Chapter 137 Demon Messenger
In the early morning of Friday, just after dawn, the newsboys had already started running.

Richard, who went out to buy lunch for the school children, saw this and bought a copy of today's "Becklund Daily".

It was still early, so he sat down in a cafe and ordered a mushroom soup and a sandwich.Opening the newspaper, the pupils suddenly shrunk——

"The kingdom's army was attacked by terrorists, and medium-sized fighting broke out in the colonies of the southern continent"

Richard frowned, resisting both physical and psychological discomfort, and carefully read the report.

The general idea is that a large-scale fighting took place in a medium-sized colonial city in the Southern Continent last night, and at least 100 people participated in it.These armed terrorists who launched the raid attacked the Loen Kingdom's garrison, and the garrison soldiers quickly reorganized the army after being caught off guard at first, fought bravely, and finally repelled the terrorists after paying a huge price.

At present, the identity of the terrorist has been ascertained. They are members of the Highland Kingdom Rebel Army related to the cult "Rose School" and some members of Balam's "Reconciliation Council". This is a premeditated military action that seriously endangered the Loen soldiers. As well as the safety of the lives of the Loen people in the colonies.

For this reason, Loen's garrison has issued a statement to the country that it will soon encircle and suppress the nearby strongholds, and strive to severely attack the terrorists in the southern continent and the remnants of the previous dynasty who intend to destroy peace, and bring back a safe place for the people of the southern continent and the people of the northern continent. environment.

After reading the report, Richard took a deep breath and put down the newspaper, feeling sick to his stomach.

"Admisol's premonition that the disaster that will happen is definitely not two months away..." the Temperance Angel muttered to himself, his expression was a little fierce, and he was clearly aware of something, "This report is obviously a rush Follow me."

The cult "Rose School of Thought" actually doesn't appear many times in newspapers, and is only widely circulated in the Extraordinary world.After all, their area of ​​activity is far away in the Southern Continent. Unlike the Aurora Society, which has believers in various countries, it may pose a threat to the safety of citizens and even the country.

But this time is obviously different. It's just that the Southern Continent's vicious revenge against the garrison, which is sparse and ordinary, actually focuses on the deeds of the Rose School of Thought and the rebels, obviously trying to attract the attention of certain people.

——For example, a leader of a cult who cares about the independence of the Highland Kingdom and is not currently in the Southern Continent.

"Someone wants me to go back."

"But I'm only here for the second day."

The people behind the scenes were too anxious.In other words, disasters are likely to occur within this period of time.

After thinking about the joints, Richard regained his composure.Just at this time, the waiter also brought up the thick soup and sandwiches.After thanking him, Richard began to quietly think about how to deal with this matter.

On one side are the people of the Eastern District, and on the other side are the rebels under the colony and Sierra who are about to become terrorists.In fact, I don't have the right to choose. If I can't make a decision as soon as possible, maybe in two days, the headlines in the newspaper will be how many people have wiped out the rebels.

What's about to happen in the Eastern District is a bit intriguing...

Richard quickly drew up a plan and dealt with the food in a hurry.After leaving the coffee shop, He went to the nearby Maria's processing factory. While walking on the road, Richard suddenly felt spiritually touched.

With the help of the expanded vision of this magical item, he saw a person who was not very tall secretly observing him in the blind spot behind him.

After being glanced at by him, the little man suddenly turned back into the darkness.

In the dark alley, Xio leaned against the wall in disbelief, feeling the warning flashed by the target just now, as well as his own spiritual warning that a hundred flowers bloomed, and couldn't help but gasp.

"MI[-] asked me to pay attention to the movements of this strong man? Even if his reward is one of the main ingredients of the "Interrogator" potion, I dare not continue..."

"This Fusac spy doesn't look simple! Could it be a strong man from the Feysac Intelligence Bureau? What do you want to do when you come to Loen?"

Anyway, the linker has already told me the two main materials, so I'd better give up this task and go collect it myself.

Feeling that the target was gradually leaving his observation range, Xio relaxed a little.She made up her mind to tell the contact person that she gave up the observation mission, and the goal was beyond her ability.

That is at least a mid-sequence, or even higher. However, why is the gap in strength so large, and the connector dares to let himself accept the task?Is it because they have too many low-level informants, so it doesn't matter if they lose one or two... Xio clicked his tongue and clenched his fists angrily.

On the other side, Richard pushed back all the big and small eyeliners who were close to him, turned into the alley, and then penetrated the wall in the state of a wraith, and appeared directly in the guard room of the processing factory.

The "living corpse" Gavin Lied, who was polishing parts, instantly felt that the living corpse in the guard room had lost contact with him. He immediately felt that an enemy was attacking him. Just as he was about to rush out, another living corpse standing next to him was working. Suddenly, she reached out and grabbed his shoulder.

Gavin Lid broke out in a cold sweat for an instant.

The living corpse was a somewhat old middle-aged man, first he smiled at him, and then said seriously: "I have requisitioned your living corpse."

After speaking, the living corpse returned to Gavin Ridd's induction, let go of his hand, and continued to polish the parts expressionlessly.

This... he finally understood a little bit, nine out of ten it was a strong person whose rank in the organization was higher than his own who had confiscated his living corpse.Since he couldn't resist, he accepted the reality, and he continued to screw the screw comfortably.

In the small guard room, Richard appeared on the window glass in the form of a wraith, lit a match, and the living corpse in uniform squatted down, closed his eyes, and whispered in ancient Hermes:


"In the name of Richard Ernst I call:
"The spirit that wanders in the void, the scout of the War Bishop, and the messenger that belongs exclusively to Trainor Soren Vaughn."

Suddenly, the wind blew up, the flames were stained with a dark green, and the surrounding area was suddenly cold.

A slender white-gloved tabby cat jumped out from the corner of the shadows, looked up at Richard, and dared not speak angrily and complained in his heart:
You also know that I am the messenger who "belongs" to that guy?

"Riel, I'm asking you to do me a favor this time."

Ruier shook his fur, and the cat made a very humane expression of "Yi": "You say."

"I want you to go to Bayam in the Rorsted Islands and ask the person in charge, Garland De, the recent situation of the Spiritual Order and the Highland Kingdom's rebel army." A piece of paper floated out of Richard's pocket, it was from the newspaper The clipped report, "Go and ask him, when this incident happened, and if there is more detailed information on the number and number of combatants on both sides, come back and tell me after asking."

"Okay, is there any more?" The piece of paper floated in front of Riel. Riel glanced at it twice, not very interested in human cannibalism, but still folded the paper and put it away.

"No more. Remember to say hello to Trainor for me."

Riel responded, turned around and leaped lightly into the shadows, and disappeared in the material world in an instant.The flame in Richard's hand returned to normal, and it quietly disappeared from the glass of the guard's room, appearing in a corner outside the East District.

The Temperance Angel tugged at his collar, walked out of the corner, and headed to a nearby bakery.

The living corpse of the doorman fell to the ground in a half-kneeling position. Afterwards, he opened his eyes, stood up slowly, and looked around vigilantly.

Riel stepped briskly into the spirit world, roamed and took a walk all the way, and soon crossed the cities and coasts in the material world, and arrived at the corresponding spirit world area of ​​Bayam.

From the perspective of the spirit world, in the orphanage of the Ernst Foundation, a person surrounded by dead spirits and pale breath is the "janitor" Garland De.Not far away, there was a bloated silhouette of a man with spiritual brilliance, which was undoubtedly the little fat Sharf Maxwell who often came to eat.

Traynor's side has ended the disguise of Sharf's whereabouts, and has successfully pushed everything to the followers of human trafficking and the cult "Prime Moon".In addition, Sharf himself was just a Sequence 6 "craftsman". When he disappeared, he was alone and did not take the church's sealed item, so his disappearance was not a big deal.

Even Bonova Gustav, who was in charge of managing Roselle's descendants, has now given up the search and ended the pursuit of responsibility.

Riel jumped out of the spirit world, and suddenly appeared on the wooden box in front of Garland De.

Garland De was surprised for a moment, then adjusted his facial expression: "Hello."

This respectful attitude made Riel feel comfortable - he could show off in front of people who are not as good as himself, who would like to face people with a higher sequence than himself all day long?

So the demon cat raised its chin proudly, handed the paper-cut report it brought to Garland De, and asked casually, "Do you know anything about this?"

The janitor reported it seriously, read it seriously, and replied with a grim expression: "I know more details, including the cause and effect."

Riel raised his paw: "Write it down."

"There is a detailed report here, and I originally planned to report it to the leader."

Garland took a few documents and reported them meticulously to the Devil's Messenger: "The raid happened the day before yesterday, because the main force was the rebel army of the indulgent faction and some members of the 'Reconciliation Congress', so I didn't report it immediately, but I chose to contact the 'Lingjiao Mission' to obtain further information. I only sorted out the specific related incidents last night."

Riel's attention had drifted to Garland De's desk, because it noticed that there seemed to be pearls of good quality in it.

"The cause of this incident is that the Armed Forces of the Restoration Council led by Her Majesty the Queen successfully broke through the Loen army last week and temporarily occupied more than half of Aldera, the third largest city in Balam. Aldera has entered a state of war at present. , Conventional intelligence means can’t get in, but we can know that tense confrontation and street fighting are going on inside, and the blockade has not been lifted until today.”

"This can be regarded as a relatively good victory for the Restoration Council in recent years, which has boosted the momentum, so the rebels from all over the world have also heard the news."

"It was written in the report that it was not the Loen garrison that broke out with the Highland Rebel Army, but a sophisticated army. They wanted to go around the rear of the Restoration Congress for strategic strikes, attack villages or strongholds, and force the main forces of the Restoration Congress to The combat power turned around and returned to the defense. As a result, they encountered the indulgent rebels near the colonial city of Intis. Not long after they exchanged fire, the surrounding members of the Restoration Congress also reacted. The two factions have the same concept in resisting the North Continent, so they formed There was a melee between the two sides."

"The maximum number of participants in the battle is only Sequence 5, and the demigods didn't join, so it's not too serious."

As a cat, Riel doesn't care much about the spring and autumn style of human newspapers.As a demon, Riel was aroused by the melee in Garland De's description, thinking about sneaking in to sharpen his claws and have fun.

"That means the report is actually false?" it said.

Garland frowned slightly: "It's hard to say. But once the scale of the conflict intensifies, the rebels in the Southern Continent will immediately be at a disadvantage. Perhaps Her Majesty just wanted to use this occupation to force Loen to replace Aldera's governor, Or modify some of the treaties, because the human trafficking there is so serious that the whole village has disappeared.”

"Of course, Her Majesty's thoughts are radical and she has many supporters. It is entirely possible for her to liberate Aldera in one fell swoop."

It's just that it's hard to guarantee how long it will be liberated... Garland Dewei sighed incomprehensibly.

Riel yawned and stood up: "Give me all the information." The papers flew up by themselves, getting smaller and smaller, and then fell into the fur on its body, "Do you have anything else to say? "

"Her Majesty wishes to order another batch of light machine guns and heavy machine guns from Her Excellency Trainor."

"Any more?"

"No more, thank you for your hard work." Garland De immediately took out a pearl the size of a little fingernail from the drawer, Riel looked at it for a moment, and accepted it with satisfaction.

It shook its tail as farewell, and jumped off the wooden box.During this process, its body took on an illusory appearance, and then it slipped into the shadows and entered the spirit world.

"Both of them have something to say to Trainor..." Demon Maomao yawned and took a step forward, "Then I'll go back and find him first."

Trainor was guarding the pan-fried salmon in the pot, when suddenly his eyes blurred, and a piece of salmon was missing.

The War Bishop looked at a special wooden shelf in the kitchen, and sure enough, he saw that his courier was lying on it and started to eat fish pieces.

He touched the bottle next to him naturally, and poured some goat milk into the empty plate: "Did Richard summon you away?"

"You disappeared for three hours."

Riel happily ate the fish: "Is it time for lunch?"


"There are three servants missing in the house." The cat said, "They have all been fired. If this continues, you will have to cook by yourself. The Viscount, Your Excellency the Holy One, is it a bit too shameful to cook by yourself?"

"Ah. Father was promoted to Sequence One, and now his whereabouts are unknown. If I don't plan to leave, the next summon from the church will be God's punishment." Some of the mansion and fields have been sold in secret and turned into cash and jewelry. Stored in several bank accounts abroad, half of the servants in the manor are disguised by secret puppets. Trainer, who cooks himself, is in a very calm mood, "What's the matter with you, Richard?"

Riel jumped off the wooden shelf, landed quietly on the marble countertop, dipped his paws in some goat milk, and then licked his paws:

"The rebels from the Southern Continent are fighting with the Northern Continent again, and it seems that the fighting is fierce and chaotic."

"You want to participate?"

"I want to play."

"Okay, you go." War Bishop said, "Choose your target and don't leave any traces."

It immediately cheered up, spoke faster and briefly summarized the cause and effect, and finally added: "The Pale Queen of the Spiritual Cult wants to buy another batch of machine guns."

"The Restoration Congress has finally made a profit on the frontal battlefield. It seems that the Pale Queen has also paid for it this time, and the Gatling and submachine guns have indeed caught the Loenians by surprise." Place an order with the military factory in the Southern Continent, and discuss the details later."

"This time, the Loen people and the people from the southern continent fought near the Intis colony? There is no news in the country. Could it be that they were suppressed? It seems that there will be some diplomatic incidents... This is a big problem for the Sauron family. Good opportunity, I exposed myself by stealing the information of the differential machine before, but now I have reason to scold him diplomatically."

Those guys will definitely want to go further, such as taking advantage of the trend to change the governor of that colonial city... Hmph, it will definitely not succeed.Thinking about it, Traynor didn't intend to take care of the family's affairs, so he would disclose this information to the family and see their reaction.

The salmon was fragrant, and Trainer skillfully poured white wine into it to remove the smell and enhance the aroma, squeezed in half a lemon by the way, and added some minced onion, rosemary and cream according to his own preference.

"What happened to Ruen has nothing to do with me anyway. Compared to the Southern Continent, it is more practical for Richard to worry about himself."

Riel tried hard to look away from the fragrant salmon in the pot, feeling that the raw fish in his mouth was no longer fragrant: "He asked me to say hello to you on his behalf."

"Want me to temporarily monitor a slum in Loen instead of him? He also thinks too much about me."

"If I have such a great ability, I won't be able to stay with Intis."

Trainor spoke lightly, he scooped up a piece of delicious salmon, and put it on the plate of goat's milk that had already been drunk in front of Riel:
"I'll get the Faceless Doll. You'll bring it to Richard later."


I am busy with the things at hand for the time being, and I will update it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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