tapped his left chest lightly.

As he spoke, he turned his head and looked out of the window, towards the Crown Cemetery not far away.

He still has some affection for Talim... Klein sighed secretly, and was led out of the carriage by the old butler.

Watching the prince's carriage gradually go away, Klein quickly adjusted his mentality.He decided to continue playing the hard-working detective, try his best in the realm of ordinary people and low-sequences, and then find an opportunity to give up.

It's still early now, Klein first returned to the city in a carriage, and then prepared to buy some ingredients and go home to prepare lunch.

Meanwhile, he has another important thing to do today.

After recent research, Klein has discovered how to use the "glass bottle" that Edward gave him. He feels that he seems to have reached a certain contract with Dunn in the bottle, so that he can completely control the other party's every move.Therefore, he took the time to read the relevant materials of the mystic rituals, tried to erase the contract with the power of the gray fog, and succeeded.

Now, Dunn is free, and has forgotten the person "Sherlock Moriarty", as well as the memory of these days.

Klein detoured to a bookstore with a lot of customers, picked up a book and sat in the reading area to read it carefully. After more than ten minutes, he stood up and went to the bookshelf closest to the bathroom.When passing by an inconspicuous corner of the bookshelf, he used the paper doll stand-in and the main body to exchange places, let the paper doll stand-in stand there and read the newspaper, and took the opportunity to follow another guest into the bathroom.

Klein made a serious disguise, turned his double-sided coat inside and changed it, put on his beard, took off his glasses, and changed into a hat. Then he followed others out of the bathroom, and left the bookstore by the way.

Along the way, Klein couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief because he didn't feel that he was being monitored.

At the same time, he only has less than 10 minutes. If the paper doll stand-in stares at a page for too long, it will also arouse suspicion.

Fortunately, Saint Samuel's Church was not far away. Klein was careful all the way, wrapped the glass bottle containing Dunn's soul in an envelope, skillfully used magic as a blindfold, and dropped it into the mailbox of the Church of Evernight.

Then, without stopping, he quickened his pace and made a detour back to the bookstore.At this time, only 5 minutes passed, Klein successfully replaced the paper doll substitute, and left empty-handed.


Decay: While in confinement, archeology excavated a lost language by the way.

Night: Give him a chance to move freely and exchange information with Zaratul.

(End of this chapter)

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